Abstrak Pembayaran Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) melalui Bank Sampah diluncurkan oleh Badan Pendapatan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Kota Mojokerto pada Desember 2016 sebagai upaya solutif meningkatkan kesadaran dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembayaran PBB. Salah satu kelurahan yang memiliki partisipasi aktif dalam Pembayaran PBB melalui Bank Sampah adalah Kelurahan Surodinawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis Efektivitas Pembayaran PBB melalui Bank Sampah di Kelurahan Surodinawan Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon Kota Mojokerto. Metode yang digunakan dalam pen…
Abstrak Partisipasi masyarakat menjadi syarat penting dalam proses berjalannya progam Desa atau Kelurahan Tangguh Bencana (Destana). Destana merupakan program yang diberikan untuk wilayah atau daerah yang memiliki tingkat rawan bencana tinggi dan masyarakat yang memiliki komitmen tinggi dalam melaksanakan program Destana. Partisipasi masyarakat dapat mencakup keseluruhan aspek pengembangan mulai dari perencanaan, pengawasan, dan evaluasi. Dalam proses Destana di Desa Sungonlegowo dapat permasalahan yaitu kurangnya singkron atara tujuan progam dengan lokasi implementasi Progam Destana di…
Abstrak Pembangunan kesejahteraan sosial menjadi bagian integral dari pembangunan sosial dan merupakan upaya peningkatan kualitas kesejahteraan sosial perorangan, kelompok dan masyarakat dalam kehidupan. Namun, pembangunan kesejahteraan sosial yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah saat ini masih menekankan pada pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi. Pendekatan pembangunan yang didasari pada paradigma pertumbuhan dalam implementasinya lebih menekankan pada hasil material dan target akhir daripada proses bagaimana pembangunan tersebut dijalankan yang lebih mementingkan pada aspek manusianya. Sehingga ini men…
As a result of the release of ISM 2.4 GHz frequency for use in the field of wireless data communication through the media and the lack of clarity about the rules in the use of a frequency of 2.4 GHz to be one factor interference in wireless communication. Interference generally occurs in urban areas the level of use of wireless data communication through the media is very high. Wireless devices 2.4 GHz are easily available and inexpensive, making the user media data communications using wireless LAN as a cheap alternative compared to other data communication media, such as Fiber Optic, Radio M…
AbstractUnit Pelayanan Informasi dan Keluhan (UPIK) is an e-government application built by the Yogyakarta City Government in order. UPIK becomes a container of input information in the form of complaints, questions, information, suggestions, and suggestions from the community, as well as providing solutions response to information that entered the Yogyakarta City government. The goal is to accelerate the service of information and complaints to be conveyed by the public without the need for a convoluted procedure. In its implementation, UPIK has several limitations, such as: updating of news …
Every year Yogja Infoservice Company get many offers information technology projects. Priority projects need to be done for efficiency and effectiveness of work with the joint meetingmechanism by a number of employees in charge of three things: technical, financial andadministrative Each field considered priority projects according to criteria that belong to each ofthese fields , which of profitable projects to take precedence in a more objective and prioritizedby each business unit in the company. Because of the decision reached by the collaborativework of three units of Decision Support Syst…
This research based on necessery of a tool which can help for breeder or extension agent in diagnosing disease of chicken livestock which is because of virus. The tool is an expert system which is besides to diagnose, this system is expected able to give the medication suggestion. This Expert system to communicate with the user in the form of question " yes" or "no". Method Inference used backward chaining with the model of Depth first search. Step system development composed : knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, mechanism inference, input scheme / output and implementation. Outpu…
Library materials (Library), which attracted many visitors seeking information library, the library collection according to its nature there are borrowed to take home and there was borrowed to be read in place, visitors to the library often has limited time to read diperpustakaan, so that not a few collections that often missing. In this research, library materials security system is required to use RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Which can mengidentifikasii affordable collection through frequency by putting RFID tags on the collection and RFID in the strategic area or the exit from the…
Context: Cohesion merupakan faktor yang sangat diperhitungkan dalam menilai tingkat kualitas sebuah software yang menggunakan dasar Object Oriented Programming (OOP) dalam pengembangannya. Semakin besar nilai cohesion maka class tersebut semakin independen sehingga semakin mudah dilakukan maintenance pada saat software berevolusi. Dalam pengembangan OOP diharapkan memiliki nilai cohesion yang tinggi.Objective: Paper ini menggunakan studi literatur sistematis terkait pada salah satu teknik refactoring yaitu extract class yang merupakan suatu cara untuk meningkatkan nilai cohesion dari sebuah cl…
Kesadaran masyarakat Dunia akan pentingnya kelestarian hutan menimbulkan permintaanpasar terhadap legalitas kayu atau produk kayu yang bersertifikasi dalam industri kayu. LEI(Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia) sebagai salah satu lembaga independent yang merupakanorganisasi berbasis non-profit konstituen mengembangkan sistem sertifikasi hutan. Sistemlacak balak memegang peranan penting dalam menjalankan skema CoC (Chain of Custody)bagi LEI. Metode pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini menggunakan FAST (Frameworkfor the Application of Systems Techniques). Sebagai organisasi berbasis konstituen, LEIm…
