Peneilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbuatan kurator dalam melakukan pemberesan dan pengurusan harta pailit terhadap kreditor separatis yang merasa rugi atas penjualan jaminan kebendaan yang secara langsung dipercayakan pada kurator tanpa mencoba melakukan haknya terlebih dahulu. Responden pada penelitian ini ialah kurator PT. Metalindo Perwita. Yangdimana dalam hasil penelitian ini kurator sudah melakukan pemberesan dan pengurusan harta pailit tersebut secara tepat, benar dan memenuhi asas transparansi sehingga kurator tidak dapat dimintai pertanggng jawaban atas keru…
Banyaknya badan dan orang asing yang ingin memulai usaha dengan melakukan investasi di Indonesia secara masif menimbulkan suatu fenomena dimana investor tersebut membutuhkan celah untuk mengatasi sistem hukum agrarian yang menganut asas nasionalisme. Salah satu cara yang paling umum dilakukan oleh para investor adalah dengan perjanjan nominee dimana para pihak yakni antara Warga Negara Asing dan Warga Negara Indonesia sebagai pemberi kuasa (nominee) yang dibuat melalui satu paket perjanjian termasuk di dalamnya terdapat perjanjian tambahan, pada hakikatnya bermaksud untuk memberikan segala kew…
Penggunaan blockchain dalam kehidupan manusia kini telah menyentuh sektor pertanian dengan diperkenalkannya agri-blockchain pada awal 2018. Salah satu aspek pemanfaatan agri-blockchain adalah integrasi Smart Contract dalam asuransi pertanian yang menghasilkan generasi asuransi pertanian otomatis dan efektif. Di Indonesia, meskipun Smart Contract belum digunakan dalamasuransi pertanian, penggunaan asuransi pertanian untuk memastikan kesejahteraan petani telah dirumuskan melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2013 tentang Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Petani. Namun, dalam pemanfaatannya, asuransi …
Pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara negara yang memiliki kewajiban untuk melaksanakan tugas dan mewujudkan tujuan negara. Tanggung jawab pemerintah dalam penyelenggaraan negara tersebut sangat berkaitan erat dengan pelayanan publik. Salah satu organisasi pemerintah yang memiliki fungsi dan tugas utama dalam memberikan pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat adalah Badan Layanan Umum. Untuk menunjang tugas dan fungsi Badan Layanan Umum dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, Badan Layanan Umum merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan atau melekat secara struktural dengan kementerian negara/lembaga i…
Kungkum ritual is a method of union between Atman and Brahman through the Meditation method in water. Kungkum focuses his concentration on the Sapta Cakra that is in the human body to activate these chakras with the aim of getting closer to God. When the chakras in the human body eat many benefits both medically and non-medically, scale and niskala. By using the concept of function in the Hindu tradition, this study discusses the procedures, meanings and values ??contained in the Kungkum ritual which is a Hindu Tradition, which is to gush or purify a person through certain practices. In discus…
In Sibetan Village there was a marriage between Hindus and non-Hindus. The marriage ceremony is held after the bride and groom hold the Sudhiwadani Ceremony. The Sudhiwadani ceremony has not been clearly understood by the Sibetan Village Manners. In this regard, research was conducted with the aim of: (1) describing the procession of the Sudhiwadan Ceremony in the marriage ceremony in Sibetan Village, (2) knowing the function of the Sudhiwadani Ceremony in the marriage ceremony in the Sibetan Village, and (3) knowing the value of the Hindu religious ceremony at the Sibhi Wadhani Ceremony in th…
Hinduism is supported by 3 (three) basic frameworks, namely tattwa (philosophy), moral (ethics), and ceremony (ritual). Each of the three basic frameworks does not stand alone, complementing each other so that the implementation of Hinduism can be perfect. Likewise, the implementation of the teachings of Hinduism, between the implementation of tattwa, ethics, and ceremonies must be balanced so that the prosperity of life in the world and moksa can be achieved. The source of these teachings is found in many of his major literary works in Balinese literary works, which in this case are in the Ge…
The temple has become a monument to the civilization and pride of the Indonesian people. The pride of this monumental historical building has been proven by the government's program to renovate and reconstruct and maintain and preserve temples as historical relics throughout the country so that it becomes a historical tourism area. Sukuh Temple is found in Karangayan Regency. In this temple there are different relifs from other temples in the Middle Ages. Relif Horseshoe in Sukuh Temple is a philosophy of paraning dumadi. The Horseshoe Relif is located within the surroundings of Sukuh Temple w…
Karaton kasunanan Surakarta which is located in Surakarta city. Precisely at the east end of Brigadier General Slamet Riyadi. The Surakarta kasunanan Palace was built at the initiative Susuhan Pakoe Boewono ll to move the Kartasura Palace which had been damage by the rebellion. According to spiritual experts Sala village is suitable for the establish of a new Karaton, and will be 200 years old. The prediction did indeed happen The Kasunanan Surakarta palace was inaugurated in 1745 and in 1945 the Karaton Kasunanan Surakarta no longer function as the center of government, now a culture preserva…
Sulphur goatfish (Upeneus sulphureus) is one of a demersal fish as the main commodity in Sunda Strait. This research aimed to assess the stocks of sulfur goatfish (Upeneus sulphureus) in Sunda Strait, Banten as a basic management for optimum and sustainable used. Collecting samples were conducted with Stratified Random Sampling approach in May-October 2018 at PPP Labuan, Banten. The research showed the gender ratio of sulfur goatfish was 0.92:1. The growth pattern of the males fish was negative allometric and the female was isometric. Pukat cincin was the fishing gear become the standard for o…
