Festo Fluidsim is a computer-based learning media that can be used to facilitate students inunderstanding learning methods. Festo Fluidsim is an application for making basic electronic circuits,then followed by pneumatic and electro-pneumatic circuits that can be directly simulated. The mediais suitable for use as a learning medium to help improve the learning outcomes of students majoringin industrial electronics engineering who are studying the basic subjects of electricity and electronicsat SMK Negeri 2 Banda Aceh. The type of this research is a quantitative study using the experimentalmeth…

Learning with computer media that has not been multi-direction and lack of activeness of students makes learning less effective. Therefore, this study aims to develop learning media using Adobe Flash CS6, design and implement the development of instructional media on the subject of Communication in the Network, and test the feasibility of learning media. This research is a development research (R&D) with ADDIE model. The results of alpha testing, the assessment of material experts is in the very good category with an average score of 4.28. The assessment of media experts is in a very good cate…

This study aimed to design interactive learning media of Programming Logic using Adobe Flash CS6 applications, and determined the effect of student interest in those media. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Mesjid Raya which students of multimedia class X as the sample. The method of this study was the research and development area. There were several stages carried out for the research process, which started from the concept, design, material collection, process, testing and distribution. The technique of data collection used a questionnaire. This media application has been tested a…

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) implementasi K3 dilihat dari sisi kondisi fisik laboratorium, (2) impelentasi K3 dilihat dari pengunaan peralatan praktek. Penelitianiniadalahpenelitian survei.Populasidansampelpenelitianadalah laboratorium dan siswa.Datayangdiperolehdianalisismenggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwa:(1) kondisi fisik laboratorium praktek instalasi listrik SMKN 2 Luwu dan SMKN 6 Luwu termasuk dalam kategori Kurang berdasarkan indikator pencahyaan suhu ruangan, kondisi ruangan, (2) pengunaan peralatan praktek instalasi listrik SMKN …

In every UPS device there are power electronic components including inverters, therefore using an inverter will cause voltage disturbances at high frequency because the switching frequency of the inverter is at high frequency. Data recorded by the oscilloscope along with the Picolog Recorder software and processed by  Matlab software to make it more efficient. Research conducted when the UPS uses dual conversion mode and with inductive load variations 0.35 H, 0.7 H, 1.4 H and 2.8 H. The test results show that voltage disturbances occur in three dominant frequency ranges at each level of load …

This study aims to determine the amount of electric power needs each year in South Sulawesi until 2025. This estimation aims to determine the large power needs of South Sulawesi until 2025 by using the DKL 3.02 method used to estimate the need for electric power in the future based on data the use of energy and electric power, population growth, and economic growth in South Sulawesi Province, namely the GDP of South Sulawesi Province from previous years before the estimated year. The estimated results of the total electricity demand for all sectors from 2015 amounted to 2,452,130,065 VA and up…

The objective of the research is to explain about the rules of the traditional social institution, especially characteristic and typology of property rights on artisanal fishery management system at Abang island. Traditional institution pattern commonly has function for keeping continuity of coastal resources, so management that did by local fisherman society in coastal villages feel to keep well fishery resources and ecosystem, not disturbed by capture activity for example intake of rock, bombardment of fish and usage of potassium. Study case method that using is rural rapid appraisal (RRA) f…

Mane’e adalah salah satu bentuk pengelolaan tradisional tentang perikanan karang yang masih dipegang teguh oleh masyarakat di Kepulauan Nanusa, Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud, Propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Mane’e mengandung arti pernyataan kesepakatan dari masyarakat setempat untuk mempersiapkan alat tangkap ikan dan pengoperasiannya secara bersama-sama pada waktu dan lokasi tertentu. Mane’e itu sendiri sangat terikat dengan hukum adat yang di sebut Eha’, yaitu larangan bagi semua orang untuk tidak mengeksploitasi sumberdaya alam pada suatu periode waktu tertentu (biasanya m…

Activities of catch fishery in Lampung Bay have created a number of conflicts among stakeholders. The objectives of this research were to identify types of conflict, efforts of conflict resolution, potency of conflict from stakeholders interaction, and identification od strategies to eliminate the conflicts. This research applied PISCES approach, PRA and SWOT analysis. Types of conflict in capture fishery in Lampung bay were related with relocation of a fish landing port (PPI), relocation of fishermen housing, mooring place and fish selling price, use of fish bombs, illegal fees, competition o…