Computer graphics is the study of how to create images and animations (image sequences) involving computers, both hardware (hardware) and software (the software). In this paper, we will discuss the basics of using the Processing programming language computer graphics. The author conducted basic experiments using Processing on making size (size) in the window display, point (point), line (line), triangle (triangle), quadrilateral (quad), rectangular (rect), and ellipse (ellipse), as well as the shape coordinate system. Of the experiments that have been performed, resulting in a positive y coord…
Abstrak Skripsi merupakan suatu karya tulis ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa sebagai syarat dalam memperoleh gelar sarjana. Dalam proses pengajuan skripsi, tiap-tiap Perguruan tinggi memiliki caranya masing-masing, seperti menggunakan cara manual atau menggunakan sistem informasi skripsi. Secara umum sistem informasi skripsi dapat memudahkan mahasiswa dengan memberikan informasi mengenai pengajuan proposal skripsi, dan informasi lain mengenai skripsi. Sistem informasi skripsi yang ada di Teknik Informatika UPN “Veteran†Yogyakarta masih menggunakan cara manual dan tidak terd…
Multicriteria decision making methods MCDM technique takes preference to the idealsolution, TOPSIS is one of the more widely used MCDM methods in decision supportsystems. For the purpose of the work, the modified TOPSIS method into a form that canbe used for the implementation of web-based medical diagnosis system. In modifying TOPSIS method,  we utilize fuzzy logic te so users can more accurately describe their symptoms. Data provided by the modified TOPSIS method is often in …
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of leadership style, motivation and discipline to employee performance Notary in Pekanbaru Tambusai lord street. Data collected through questionnaires and conducted on 71 employees who are in the way Notary Tambusai lord Pekanbaru. Analysis of the data in this study using SPSS version 16. In this study did not use sampling techniques since the sample studied is the whole of the population, or so-called census data and testing techniques used in this study include validity, reliability with Cronbach Alpha , classic assumption test and multipl…
This study aims to determine the hedonic lifestyle of students in terms of financial intelligence. Hedonic lifestyles are the patterns of life of people who rely on pleasure. Financial intelligence is a person's ability to manage finances. It is assumed that student financial intelligence influences the hedonic style of students. This research is quantitative research. The research sample was all students in Madiun who were still actively studying. This study was tested with SPSS. 17 with simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are hedonic lifestyles not influenced by fina…
This study aims to determine the remuneration to the home industry Gamelan Mitra Jaya Magetan, to know the motivation of employees working at home industry Gamelan Mitra Jaya Magetan as well as to determine whether or not the influence of remuneration on employee motivation Mitra Jaya Magetan homeindustry. This research is a descriptive study using quantitative methods, data obtained from population samples were analyzed according to the statistical methods used then interpreted. In this research, data collection techniques used by researchers is a questionnaire or questionnaires, observation,…
This study aims to determine whether or not the effect of school facilities on student motivation in SMP N 1 Jiwan Academic Year 2011/2012. Determination of the sample in this study using a random sampling of the number of 48 students comprising the class 7A and 7B. The data collection method kueisioner. In analyzing the data using a simple linear regression, and to test whether the instrument is valid using the t test. The results indicate that school facilities have an influence on studentsâ motivation in the learning process in SMP N 1 Jiwan Year 2011/2012. It is obtained from the calc…
Quality is important in sales activities that need to be considered in order to meet the desires and expectations of consumers so that consumers will believe the products are made. In a study entitled "The Effect Of Quality Products At Home Sales Volume Industry Kripik Tempe" Abadi "Singgahan KartoharjoMagetan district" has a purpose: first to determine the quality of the Home Products Industry Kripik Tempe "Abadi" SinggahanKartoharjoMagetan district, both to determine the volume of sales in the Home Industries KripikTempe "Abadi" Singgahan District Kartoharjo Magetan.Based on the results of d…
The purpose of this research is to know how big influence of self efficacy variable consist of; Level, strength, generality to the learning outcomes of Mawapres (outstanding students) in STKIP PGRI Bangkalan. Where, students are taken are students who follow the mawapres in STKIP PGRI Bangkalan as many as 22 people. The analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The hypothesis of this study is Self Efficacy consisting of variable level, strength and generality influence on student learning outcomes. Based on hypothesis testing is acceptable. The findings of this study indicat…
Many factors affect academic achievement, one of which is the teacher. Teachers need to use teaching methods that are relevant to the content and objectives to be achieved in the learning. One method that can improve student achievement is the method of Peer Lesson. By applying the method of Peer Lesson, students will become active in the learning process because one of the friends group that knows more about the matter can explain the material to friends who are not informed about. Â Â Â Â Â This research was classroom action research by applying the model Cooperatif Peer Learning …