IPTEK1. Penerapan Sistem Pemasaran Terpadu dan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi padaSentra Industri Pengolahan Berbasis KedelaiSri Wahjuni Latifah (1 - 11)2. Perbaikan Proses Produksi dan Pemanfaatan Serat Kelapa sebagai PenggantiSerat Kain pada Industri Kecil Pembuatan Asbes (Studi Kasus pada IndustriKecil Pembuatan Asbes di Kabupaten Malang)Moh. Jufri, Ahmad Mubin, Nur Subekhi.............................................................KBPK3. Konsultasi Bisnis dan Penempatan Kerja di Universitas MuhammadiyahMalangAhsanul In'am, Dhaniel Syam, Sutawi, H. M. Agus Krisno, Jabal Tarik,Faturohman ..…
Penerapan Teknologi Pengoperasian, Perawatan danPelatihan Mikro Hidro di Desa. Karang Suko KecAMATANPagelaran KabUPATEN MalangMuhammad Irfan1, Machmud Effendy2, Ali Mokhtar3, Suwignyo4 1,2,3,4Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail : 1)Irfan_tsd@yahoo.com, 2)machmudeffendy@yahoo.com, 3)alimokhtar011@gmail.com, 4)wignyo_08@yahoo.comABSTRAKMicro hydro power plant ( MHPP ) Sumber Maron located in the village of Karangsuko, districts Pagelaran, Malang district. It has been in operation since 2011. Sustainability Mikro Hidro Power (MHP) system depends on many things , one of them is a …
Kuliah kewirausahaan merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam rangkamenumbuhkembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi mahasiswa. Melalui kegiatankuliah kewirausahaan tersebut diharapkan akan dapat memberikan informasiaktual tentang dunia bisnis kepada mahasiswa dan sekaligus dapat memberikanmotivasi kepada para mahasiswa agar tertarik untuk merintis usaha. Dorongan danarahan agar para mahasiswa tidak hanya mencari pekerjaan semakin mendesakuntuk dilakukan mengingat dari tahun-ketahun jumlah pengangguran terdidik(sarjana) semakin meningkat. Sementara itu disisi lain masih terbuka cukup lebaruntuk berwi…
Fungsi preparat dalam bidang studi biologi di SD, SMP dan SMU sangatpenting untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman langsung perihal tubuhatau bagian organ tertentu pada hewan maupun tumbuhan. Contoh sederhanamisalnya; ketika guru menjelaskan bahwa jaringan darah tersusun atas sel darahmerah dan berbagai sel darah putih. Kalau hanya dengan menjelaskan saja, berartiguru mengajak siswa berpikir abstrak tentang jaringan darah. Hasil pembelajaranini tidak memberikan pengalaman langsung sehingga siswa mudah lupa dan mungkinsekali terjadi akumulasi konsep yang berbeda-beda tentang jaringan darah…
APLIKASI BAHAN TAMBAHAN PANGAN (BTP) ALAMI DALAM PROSES PEMBUATAN PRODUK OLAHAN DAGING DI TINGKAT KELUARGAImbang Dwi Rahayu1, Sutawi2, Endang Sri Hartatie31,2,3Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangE-mail : 1) imbangdwirahayu@yahoo.com, 2)sutawi@umm.ac.id, 3)endang@umm.ac.idABSTRAKDaging merupakan pangan bergizi tinggi, menjadi media yang sangat baik bagi pertumbuhan mikroba. Bahan tambahan pangan pengawet sering ditambahkan dalam olahan daging, sehingga menghentikan, menghambat, menahan, memberikan perlindungan daging dari proses pembusukan. Namu…
Upaya untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dan untuk menyediakan lapangan kerja yang seluas luasnya dan membuka kesempatan wirausaha baru dalam bidang penyamakan kulit dan barang barang kulit maka perlu diciptakan Sinergitas pemerintah, swasta dan perguruan Tinggi telah menjadi kata kunci penting dalam mengembangkan kawasan industri kulit di Kecamatan Garum Kabupaten Blitar. Tujuan program IbW adalah untuk menciptakan sinergitas antara Perguruan Tinggi (Fakultas Peternakan-Perikanan UMM, Fakultas Peternakan UISBA) Pemerintahan daerah Kabupaten Blitar dan masyarakat di Kecamatan Garum dalam pengemba…
Usaha krupuk rambak yang dikembangkan oleh sentra industri kecil di Desa Kauman Kecamatan Bangsal Kabupaten Mojokerto. Meskipun penggunaan alat masih bersifat tradisional namun mutu produk dalam hal wama penampakan krupuk rambak lebih sehingga produknya lebih disukai konsumen. Permasalahanutama yang dirasakan adalah kebutuhan minyak goreng yang cukup banyak sementara harga minyak goreng yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan usaha untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, dengan demikian rumusan masalah adalah : Apakah sistem penjernihan minyak …
