Pada performa kapal, interaksi antara kapal dengan gelombang sangat dipengaruhi oleh bentuk kapal dan kondisi perairan, sehingga kapal yang dirancang perlu untuk dikaji dan diteliti performanya khususnya mengenai Seakeep. ing., khususnya kapal perintis 750 DWT sebagai objek penelitian Pada proses disain kapal, aspek ship respon di gelombang sangat penting untuk diprediksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan karakter performa kapal di atas gelombang berdasarkan gerak heaving dan pitching. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah simulasi numerik dengan bantuan software Maxsurf, dimana h…

Kapal Basarnas tipe FRP merupakan kategori kapal cepat yang digunakan untuk memberikan pertolongan bila terjadi kecelakaan / musibah, di alur pantai, sungai, danau dan laut, dengan kemampuan olah gerak yang baik, kapal berbahan Fiberglass ini memiliki bobot yang relatif ringan dengan daya mesin yang besar sehingga menghasilkan kecepatan diatas 20 Knot. Daya mesin yang besar tersebut membutuhkan supply air pendingin dari sea chest yang besar pula, sedangkan seiring bertambahnya kecepatan kapal volume air yang masuk kedalam sea chest cenderung menurun sehingga dibutuhkan design stripped shield y…

Pendahuluan : perawat berperan dalam merawat pasien dalam keterkaitan dengan kenyamanan pasien-pasien dengan total bedrest, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan miring kanan dan kiri..Tujuan : untuk memgetahui efektivitas mobilisasi miring kiri miring kanan yang dalam hal ini posisi miring 30 derajat dalam upaya pencegahan pressure injury/luka tekan pada pasien sepsis.Metode: Metode yang digunakan Post Test Only Control Group Design dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 30 responden.Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mobilisasi miring kiri miring kanan ada pengaruh dalam pencegahan pres…

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The occurrence of two mactrid bivalves, Mactra (Mactra) queenslandica E.A. Smith and Heterocardia gibbosula Stoliczka, in coastal water of Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia is reported here. They are described and illustrated based on the local specimens collected. Previously, the distribution of M. queenslandica was reported only from northern-north-east Australia. This finding revealed that the distribution of this bivalve reaches Indonesia waters. Meanwhile, H. gibbosula is common in south-east Asian waters, however this is the first record for Indonesian waters. This result indicated that mor…

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There are different theoretical paradigms within the world of education. Each has its own ideology. In its turn, an ideology determines goal of education and its way of proceedings, curriculum and its educational methodology, quality of the graduates and its alumni. Within a context of sosial and cultural pluratity of the Indonesian society, an inclusive and pluralistic paradigm is recommended. Indeed, such paradigm is in line with the teaching of Islam.



Discussion on social-political ethics brings us to understand that democraticsystem has to give space for the people’s participation when a public policy istaken. Democracy or “government by and for the people” requires some form ofrepresentation and must bring the people to the welfare society. Welfare society isnot only how to fulfill the basic needs of the people but also how to empower theconducive interaction and relationship among them. For this reason, democracytakes freedom and justice to be the basic ideal for living together. Freedom andjustice will grow the person…

In Islamic tradition, Muhammad is believed to be a prophet; and his prophethood was proved with a miracle in the form of i’jaz al-Qur’an. This means that anyone was challenged to bring something like the Qur’an at the level of its eloquence, and yet no one was able to do it. The prophethood of Muhammad was then transmitted from one generation to another generation by his followers, through the Islamic history, from the 2nd till the 4th or 5th centuries of the Hijriah. The report of the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad is called hadith. Two main components of a hadit…