This study aimed to determine the contribution of speed, leg strength and balance of the results of long jump squat style. The method used was survey with data capture shoot one model (one time of data collection). The population used was students class XI of SMAN 8 Bandar Lampung with a sample number of 36 students. The sampling was using proportional random sampling. Data were collected by using simple regression. The results showed that the speed has contributed to 70.5%, the strength of the legs has contributed to 53.1%, the balance has contributed to 24.3%, speed, leg strength and balance…
This study aimed to compare the effect of a tactical approach model and technical approach to the accuracy of baseball punch. The method used in this research was experimental. The sample was 30 students and divided into two groups by using ordinal pairing. Data were taken by initial test and final test and then analyzed by using t-test. The results showed that average of male students scores on the initial tests on tactical group were 2.32 and women 1.77. While the average of male students scores on the technical group were 2.30 and women 1.71. After being given the treatment and conducted fi…
This study aimed to determine how much the influence of the audio visual and direct learning model against the basic motion of handball flying shoot at SMPN 2 Waytenong. This researchused comparative experimental research methods, The population were 159 people . with a sample of 40 people. Sampling technique used random sampling. The results showed that there is significant effect between audio-visual learning to handball flying shoot at SMPN 2 Waytenong. There is significan effect between direct learning to handball flying shoot at SMPN 2 Way tenong . And there is no difference between the a…
This study aimed to determine how much muscle power, contribution of arm power, leg strength and flexibility to the results of back roll. The research methodology used was survey method with data analysis was using linear regression. The sample used 21 students from the population of 143 students who were boys SMP N 1 Central Coast. The analysis result showed that arm muscle power was significant with the result of back roll which was 0.332. The correlation coefficient of the leg muscle strength with the roll back results was 0.419. While the correlation coefficient of flexibility with the rol…
This study aimed to determine the effect of outbound and football to increase the cohesiveness at class VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Agung Jati South Lampung. This type of research was a comparative experimental or quasi-experimental. The sample in this research was class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Jatiagung South Lampung as many as 38 students. Data were analyzed by using t-test. The results showed that there was an influence of outbound to increase the cohesiveness (t = 14.302 t table = 2.101). There is an influence of football games to increase cohesiveness (t = 8.976 t table = 2.101). There is a difference…
This study aimed to determine the effect of up and down the bench exercise to increase the results of triple jump. The method used in this study was the experimental method. The population in this study were students in high school extracurricular of athletic at SMA Swadhipa with the sample used in this study were the total population of students in athletic extracurricular of 40 students so this research was called the population study. Data were analyzed by using t test. The results showed that there was a significant effect of up and down the bench exercise against the triple jump results i…
The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of leg strength, stomach, arm, and spine to the candle attitude. The method used was a survey. The sample used was 79 students of male and female students. Thus, the sampling was using random sampling technique. Data were collected by the test and measurement techniques and data analysis was using regression techniques. The results showed that the leg strength of male and female student to the candle attitude have a contribution of 28,4% and 32,5%, the stomach strength has a contribution of 23,4% and 26,0%, the arm strength has a cont…
The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of arm power, leg power, and flexibility to the results of javelin. The research methodology used in this research was survey method with the approach of one shoot models. Sample were 33 students obtained from the population which were 131 students and obtained through random sampling techniques. Data collection techniques were using test and measurement and data analysis technique was using simple linear regression. The results showed that arm power has a value of t count 6.507 t table 1.696, leg power has a value of t count 3.694 t …
This study aimed to determine the contribution of long limbs, power leg, thigh circumference, and balance against result of long pass. The methodology used in this research was correlational descriptive. The subjects included 30 students of alap-alap muda Rumbia football academy. Test of leg length data was measured by using anthrophometer, leg power with a standing broad jump, thigh circumference with anthrophometer, balance with balance one and analysis data by using regression. The results showed that leg length has a contribution of 20.2%, leg power has contribution of 57.2%, thigh circumf…
Prestasi belajar merupakan hasil usaha belajar peserta didik, semakinbaik usaha belajar yang dilakukan, maka akan semakin baik pula prestasi belajarnya. Keberhasilan prestasi belajar, selain dipengaruhi faktor internal dari dalam diri peserta didik, juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal dari luar diri peserta didik. Salah satu faktor eksternal yang sangat berpengaruh adalah faktor lingkungan sosial. Faktor lingkungan sosial ini dapat berupa dukungan dari orang-orang di sekitar peserta didik yang perduli dan bertangungjawab terhadap perkembangan peserta didik (misalnya orang tua, guru, teman, …
Seiring perkembangan zaman, peran pendidikan di perguruan tinggi sangatlah penting untuk menyiapkan siswa menjadi pribadi yang memiliki kemampuan untuk bisa mengembangkan bangsanya untuk lebih maju lagi. Berdasarkan hasil laporan data siswa yang melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi di SMA Negeri 1 Depok, Sleman, D.I Yogyakarta bahwa lulusan SMA Negeri 1 Depok, Sleman, D.I Yogyakarta 99% melanjutkan pendidikan ke Perguruan tinggi. Akan tetapi pada kenyataan sekarang ini banyak lulusan SMA dari sekolah lain yang memutuskan untuk tidak meneruskan pendidikan ke Perguruan Tinggi, ada yang…
Aktifitas ekstrakurikuler seharusnya tidak membuat prestasi peserta didik menjadi turun.Yang menjadi kesenjangan adalah banyaknya kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang ditawarkan oleh pihak sekolah membuat peserta didik ingin mengikutinya dan tanpa peserta didik sadari waktu dalam berkegiatan ekstrakurikuler berbenturan dengan kegiatan kurikulum yang ada di sekolah. Sehingga dibutuhkan self-manajement yang baik bagi peserta didik.Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian lapangan dengan model kualitatif, metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi dan wawancara dengan Guru BK. Analisis data yang digunakan adala…
Dalam kehidupan individu ada berbagai cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi, secara umum ada 3 strategi, yaitu (1) emotion-focused coping, (2)problem-focused coping, dan (3) avoidance coping. Sementara itu, agama memberikan peran bagi individu dalam proses coping yaitu (a) menawarkan maknakehidupan, (b) memberikan sense of control terbesar dalam mengatasi situasi, dan (c) membangun self esteem.