IbM INDUSTRI RUMAH TANGGA RENGGINANG KETANDI DESA LINGKUP KECAMATAN SUMBER PUCUNGKABUPATEN MALANGIndah Dwi Mumpuni1, Weda Dewa Adistianaya Dewa2, Dinny Wahyu Widarti31,2,3STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang Alamat: Jl. Laksda Adi Sucipto No. 249A MalangE-mail:1)indahstimata@yahoo.com, 2)wedadewa25@gmail.com, 3)dinnywidarti@stimata.ac.idABSTRAKDaerah pedesaan di lingkup Kecamatan Sumberpucung memiliki topografi seluruh wilayahnya adalah dataran sehingga sebagian besar penduduk pedesaan bermata pencaharian petani dan hasil penduduk sebagian besar adalah hasil pertanian khususnya padi. Salah satu…
IPTEK1. Penerapan Manajemen Usaha Dan Teknologi Lepas Panen DalamMembangun Agribisnis Hulu-Hilir Pisang Di Kabupaten LumajangIstis Baroh, Bambang Yudi A .................................................................... 1-152. Pelatihan Penulisan Cerita Anak Bagi Guru TK ABA Se-Kota MalangSugiarti, Supriyadi ...................................................................................... 17-243. Penerapan Teknologi OOPic Dan Sensor Untuk Mempercepat ProsesPerbaikan Velg Pada Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua (Studi KasusPada Usaha Perbaikan velg di Kotamadya Malang)Machmud Effendy, Zulfatman…
Nematode parasites generally found around the world. Research on intestinal parasitic nematodes in long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) has been carried out in Cikakak Village, Banyumas Regency. The aims of the research was to find out the diversity and prevalence of Nematodes parasite on long tail monkey. Survey methods was used in this research with determine the eggs of the nematodes parasite on faeces of 30 adults and 30 adolescence of monkey. The results of the study found five types of intestinal parasitic nematodes classified as " Soil Transmitted Helminths " namely Strongyloides s…
Information on benthic dinoflagellates in Indonesia is rare since it often neglected in many microalgae researches. Thus, not much information is available about the ecology of benthic dinoflagellates in Indonesia, especially for three important genus, Gambierdiscus, Prorocentrum and Ostreopsis. Sampling were carried three times: in August, October, and December 2013. The sampling was conducted around Pari Island. Bethic Harmful Algal Blooms (B-HABs) were collected in each sampling site using a modified PVC rig with 15x10 cm screen (artificial substrate) which placed at the bottom of the water…
Water pollution that occurs due to various human activities in Situ Lebakwangi's cause of water quality decrease based on Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 about Water Quality Criteria. The purpose of this research is to know the water quality of Situ Lebakwangi based on physical, chemical, and biological (coliform bacteria) factors. This research was conducted in Situ Lebakwangi, Bogor in January 2015. Physical factor parameters are temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), five days of biological oxygen demand, brightness and li…
Honey is a natural sugar produced by bees from the nectar of plants or secretions of living parts of plants or excrtions of plant sucking insects on the living parts of plants. Pollen is an important component contained in honey, as a source of protein for bees. The This study aims to determine the diversity of pollen which is a source of bee feed, and knowing the type of honey based on the type and frequency of pollen in honey in 5 villages in Boyolali Regency. The method used for the pollen analysis is acetolysis. The quantitative data of pollen analysis using Excel Software. The results sho…
