ABSTRAK  Proses belajar mengajar harus menggunakan metode yang tepat supaya mencapai tingkat keberhasilan yang maksimal. Metode Jarimatika adalah suatu cara  menghitung matematika  dengan  menggunakan  alat  bantu  jari.  Melalui metode Jarimatika, interaktif dapat meningkatkan Motivasi belajar siswa. Dengan asumsi bahwa, semakin tepat dalam pemilihan metode semakin meningkat Motivasi belajar siswa. Metode Jarimatika mengandung tahap pengajuan pertanyaan atau permasalahan,  tahap  pemusatan  pada  keterkaitan  antara  dis…
Karakteristik materi trigonometri adalah banyaknya rumus-rumus dan penerapan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang masih abstrak membuat siswa merasa kesulitan. Berdasarkanpengamatan banyak siswa yang mempunyai minat yang rendah dalam pembelajaran matematika. Minat siswa yang rendah mengakibatkan keaktifan siswa dan hasil belajar yang rendah. Salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan minat, keaktifan dan hasil belajar adalah penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Tujuan penelitian adalah meningkatkan hasilbelajar, keaktifan dan minat pada pokok bahasan trigonometri siswa kelas X-7 SMA Negeri 15 …
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul aplikasi komputer penelitian berbasis pemecahan masalah dan kontekstual yang valid, dan mengimplementasikannya dalam pembelajaran sehingga diperoleh pembelajaran yang praktis dan efektif. Data kevalidan diperoleh dari penilaian ahli, data kepraktisan diperoleh dari angket respon dan data observasi dosen dalam mengelola pembelajaran, sedangkan data keefektifan diperoleh dari data angket motivasi belajar, kemandirian belajar dan data tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah mahasiswa. Kevalidan dan kepraktian dianalisis dengan uji proporsi, se…
Solid waste of paper mill hydrapulper reject (HR) has a relatively high plastic content, with around 45-49% composition of the total HR. About 99% of the plastic has the catagory of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). HDPE is a type of Polyethylene (PE) plastic which has high recyclability and may be reformed at high temperature. This study tries to discribe the potential of producing particleboards derived from HR using a hot-press method. Molded HR was being hot-pressed at a presssure of 25 kgf/cm2for 5 ? 15 minutes of residence time, with a variation of of the amount of HR from 150-500 gr…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi tiga jenis tanaman air yaitu Zantedeschia aethiopica, Pontederia lanceolata, Echinodorus palaefolius sebagai fitoakumulator logam kromium. Sumber logam kromium yang digunakan berasal dari limbah cair tekstil yang telah diolah namun masih memiliki kadar krom total yang masih cukup tinggi. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah microcosm constructed wetlands dengan menggunakan pasir dan kerikil sebagai substrat tumbuh. Penelitian dilakukan selama 60 hari dan parameter yang di ukur meliputi akumulasi logam kromium pada tanaman, dan respo…
Biomass waste in the form of fiber dregs contains many components of lignocellulose and hemicellulose. Lignocellulose can be used to produce ethanol through enzymatic biotechnology processes. Sago palm fiber industry is one potential industry producing biomass waste in the form of solid waste of fiber dregs (about 30% from the weight of processed raw materials). Solid fiber waste contains crude fiber and lignocellulose compound consists of cellulose (35-50%), hemicellulose ( 20-35%) and lignin (12-20%). This study aimed to utilize solid waste of sago palm fiber as a raw material of bioethanol …
As the evolving of environmental issues over time, the development of environmental management approaches in industries began to shift to the prevention of pollution to reduce environmental impact. However, in practice, many obstacles encountered during the environmental management change to be more proactive. This study aims to explore the barriers of achieving the proactive environmental strategy in a rubber processing industry. Used a case study approach in a natural rubber processing factory, the data was collected through interviews with experts and sources as well as observation in the f…
Katalis asam padat berbasis niobia telah dibuat dan diuji coba untuk reaksi hidrolisis selobiosa membentuk senyawa glukosa. Untuk meningkatkan aktivitasnya, permukaan katalis dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan asam fosfat. Karakterisasi katalis dilakukan dengan menggunakan X-ray photoelectron sprectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), dan ammonia-temperature programmed desorption (NH3?TPD). Modifikasi pada permukaan katalis telah meningkatkan selektivitas katalis untuk membentuk glukosa dari reaksi hidrolisis selobiosa. Berdasarkan karakterisasi yang dilakukan, telah dipercaya bahwa kontribusi…
Industri pemindangan ikan dalam proses pengolahannya menghasilkan limbah cair. Limbah tersebut langsung dibuang ke sungai, hal ini dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan terutama bau akibat dari pembusukan protein.Kapasitasnya 150 m3 per-hari untuk 1 industri. Limbah cair rebusan ikan pindang mengandung beban cemaran yang cukup tinggi, dengan nilai permanganat 15.073 ppm dan BOD 5.380 ppm.Pengolahan limbah cair dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sistem batch dan kontinyu yang diamati setiap hari selama 8 hari (hari ke 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 dan 7). Hasil pe…
Pengendapan merupakan suatu cara yang paling sederhana, murah, dan banyak digunakan dalam proses pengolahan air limbah. Kinerja dari suatu design bak pengendap sangat spesifik untuk setiap jenis limbah, oleh sebab itu jika suatu peralatan sedimentasi dirancang tanpa suatu eksperimen, kinerja yang dihasilkan sering tidak memuaskan. Metode grafis merupakan salah satu cara dalam menentukan desain bak sedimentasi. Metode grafis dapat menghasilkan suatu desain bak pengendap yang tepat sebagaimana sistem komputasi karena ditentukan dengan eksperimen namun dengan cara yang lebih sederhana dan biaya…
