Abstract: This study aims to determine the enforceability of the scientific approach is based on the curriculum in 2013 in physics according to student perception. The research is descriptive survey method. The population is students of class XI Science High School Pekanbaru, while the sample is a class XI student from the high school curriculum of 2013 for 3 consecutive years. Data collection instruments through the distribution of questionnaires. Results of research keterlaksanaan scientific approach in physics obtained an average score of 2.97 in the category quite well. It can be concluded…
Abstrack: The aimed of this research is to design and build phisics learning multimedia interactive for light in Junior High School. This research was conducted at Riau University in April to June 2016. This type of research was Research and Development (R&D) and designed of multimedia interactive used ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) instructional design model. It using historyboard, flowchart and storyboard and as resultor of designed. It was use lectora inspire softwere. Based on data validity by 7 expert and 9 expert user that multimedia interactive was …
Abstract: This study attempts to describe the students creative thinking study results and knowing the significant difference at the students creative thinking study results through the application of think talk write type of cooperative learning model in heat main subject matter class X MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru. The kind of research is pre- experimental of intac group design comparison .The population of the research is entire students class X MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru. Samples are class X MIA 4 and X MIA 5 as a class experiment and class control by the amount of students in one class 27 students. D…
The aim of this research was to know how the fix assets record in PT. Arina Karya Sentosa (subject of research), what is the assets recorded as of Indonesian Accounting Standard (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan/SAK). The method to use of this research was qualitative descriptive, the operating of this method are to compare both the theoretical with PT Arina Karya Sentosa recorded to fix assets, and recently the researcher make decisions and recommendation to improve the fix assets recording system. The result of this research were to find PT. Arina Karya Sentosa Banda Aceh classified fix assets…
Pada dasarnya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah PT. Jamsostek telah melakukan perhitungan, penyetoran dan pelaporan dengan benar dan sesuai dengan perundang undangan yang berlaku saat ini terhadap Pajak Penghasilan pasal 21 (PPh 21). Dalam melakukan peneltian ini penulis menggunakan dua metode penelitian yaitu studi literatur (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (fiead research) yang terdiri dari meminta keterangan (inquires), penelitian (observation), dokumentasi (documentation) dan perhitunagn kembali (reperformance). Pajak penghasilan Pasal 21 merupakan pajak yang te…
Accounting practice is not just technical, but also a social practice and culture, as social and cultural practices, accounting course is not a stuck, it could have the power to affect the social life of the people (Rashid, 2002:6), even as the son of local culture (Masturi, 2003:3). Accounting education is needed as the factor as a function of culture and control, it can also have a strong influence on the intensity of management accounting role within the scope of higher education. Previous findings showed that there is a gap between academics and practitioners, no doubt management accountan…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem informasi berbasis komputer terhadap kinerja individual pada perbankan konvensional di kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bank-bank konvensional yang ada di kota Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 12 bank. Responden yang diambil adalah manajer dan supervisor serta posisi lainnya untuk setiap bank, dengan metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan metode sensus dan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuisioner kepada responden. Metode analisa data dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda yang bertujuan untuk …
        Management accounting information presented in very powerful company in purchasing raw materials. Raw materials can be used optimally in accordance with the criteria and in accordance with be existing data, the reports on the use of raw materials accounting period of the previous management. Inventories of raw materials can be compared to the use of which has been budgeted so that the production process can run continuously. Key words : information, accounting, management, raw material
Pada dasarnya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah PT. Jamsostek telah melakukan perhitungan, penyetoran dan pelaporan dengan benar dan sesuai dengan perundang undangan yang berlaku saat ini terhadap Pajak Penghasilan pasal 21 (PPh 21).Dalam melakukan peneltian ini penulis menggunakan dua metode penelitian yaitu studi literatur (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (fiead research) yang terdiri dari meminta keterangan (inquires), penelitian (observation), dokumentasi (documentation) dan perhitunagn kembali (reperformance). Pajak penghasilan Pasal 21 merupakan pajak yang te…
             The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the influence of institutional ownership and managerial ownership on firm value and its impact on the cost of equity capital either partially or simultaneously at the Stock Exchange listed companies manufacturing in Indonesia. This type of research is verification research with census method.The population of this study is that all manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange that owns shares of managerial and institut…