Sulphur goatfish (Upeneus sulphureus) is one of a demersal fish as the main commodity in Sunda Strait. This research aimed to assess the stocks of sulfur goatfish (Upeneus sulphureus) in Sunda Strait, Banten as a basic management for optimum and sustainable used. Collecting samples were conducted with Stratified Random Sampling approach in May-October 2018 at PPP Labuan, Banten. The research showed the gender ratio of sulfur goatfish was 0.92:1. The growth pattern of the males fish was negative allometric and the female was isometric. Pukat cincin was the fishing gear become the standard for o…
Insekta has biodiversity with a wide distribution throughout the world. Sampling was carried out once a week during October 2019. A total of 717 specimens of Order Diptera were found which covered two families in the Cigambreng River. Each family obtained includes one type, Antocha sp. (Family Tipulidae.) and Krenopelopia sp. (Chironomidae). The presence of a chironomid has indicates an excessive input load (pollutant) into the waters of the Cigambreng River. In general, the highest abundance was obtained at the fourth observation, 284 ind/m2, while the lowest abundance was obtained at t…
Insekta has biodiversity with a wide distribution throughout the world. Sampling was carried out once a week during October 2019. A total of 717 specimens of Order Diptera were found which covered two families in the Cigambreng River. Each family obtained includes one type, Antocha sp. (Family Tipulidae.) and Krenopelopia sp. (Chironomidae). The presence of a chironomid has indicates an excessive input load (pollutant) into the waters of the Cigambreng River. In general, the highest abundance was obtained at the fourth observation, 284 ind/m2, while the lowest abundance was obtained at t…
Produktivitas sekunder adalah pembentukan biomasa organisme heterotrof dalam satu satuan waktu termasuk biomassa yang hilang dalam satuan waktu tertentu. Famili Crambidae adalah serangga yang memiliki fase larva akuatik. Jenis ini berpotensi menjadi hama bagi kegiatan pertanian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bulan Oktober 2019 selama satu bulan. Famili Crambidae yang ditemukan terdiri dari dua genus yaitu Petrophila sp. dan Elophila sp. Kelimpahan Famili Crambidae selama penelitian berkisar antara 100 ind/m2 hingga 422 ind/m2. Produktivitas sekunder famili Crambidae di sungai Cigambreng, Desa Ta…
Produktivitas sekunder adalah pembentukan biomasa organisme heterotrof dalam satu satuan waktu termasuk biomassa yang hilang dalam satuan waktu tertentu. Famili Crambidae adalah serangga yang memiliki fase larva akuatik. Jenis ini berpotensi menjadi hama bagi kegiatan pertanian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bulan Oktober 2019 selama satu bulan. Famili Crambidae yang ditemukan terdiri dari dua genus yaitu Petrophila sp. dan Elophila sp. Kelimpahan Famili Crambidae selama penelitian berkisar antara 100 ind/m2 hingga 422 ind/m2. Produktivitas sekunder famili Crambidae di sungai Cigambreng, Desa Ta…
Penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas) adalah spesies yang terancam, termasuk dalam daftar IUCN dengan kategori spesies yang terancam punah, dan termasuk dalam Appendix I dalam CITES yang berarti dilarang diperdagangkan secara internasional. Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh yang terletak di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, adalah salah satu tempat konservasi di mana penyu hijau seringkali bertelur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan data dasar yang berguna tentang ekobiologi penyu hijau dan memeriksa faktor-faktor lebih lanjut yang mengancam populasi mereka. Pengamatan temporal dilakukan setiap tahun s…
Penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas) adalah spesies yang terancam, termasuk dalam daftar IUCN dengan kategori spesies yang terancam punah, dan termasuk dalam Appendix I dalam CITES yang berarti dilarang diperdagangkan secara internasional. Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh yang terletak di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, adalah salah satu tempat konservasi di mana penyu hijau seringkali bertelur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan data dasar yang berguna tentang ekobiologi penyu hijau dan memeriksa faktor-faktor lebih lanjut yang mengancam populasi mereka. Pengamatan temporal dilakukan setiap tahun s…
Seagrass beds are potential marine resources to be utilized, and ecologically, seagrass beds are some of the important functions of the coastal area. Many organisms are ecologically and biologically very dependent on the presence of seagrasses. The ecosystem is an important food source for the organism by many sea organisms that use it as a spawning place. This study aims to determine the diversity of fish in seagrass beds in Padaratan Beach, Sarudik Subdistrict, Central Tapanuli Regency. A gillnet is used to obtain fish samples at three observation stations during the period from mid-March to…
Seagrass beds are potential marine resources to be utilized, and ecologically, seagrass beds are some of the important functions of the coastal area. Many organisms are ecologically and biologically very dependent on the presence of seagrasses. The ecosystem is an important food source for the organism by many sea organisms that use it as a spawning place. This study aims to determine the diversity of fish in seagrass beds in Padaratan Beach, Sarudik Subdistrict, Central Tapanuli Regency. A gillnet is used to obtain fish samples at three observation stations during the period from mid-March to…
The population of wiep (Grevillea papuana) originated from Papua, decreased because of over cutting or over exploitation for timber, ornamental or medicine. Experiment was carried out to propagate wiep by using tissue culture method. Hypocotyls, cotyledons and nodes from seedlings grown in vitro, were used as explants. These explants were grown on Murashige & Skoog medium which macro and micronutrients were half strength, with or without hormones (BA 1 mg/1, BA 1 mg/1 + NAA 0,5 mg/1, BA 2 mg/1 + NAA 0,5 mg/1, BA 1 mg/1 + 2,4-D 0,5 mg/1, and BA 2 mg/1 + 2,4-D 0,5 mg/1).All explants did not prod…