Jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata L.) adalah salah satu sumber makanan yang banyak diminati masyarakat Indonesia. Produksi tanaman jagung manis di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah dengan rata rata 6-8 ton ha-1 . Produksi jagung manis pada tahun 2012 lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2013. Produksi jagung manis pada tahun 2012 adalah 19.377.030 ton, sedangkan produksi jagung manis pada tahun 2013 adalah 18.506.287 ton (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2014). Menurut Dinariani (2014), salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki sistem budidaya dalam meningkatkan produksi yaitu dengan perbaikan pe…

Kacang hijau memiliki rata-rata hasil 0,90-1,98 ton/ha sedangkan potensi hasil yang dicapai 2,4 ton/ha berarti hasil masih jauh dari potensi (Balitkabi, 2017). Penyebabnya adalah pengaturan populasi tanaman dan pemupukan yang kurang tepat. Oleh karena itu perlu upaya mengatur populasi tanaman yang tinggi dan membutuhkan peningkatan dosis pupuk N, K. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pengaruh pengaturan populasi tanaman dan pemupukan N, K pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kacang hijau. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Lahan Desa Dadaprejo Kecamatan Junrejo Kota Batu pada bulan Sept…

In education today, school heads rely on strategic planning to prepare and manage the school’s academic excellence goals. The study employed a, qualitative longitudinal trend approach investigating the perceptions of the selected heterogeneous primary school Heads in Malaysia toward continuous quality improvement (CQI) in the school strategic planning (SSP) in sustaining quality education. The study involved a one-to-one interview with the selected heterogeneous primary school Headmaster and Head- mistresses in thirteen schools, i.e., four from the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia a…

Self-medication is a self-administered treatment, Self-medication is the most public effort to overcome the symptoms of disease without medical supervision. Lack of public knowledge about over-the-counter and drug-limited medicines in drug services. Therefore, there is a need for a system to find related information about Self-Medication knowledge, such as a system that can answer questions posed by user interactively about knowledge of Self-medication or commonly known as interactive question and answer system. Self-Medication Interactive Question Answering System (SMIQA) is a question and an…

NOSQL databases are in the base of storage of Big Data. They can store large volumes of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Using NOSQL database to store ontology can take advantage of Big Data storage. This give benefits in storing Indonesian folk songs storage that usually vary and have sparse / incomplete data. This paper illustrates an approach to store data of Indonesia folk songs in NOSQL based database. We choose to deal with MongoDB. We present our steps of approach in storing, collecting, analyzing and retrieving ontology on NOSQL based database. Keywords : Ccloud C…

The implementation phase at FAST method is established after the Construction Phase is already completed with a reference used in implementing the application based on use case, class diagram andactivity diagram fully designed at the previous phase.The testing conducted useswhite box testing. Of the advantages is when the application is tested, it can find out codes and strategies that take a role in developing the functions of each application module effectively. This seems to support the information system development with FAST method which one of its benefits to give a performance and accur…

Entrepreneurship education in order to realize the national development has a role to create graduates who are competent in managing potential abundant natural resources. Resource management should be supported by an innovative and creative human resources. In this case the entrepreneurship education has a major role especially in support of national development in the border area. Besides a role in national development, entrepreneurship education in the border area also has a role to improve national resilience. As a form of national defense, education, entrepreneurial role in promoting educa…

This paper represents a discussion about one of the usage of CBIR (content-based image retrieval) in our daily life. The agriculture field had developed tremendously in applying technology throughout the years. Farmers are now able to cope up the problems to produce the maximum production. In order to maximize the process, there are specific technologies that can help the farmers to recognize and prevent the plant diseases at early stage. If the process of recognition is done manually, it consumes a lot of human energy by examining each of the plant in a whole thousand hectares. So, researcher…

The result of this research showed that the business activities carried out by the college students were grouped into five clusters. They were: a) agriculture, b) livestock, c) fashion, d) handicraft, and e) culinary. Referring to the clusters, the businessmen among college students did some important steps to get advantages. One of the important steps was mapping the conditions in each of the categories. The mapping is directed on the particular segments based on lifestyles, such as: business enterprising types, resident types, social types, and entertainer types. The strategic steps were in …

This study aims to examine the role of Social Banking Performance Disclosure to improve the financial performance of sharia banks. This study uses a sample of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia that publishes annual report. Hypothesis testing using simple regression with 95% confidence level. The main variables used in this study consist of six disclosure themes with ISR index, ie funding and investment, products and services, employees, community, environment, and corporate governance. The results of this study indicate the Disclosure of Funding and Investment, Products and Services, Employ…

 The Graduate Program of Information Technology Department of IBI Darmajaya has some concentrations. They are Software Engineering and Information Systems. During this time, the decision made by the students to choose the topic of their thesis is based on their interest on the providedconcentration, not based on theirexpertise.Beside the scores of the course that the students take, there are other factors that influence in selecting the concentration. They are interest and motivation possessed by the students. These factors can early help the students develop the skills that they have so th…

