An industrial upgrading will result in a variety of wastes being released into the environment that ultimately impact on public health. One of the hazardous wastes is Pb. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation of Pb in blood to hb level, hematocrit, serum Cystatin C, SGOT and SGPT serum and health complaints on car paint workers of workshop in Rungkut Sub-district Surabaya. This research was an observational research with cross sectional design. Sampling method using simple random sampling. The study sample consisted of 24 people. The result of statistical test shows that ther…
Prognosis of cancer depends on variables, other factors, the stage of cancer, the biological warfare and general conditions when the cancer is diagnosed. Social status, economic status, and demographic issues choose in determining the stage of cancer when the patient first comes to the hospital. The purpose of this study to examine the role, nutritional status, and family history with breast cancer patients in Dr. Soetomo hospital. The study conducted in this study was a non-reactive or non-intrusive method. The sample in the analysis using simple random sampling with sample size of 95 patient…
Noise exposure with high intensity on working environment during long time exposure could induce physic and physicologycally disorder, giving feeling of uncomfortable and would affect stress and worker quality of life. In other side, social environment at working places that consist of social capital, family support, and good style of leadership phsyicologically giving feeling of comfortable and would reduce phsycologycal burden of workers. Aim of this study was to knew effect of environmental noise and social environment simultaneously toward quality life of workers. This st…
To solve the problems listed above made an application that is able to provide the certainty of an empty parking lot, parking information looking for how many locations are available and time is not run out useless because of looking for parking locations and thus can save the use of fuel other than that with a system that this made will reduce the level of customer disappointed for not getting the location of parking.
Asthma and respiratory disorders one type of disease affecting humans. Based on interviews with the doctors at the lungs poly Dr. Soetomo public hospital, a variety of asthma and respiratory disorders have many symptoms that are similar and some have only differentiated by only one symptom. Required accuracy and sharp analysis for a doctor to reveal a type of asthma in order to give appropriate treatment to the patient. One way to overcome the problems above is by designing a rule-based system for the problems of asthma and respiratory disorders. By using the facts provided by the user the sys…
The expansion of marketing areas is the mission that needs to be done by all companies, including by PT. DAPI (DuPont Products Agriculturan Indonesia). One cause of the difficulty of PT DAPI to expand the marketing area is the lack of information on potential land in Indonesia. Not to mention the vast area of Indonesia with a few islands and some areas are still a wilderness that is difficult to reach. DuPont currently do not have a system that can analyze potentially useful area to be a reference to conduct target marketing area expansion. Potential area is the area of the earth´s surfa…
The development of time making the development of technology is increasingly, and the need for information system becomes important. Similar to other software house, SSI prosecuted to be able to produce a quality information system at competitive rates. ABC is one of the methods used by project management information system to calculate the cost of the project. This system was built to help the project costing information system. The estimated cost is used as the control over project execution. This system is also built to help control and project management information system. From the implem…
Management becomes indispensable in this era. Project management was one of that. In the knowledge area, project management can be divided into cost and time management. The goals of cost and time management are to produce a calculation of an effective estimated cost and efficient time management. This system was built to produce an effective cost estimate calculation based on Cost of Quality method and good time management based on Critical Path method. After the implementation and evaluation, the system has success to created project cost estimate and time management based on Cost of Quality…
Abstract:.Darmo Hospital Surabaya is the one of biggest hospital at Surabaya City. So many visitors visit this hospital every day. Some visitors come to this hospital to visit their families or friends that are treated at this hospital. Some others visitor come to this hospital to do medical check up or visit some hospital service there. Visitors don’t know or don’t remember where is the right room where their families or friends stay, also don’t know or don’t remember where is the hospital service location’s. They must ask that to the security or the information departement there ev…
Lembaga Manajemen Infaq dan shadaqah (LMZIS) is an institution which is engaged in social and propagation, such as collecting Zakat, Sadaqah infaq and Muslims in the ITS, alumni and the surrounding communities. In the implementation LMZIS notimplement a system of financial accounting information is good, one of which was not reported for managerial accountability to the public. In addition the management has not been able to evaluate the performance of the activity in each month. Given the existing problems in LMZIS, it is necessary to the existence of a financialaccounting information systems…