Xanthorrhizol is a compound that has many uses such as anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihyperglycemic, antihypertensive, etc. However, this xanthorrhizol is only found in javanese turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) where this species only grows well in Indonesia. MatK from the GeneBank NCBI is used to find plants that are closely related to Curcuma zanthorrhiza. Multiple sequence alignment was done using ClustalX 1.83, and phylogenetic analysis was done using PAUP 4.0. The results of the reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree showed that white turmeric (Curcuma zedo…
Pakoba as an endemic plant in North Sulawesi has ethnomedical benefits in treating diabetes. The purpose of this study was to determine the histopathological of pancreatic hyperglycemic rats induced by alloxan by the administration of pakoba stem bark ethanol extract (PSBEE). Rats with an average weight of 150-200 gr were divided into 5 treatment groups. Group I as a normal control without alloxan administration then group II alloxan control, group III were treated with glibenclamide 5 mg/kgbw, groups IV and V were treated with PSBEE 150 and 300 mg/kgbw oral gavage. Phytochemical screening res…
The rise of tourism development has increased the exploitation of natural resources and the increasing pressure on the environment on small island groups in West Nusa Tenggara, some of which are Gili Nanggu, Gili Sudak, and Gili Tangkong. The lack of attention to natural resources environmental preservation of small islands that are vulnerable to environmental changes, the purpose of the study was to determine the structure, species abundance, and differences in vegetation conditions on these islands. The technique used in vegetation analysis was a purposive sampling method, with a sampling in…
Sea urchin is one type of aquatic biota that comes from echinoderms phylum. Biota is very abundant along the beach Trikora Bintan Island. This study aims to characterize and analyze the antioxidant activity and bioactive components contained in the crude extract of hexan and methanol sea urchins. Based on the results of this study, this biota has yield shell, thorn, viscera and gonad that is 42.62%, 18.07%, 27.31% and 12%. The result of extract of crude extract of intact fur with methanol (UMeOH), whole with hexan (UHx), gonad with methanol (GMeOH) and gonad with hexan (GHx) obtained yield of …
The Asteraceae family plants are reported to have various abilities as drugs. Artemisia belongs to the Asteraceae family has been used as a drug for malaria, and recent developments have been studied for its ability as anticancer agents. Cosmos caudatus, a member of the Asteraceae family that believed by many people for its ability to heal cancer. The aims of this study were to determine the content of quercetin, kaempferol, and artemisinin which is an anticancer biomarker compound in A. annua, A. vulgaris Linn., A. chinese Berg ex Poljakov, and Cosmos caudatus Kunth which grow in Kopeng blood…
The research about fishes diversity in Lebak Jungkal waters in Pampangan District Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in rainy and dry season was conducted on February till July 2013. The aim of this research were to analyzed diversity index and Evenness index of fishes in Lebak Jungkal in rainy and dry season. Fish samples were collected using purposive random sampling method. The obtained samples were count for species and individual number of each species as a basis for estimating the diversity and evenness indexes. During rainy season, as much as 3,406 fish individuals were caught and were identi…
The objective of the research was to find out work life balance issues for chefs at supervisory level in Hotels of Delhi. The supervisory level chefs are very critical to fulfill the requirement of the smooth operations for the different section of the kitchen or food production department. Supervisors have to monitor, guide and motivate the operative staff of any department or process; this becomes more important if it is food production department of a hotel. The objective of the study was to find out whether there exists a healthy work life balance in lives of supervisory chefs engaged in h…