Laboratorium bagi institusi pendidikan seperti jurusan BKI fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi memiliki arti penting bagi eksistensinya, serta berperan penting dalam pengembangan kompetensi mahasiswanya. Melalui laboratorium inilah kualitas mahasiswa sebagai calon lulusan akan dihasilkan. Oleh sebab itu, laboratorium yang ideal dan representatif guna mendukung Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi harus direalisasikan dan ditingkatkan mutunya, karena keberadaannya sangat strategis bagi eksistensi jurusan BKI, serta kualitas mutu lulusan. Laboratorium yang ideal dan representatif tersebut, paling tidak harus …
Abstrak Layanan bimbingan dan konseling sangat luas pengertiannya tidak sekedar tentang administrasi BK yang sistematis terhadap peserta didik, menyusun program tahunan, bulanan, dan harian, merencanakan program lapangan, format perkonselingan, evaluasi hasil. tetapi lebih kepada kreativitas dan tanggung jawab individu guru BK, karena sering sekali para guru BK terpaku dengan konsep yang baku, akibatnya komunikasi antara guru BK dan peserta didik sering terputus, seyogyanya paling utama dari layanan BK adalah tercapainya tugas perkembangan di dalam diri peserta didik yang meliputi aspek prib…
Kehadiran Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern telah menjadi wawasan baru sekaligus menempatkan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam pada posisi yang cukup konfliktual dalam perkembangan keilmuan di Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi pada umumnya dan keilmuan Bimbingan dan Konseling di institusi pendidikan maupun di masyarakat pada khususnya. Walaupun Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi bukan bidang kependidikan, tetapi orientasi aplikasi keilmuan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam dapat diterapkan pada semua latar belakang kehidupan, baik pendidikan, masyarakat, bahkan dalam pr…
Abstrak Peranan Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling Dalam Membantu Penyesuaian Diri Siswa baru di SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai peranan guru BK dalam membantu penyesuaian diri siswa baru di SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakn penelitian kualitatif, dengan mengambil lokasi di SMPIT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara/interview, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan menggunakan teori Milles dan Huberman dengan mereduksi data yang didapat kemudian menyajikan data ke dalam pola dan…
This study aims to determine the relationship between personal guidance and assertiveness students of class VIII MTs Negeri Yogyakarta 1 using a quantitative approach. In this study there is one independent variable and one dependent variable. The independent variable in this research is personal guidance (X), while the dependent variable is assertiveness (Y). This study is research population with total population of 58 students. The main data collection techniques such as scale, while interviewing and documentation as a complementary data. Data analysis using Product Moment correlation study…
Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling merupakan profesi yang menuntut profesionalisme yang tinggi dalam memberikan bantuan terhadap siswa di sekolah. Tuntutan kerja tersebut, tentu dapat memberikan tekanan psikologis bagi dirinya. Sehingga, profesi ini memiliki resiko besar untuk mengalami burnout. Karena tuntutan pekerjaan tersebut bisa menjadi tekanan yang menelurkan stres kerja,yang berujung pada burnout. Burnout adalah suatu keadaan berupa kelelahan fisik, mental dan emosional yang banyak dijumpai pada mereka yang pekerjaannya melayani banyak orang serta penuh tuntutan emosional. Oleh sebab itu, ar…
The research aims is to observe content of photo news on ?Jepret? rubric of Pos Metro daily. A photo has the ability to present a news in detail. Reader does not explanation such narrative description. Therefore, a photo able to record anything and objectively present the event that contain element of news. This research use content analysis to observe and measure the content of communication medium. The result shows that the appearance and size of ?Jepret? rubric on the daily accordingly to Pos Metro policy,