Praktikum Bahasa Pemrograman (untuk S1 Sistem Informasi dan D3 Manajemen Informatika) atau praktikum Algoritma dan Pemrograman II (untuk S1 Komputer Akuntansi) merupakan mata praktikum yang diadakan guna mendukung mata kuliah yang diadakan di kelas. Tujuan mata praktikum tersebut yaitu untuk melatih mahasiswa agar mampu menerapkan algoritma sederhana ke dalam pemrograman. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah bahasa Java (Java’s Language). Di dalam praktikum, praktikan diajar dan dipandu oleh Co-Ass. Ada 3 tahap yang harus dijalani oleh praktikan, yaitu tes awal, latihan, dan tugas prakti…
Infectious diseases are diseases that are harmful to infants because it can spread rapidly. Delay in treatment of diseases can cause more severe disease and difficult to cure. Cost to consult the experts are not cheap. Therefore parents need a system that has the ability as an expert for diagnosis of disease. Expert system diagnosis of infectious diseases in infants was built for the diagnosis of tropical diseases attributable to virus infection, fungus and bacteria. With this system parents can get answers to infectious diseases suffered by their toddlers. The system provides information on d…
As one of the institutions in education, STIKOM Surabaya also had evaluation of learning outcomes that is Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) and Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS). One of the purpose is to evaluate student learning outcomes of a course for one semester. For students, the results of UTS and the UAS is also one determinant of whether they graduated or not from the course they follow. For teachers, student test results can also be a reference for monitoring the level of student material understanding. From the results of evaluation classes, professors or teachers can monitor the success of the …
Abstrak Pelayanan publik merupakan usaha yang dilakukan suatu instansi pemerintah dalam bentuk sebuah barang, jasa, dan administratif yang dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip dan tanggung jawabnya dalam rangka upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat dan perundang-undangan (MENPAN No. 63/2003). Namun masih banyak masyarakat yang memandang bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan pemerintah itu masih kurang baik atau tidak berkualitas. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan pada pelayanan publik tersebut maka diperlukan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan pada suatu instansi pemerintah sebagai penyedia layanan publik yang di…
Abstrak Sebagai instansi penyelenggara pelayanan publik di tingkat pemerintahan provinsi, Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Jawa Timur melakukan berbagai upaya agar lebih cepat dalam pengurusan administrasi kepegawaian yaitu dengan membuat Inovasi Pelayanan E-Master. Inovasi ini merupakan Inovasi dengan pengurusan kepegawaian dengan mudah, cepat dan memangkas birokrasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan inovasi pelayanan E-Master di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitia…
Abstrak Sebagian besar masyarakat, khususnya para pelajar sebagai penerus bangsa dan kelompok potensial ini masih memiliki perhatian yang kurang terhadap arsip yang berfungsi sebagai penyambung cerita sejarah sehingga tidak sesuai dengan harapan dari implementasi Nawacita butir ke delapan. Kemudian, Lembaga Kearsipan Daerah (LKD) Provinsi Jawa Timur menerbitkan Layanan Wisata Arsip (Waras) yang dikemas dengan mengedepankan unsur edukatif, inspiratif, rekreatif, dan gratis. Tujuannya meningkatkan wawasan kesejarahan, nasionalisme, membangun jati diri dan karakter bangsa melalui sumber arsip. La…
Abstrak Munculnya keluhan masyarakat atas jarak tempat tinggal mereka yang membutuhkan waktu tempuh ± 1,5 sampai 2 jam perjalanan sehingga dapat mencapai titik pelayanan Samsat memerlukan suatu inovasi pelayanan publik. Memiliki komitmen untuk mendekatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat mendorong Kantor Bersama Samsat Nganjuk mengeluarkan Program LeyehLeyeh Sambil Pengesahan (Lesehan) Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan Inovasi Pelayanan Program Leyeh-Leyeh Sambil Pengesahan (Lesehan) Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor di Kantor Bersama Samsat Nganjuk. Me…
Abstrak Teknologi mulai diterapkan di berbagai instansi pemerintahan seluruh Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Timur, pada prakteknya Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Timur memadukan sistem informasi dengan sebuah layanan, layanan tersebut adalah Sistem Informasi Orang Terlantar (SIM-LONTAR). Layanan tersebut berfungsi untuk melayani orang terlantar di Jawa Timur, berfokus pada orang terlantar untuk kembali ke daerah asal dengan aplikasi. Sedangkan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk deskripsikan tentang Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Orang Terlantar (SIMLONTAR) Melalui Uni…
Abstrak Tugas pokok dari pemerintah adalah menyediakan pelayanan publik untuk masyarakat. Untuk mencipktan atau mengimplementasikan pelayanan publik yang baik terdapat peran dari Aparatur Negara untuk menjadi implementornya. Kecamatan Sukodono yang mempunyai tugas, tanggung jawab dan kewenangan di bidang pelayanan umum dituntut untuk mampu meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan administrasi perizinan (Khususnya untuk masyarat di Kecamatan Sukodono yang tersebar pada 19 desa) melalui Electronic Government, Kecamatan Sukodono meluncurkan aplikasi berbasis elektronik yang bernama Berkas Mlaku Dewe (BMW)…
Abstrak Program Peduli Gizi Balita Lamongan (PELITA LA) merupakan salah satu upaya pemerintah Kabupaten Lamongan dalam mengatasi masalah balita gizi buruk dan gizi kurang di Kabupaten Lamongan. Programini bertujuan untuk mencegah dan menurunkan prevalensi gizi kurang dan gizi buruk di Kabupaten Lamongan serta tercapainya derajat gizi yang optimal untuk balita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi Program Peduli Gizi Balita Lamongan (PELITA LA) di Puskesmas Lamongan Kecamatan Lamongan Kabupaten Lamongan.Pelaksana Program PELITA LA adalah Dinas Kesehatan Kabupat…