The objective of this research is to examine and analyze the influence of return on investment (ROI), cash ratio, current ratio, debt to total asset (DTA), earning pershare (EPS), and size as independent variabel to dividen kast as dependent variabel both simultaneously an partially in manufacturing companies listed in Jakarta stock exchange (JSX). Observation periods from 2001 until 2005. The type of research used in verification research or research to verify hypothesis with simple random sampling.The object of population are manufacturing industries which listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange (J…
           Objective of this research is to know accounting information system costing to Syari’ah Baitul Qiradh Surya Madinah Banda Aceh. Collecting data doing by field observation interview and literature study. Data analysis use descriptive qualitative that data doing evaluation and analysis based on theory. Objective is to make resume and give advise on accounting information system costing to Syari’ah Baitul Qiradh Surya Madinah Banda Aceh. Keyword : …
Pengendalian intern dan pembiayaan sangat penting artinya bagi setiap lembaga keuangan termasuk baitul qiradh. Tanpa adanya pengendalian intern dan pembiayaan maka baitul qiradh akan dihadapkan pada risiko kegagalan dalam menjalankan usahanya. Apalagi penyaluran pembiayaan merupakan salah ujung tombak kegiatan operasional dan usaha baitul qiradh, sehingga kelangsungan usaha baitul qiradh sangat tergantung dari sejauhamana manajemen baitul qiradh mampu melakukan pengendalian dan pengawasan pembiayaan secara baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan struktur pengendalian intern p…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model pembelajaran Pair Check for Make a Match dengan pendekatan kontekstual. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel jenuh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas VII SMPMuhammadiyah Purwodadi. Kelas VII A sebagai kelas kontrol, VII B kelas eksperimen, dan kelas uji coba adalah kelas VII G SMP Negeri 2 Purwodadi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: ketuntasan individual kemampuan penalaran tercapai dengan nilai 79,685 dan persentase ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 85…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis mahasiswa pokok bahasan himpunan kompak matakuliah analisis real lanjut kelas VI B pendidikan matematika, FKIP, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan dokumentasi analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, pengumpulan data, dan penarikan dan verifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dari 20 mahasiswa kelas VI B matakuliah analisis real lanjut yang mengikuti tes masing-masing diambil dua mahasisw…
The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is the influence of the use of props the opportunity to turn on the material opportunities for learning outcomes of students in class VIII SMP Negeri 8 Pagaralam..?. the porpuse of this research is to find the influence of the matter opportunities in matter opportunities of the result of student learning. The method research used is the experimentel method with Pretes-postest control group desain. sampel in class experiment VIII.C class of the students the 30 and 70,56 while the sampel in class VIII.E control of the cclassroom and t…
AbstrakBerdasarkan nilai ulangan harian dan angket yang disebarkan pada siswa kelas 8I SMP Negeri 1 Tambakromo tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 diperoleh data bahwa Hasil Belajar dan Curiosity dalam belajar Matematika masih rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan Hasil Belajar siswa dan Curiosity (keingintahuan)Â siswa kelas 8I SMP Negeri 1 Tambakromo pada pokok bahasan Pythagoras tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dengan alokasi waktu masing-masing 5 x 40 menit (dua pertemuan). Sejalan dengan hal tersebut maka untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada dilakuka…
ABSTRAKDari hasil belajar mata pelajaran Matematika Operasi Hitung Campuran di kelas II pada SDN 2 Turunrejo, diperoleh data dari 27 siswa yang mencapai KKM 65 yaitu sebanyak 12 siswa dan siswa yang mendapat nilai dibawah KKM sebanyak 15 siswa. Berdasarkan hasil belajar tersebut dilakukan penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran matematika tentang operasi hitung campuran menggunakan metode jigsaw dengan bantuan media manik - manik siswa kelas II semester II di SDN 2 Turunrejo Kecamatan Brangsong Kabupaten Kendal Jenis penelit…
This research is a Classroom Action Research consisting of 2 cycles. The subjects of this study were all 4th grade students of SDN Dadapayam 01. Techniques for collecting data were formative tests and observation sheets. The results showed that using Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) type with Media Realia can improve students mathematics learning outcomes. This can be seen when the pre-cycle students who completed the KKM were 6 students (40%), the first cycle increased which was around 9 students who met the KKM (60%) and in the second cycle there was a significant increase of 13 stu…
AbstractThe purupose of this research was to investigate any significant differences between STAD and CIRC learning method reviewed from the fourth grade of elementary school in Merbabu cluster learning outcomes in Mathematic. The type of the research is quasi research. The samples were the fourth graders of SDN Jeruk 1 with 29 students for the first group of the research and SDN Tarubatang 1 with 25 students for the second group of the research. Technique used in this research were descriptive analysis technique and statistical analysis technique with t-test. The result of the tcount was …