In this research will Develop Online Teaching Media Application As A Strategy Strengthening Human Resources Competitiveness Facing Globalization. Where the specific purpose of this research is to help the government in its efforts to educate the life of the nation by providing competitiveness and scholarship skills that could only be obtained in college to the graduates of high school and vocational school who can not follow the education in college, whether because of limited funds and because they prefer to work, for free through online teaching media. This online teaching medium will provid…

Abstrak : Metode Problem Based Learning merupakan salah satu jenis metode pembelajaran bersandarkan pada psikologi kognitif yang mengasumsikan bahwa belajar adalah proses perubahan tingkah laku berkat adanya pengalaman. Ditinjau dari aspek filosofis tentang fungsi sekolah sebagai arena atau wadah untuk mempersiapkan anak didik agar dapat hidup di masyarakat, maka metode ini merupakan strategi yang memungkinkan dan sangat penting untuk dikembangkan. Pemecahan masalah dipandang sebagai suatu proses untuk menemukan kombinasi dari sejumlah aturan yang dapat diterapkan dalam upaya mengatasi situasi…

Pendidikan merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan kehidupan, peningkatan kualitas hidup, baik dari segi keilmuan, perilaku, dan kemanfaatannya dalam masyarakat, umumnya dalam kehidupan  berbangsa dan bernegara. Oleh sebab itu pendidikan harus senantiasa dikembangkan sesuai dengan perkembangan dan tuntutan zaman, termasuk juga Pendidikan Kepemimpinan. Hal ini bertitik tolak pada realita secara global, dewasa ini kepemimpinan umat Islam di dunia sedang carut marut menghadapi berbagai cobaan dan ancaman, dunia Islam sedang goyang akibat kurang istiqomahnya pemimpin mereka. Hal i…

Tujuan penelitian ini membahas pengambilan keputusan yang digunakan dalam penerapan manajemen kualitas total dalam Pendidikan (TQME). Keputusan yang diambil dalam TQME memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, karena prioritasnya adalah kepuasan pelanggan. Karena itu, keputusan perlu mempertimbangkan tantangan global, karena itu juga cukup mempengaruhi kebutuhan pelanggan dan minat layanan pendidikan. Pengambilan keputusan untuk TQME harus mempertimbangkan yang selalu responsif dan kontekstual sesuai dengan indikator kepuasan pelanggan

Perwujudan pendidikan yang multikultural tidak hanya sekedar siswa dapat materi di sekolah, akan tetapi siswa juga harus dapat merasakan langsung praktek multikultural. Dengan demikian, guru, kepala sekolah, staf-staf sekolah, karyawan, dan satpam harus bisa menciptakan atmosfer multikultural di lingkungan sekolah. Dan, pendidikan multikultural seharusnya tidak hanya diperoleh di pendidikan formal saja, akan tetapi pendidikan non formal dan pendidikan informal juga harus menerapkan sistem multikultural. penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan yang mana data diambil dari buku-buku, ju…

Era 4.0 telah membawa perubahan dalam tatanan kehidupan manusia mulai dari tatanan perilaku sampai dengan tatanan organisasi. Dan pendidikan bisa menjadi solusi atasperubahan fundamental tersebut. Namun pendidikan Islam yang hendak diterapkan hendaklah sebuah pendidikan Islam yang tersistematisasi dengan baik.hal ini dikarenakan pendidikan Islam bukan hanya akan membangun manusia pada kompetensi ilmu pengetahuan agama namun juga ilmu pengetahuan agama yang semuanya bersumber dari Al-Quran. Melalui pendidikan Islam yang tersistem baik akan membantu membentuk kepriadian para peserta didik pada s…

Kualitas Lembaga Pendidikan Islam tidak terlepas dari kualitas gurunya. Guru yang berkualitas akan mampu membantu Lembaga Pendidikan Islam mencapai visinya. Guru berkualitas jumlahnya tidak banyak. Untuk itu, Lembaga Pendidikan Islam perlu menerapkan manajemen pemberdayaan guru agar para guru semakin berdaya dan berkualitas. Manajemen memiliki 4 (empat) fungsi utama, yaitu perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengawasan. Strategi manajemen pemberdayaan guru harus menyeluruh meliputi analisis dan desain kerja (visi), perumusan kualifikasi sumber daya manusia, proses rekrutmen, proses …

Memory method is a classic learning method that has been used by the Arabs since Islam began to come. Until now this method is still often used in pesantren salaf and modern pesantren. IAIN Jember is the only Islamic state college located in the horseshoe. The development and progress in IAIN Jember has undergone some changes to the learning method used in Arabic learning along with the development of Arabic language learning innovation. But in fact there are some Arabic instructors who are still strongly maintaining to use the memorization method in Arabic learning. Even though it was a lot o…

The emergence and existence of the madrasa cannot be separated from the Islamic reform movement which was initiated by the efforts of a number of religious intellectuals who were later developed by Islamic organizations in Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan. Educational institutions currently have three models that have developed in Indonesia, namely schools (general) as mentioned above, madrasas (religions) as well as those mentioned above, and pesantren. The three according to some thinkers cannot realize the education objectives of the National Education System. The author Analsis stated the subs…