The disposal of WWTP sludge is one of problems in textiles industry, which requires serious attention to find a way out. Utilization of sludge from the textile industry wastewater treatment, according to the Republic of Indonesia Goverment Regulation No.110 year 2014, can be used as a mixture of brick raw materials, must consider the availability of technology, meet environmental quality standards and meet technical requirements for use.Environmental feasibility refers to Goverment Regulation No.110 year 2014, carried out with TCLP toxicity tests on raw materials for soil, WWTP sludge and br…
Vinase anaerobic treatment is a one alternative process to treating vinasse. Microaeration is a one of process modification in anaerobic vinasse digestion that can improve the acidogenic performance. In this paper presents the influence microaeration in anaerobic vinasse treatment in kinetics aspect. The kinetics aspect was develop to approach and quantifying the effect of microaeration in anaerobic vinasse treatment systematically. Extract of cow dung was used as inoculums and vinasse 100 ppm as a substrate. Laboratory experiments using 4L vertical reactor (UASB) was conducted in 28 days and …
Studi ini membahas mengenai pengolahan limbah cair industri farmasi dalam skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan konsep anaerob-kimia-fisika dan anaerob-aerob. Proses anaerob dilakukan dengan menggunakan reaktor Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed reactor (UASBr) pada kisaran OLR (Organic Loading Rate) 0,5 ? 2 kg COD/m3hari, yang didahului dengan proses aklimatisasi menggunakan substrat gula. Proses anaerob mampu memberikan efisiensi penurunan COD hingga 74%. Keluaran dari proses anaerob diolah lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan dua opsi proses: (1) fisika-kimia, dan (2) aerob. Koagulan alumunium sulfat d…
The purpose of this research is to study the Guided Question method to improve students' literacy skills in SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh. This study uses quantitative, experimental research methods that are of the type of Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Data collection consists of pretest and posttest data on scientific literacy on the application of the Guided Inquiry method. Analysis of literacy data is calculated by using the Independent Sample T-test and the Mann-Withney U test. Data obtained from the test of two different parametric means by paired t-test (Independent Sample T-test) cla…
Crop Cabbage Caterpillars (Crocidolomia binotalis Zell.) are included in the orderLepidoptera. C. binotalis pest is a pest that attacks mustard plants. Pest controlefforts carried out by farmers in Indonesia still using syntetic insecticides thatcausing negatif effects on the environment, human health and increasing pestpopulations. Therefore, controlling which has been developed is using bioinsecticides namely natural bioactive compounds derived from plants one of which isa plant are plants Sambung Nyawa leaves (Gynura procumbens L.). The purpose ofthis study was to determine the effect of le…
Vegetation inventory research has been carried out (herbs, shrubs, trees) in the protected forest of Kedah Bungalow, Blangjerango District, Gayo Lues Regency, conducted in August to October 2019. This study aims to determine the types of herbal plants, bushes, trees found in the Kedah protected forest Blangjerango Subdistrict of Gayo Lues Regency, the approach used in this study was qualitative, the type of research used exploratory surveys, namely observing in the study area. The study was conducted using the quadratic method (plot), with plot area for herbs 2m x 2m, for bushes 5m x 5m and fo…
Pining Forest Pining District is one of the Leuser ecosystem areas. High population activities such as illegal logging, forest conversion, and hunting of wild animals, and land clearing by burning forests in the Pining forest area Pining District will impact on bird diversity. Observing data was carried out in August 2019. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of bird diversity in the Pining forest area of Gayo Lues Regency. The method used in this study is the direct observation method combined with line transect. The results of research conducted in the Pining Forest found 3…
Research entitled "Bird Species Diversity in Glumpang Tiga District, Pidie District". The purpose of this study was to determine the level of diversity of bird species. The method used is the line transet method (line transect), which is a method of observation by walking slowly continuously and recording all contacts along both sides of the travel path. The parameters used are bird species and bird diversity index in Glumpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency. Data analysis used Shannon Weaver diversity index formula, analyzed descriptively and displayed in tables and graphs. The results of the st…
ABSTRACTInsulin hormone deficiency is a cause of diabetes mellitus or diabetes. Research with the aim to determine the effect of giving senggani leaf extract (Melastoma affine D.Don) on the body weight of white rats (Rattus norvegicus L.). Research using an experimental method using RAL design consisted of six treatments and four replications. These treatments were normal, positive control (given glibenclamide), negative control (given Na-CMC), P1 (concentration 30%), P2 (concentration 60%) and P3 (concentration 90%) with observation time for 21 days. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variants…
ABSTRACTThe research entitled Diversity and Suitability of Trees at Several Green Lines of Banda Aceh City Highway has been completed in March-April 2019. The research aims to determine the trees species, the level of trees diversity, and the suitability of trees species at several green lines of Banda Aceh highway. This research belongs to the type of quantitative research. Determination of the sample location of the green line is done by purposive sampling, so we get 12 Banda Aceh city highways, each road used as an observation station. Data collection was carried out by the method of obse…