Fisherie resources utilization in Residency of South Lampung as so far has faced on larger potency of fisheries capture while the management is not optimally done yet. This situation has indicated the low productivity of fishing units including the existing fleets as well as unsupported fishing gears facilities in traditional basis. In other hand, in general, the human resources are rare with low management capability. As consequence, technology transfer (adoption) to the lowest level fishermen is constrained. Fishermen slowly use existing technology and be more diversified in business activit…

The demersal fish landing in Indonesia are mostly based on the operation of fishing gear such as trawl, dogol or cantrang, and arad. Even though trawl and the traditional seine nets are very effective but actually they are not selective. Thus, if those gears are not controlled and properly managed, it may impact negatively to demersal fish resources. Consequently, the depletion of demersal fish-stocks may be followed by the reduction of the welfare of fisher community. Therefore, the exploitation of fish resources must be carefully managed particularly for the demersal fish-stock. Formulating …

This paper describes swimming and movement patterns of some reef fishes around some fish aggregating devices (FADs) and some traps deployed in Hansisi waters, Semau, Kupang. There were 62 species of reef fishes observed around the FADs and 47 species around the fish traps. The distances between the reef fishes from the FADs and between the fishes and the traps were commonly between 1-2 m. Around the FADs, the swimming patterns of the fishes commonly observed included soliter (36 species), front approach (56 species or 90%), up-down movement (28 species or 45%), above the FADs (24 species or 39…

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji sifat mekanikal dan komposisi elemen batang profil Lberbahan ferrocement sebagai material alternatif pengganti kayu dan baja untuk elemen –elemen struktur ringan seperti gording dan kuda-kuda untuk atap rumah sederhana. Halini berkaitan dengan isu pemanasan global (global warming) dan halnya dengan materialbaja, mengingat kendala di daerah seperti Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dimana hargabaja yang semakin mahal. Material yang digunakan untuk pembuat elemen profil tersebut(sebagai alternative) adalah Ferrosemen. Pada penelitian ini, telah didapatk…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kebutuhan bahan dan kuat tekan beton normal antara metode SNI 03-2834-2000 dan SNI 7656: 2012 dengan menggunakan ukuran agregat kasar maksimum 20 mm dan 40 mm, yang diterapkan pada mutu rencana (fc') 15 MPa, 20 MPa dan 25 MPa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengujian material dan uji tekan pada spesimen silinder dengan ukuran diameter 15 cm dan tinggi 30 cm, pada hari ke 28. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan semen dengan metode SNI 03-2834-2000 lebih tinggi dari SNI 7656: 2012, kebutuhan agregat halus dengan metode SNI 03…

Soil is one of the most important things in every civil engineering construction. But the problem is how to define physical and mechanic characteristic of the soil. Physical and mechanic characteristic that have influence on bearing capacity of the soil is water content. Size of soil also has effects on the changing of water content. To define water content, engineer is often using Gravimetry Method, but this method can only be doing in laboratory, so it can’t specifically describe real condition of water content in the fields. Then, an in-site test such as Electrical Sensory Method is …

Hasil penelitian simpang tiga bersinyal Straat A Kota Kupang yang dilakukan oleh Frans (2014), menyimpulkan bahwa kondisi kinerja simpang berada pada tingkat pelayanan F. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka pada penelitian ini dilakukan rekayasa lalu lintas berupa penerapan sistem lalu lintas satu arah pada simpul simpang tiga Straat A tersebut, yang meliputi ruas jalan A.Yani, Jalan Flores, dan Jalan Sumba. Pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan MKJI 1997. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kinerja Simpang Tiga Straat A dengan penerapan sistem lalu lintas satu arah dikategorikan dalam tingkat pe…

Keterbatasan material beton dalam hal ini agregat halus (pasir) di berbagai daerah masih menjadi kendala utama, sehingga menyebabkan masyarakat menggunakan hasil alam lainnya sebagai pengganti pasir. Salah satunya di desa Buraen Kabupaten Kupang yang dimana masyarakat desa Buraen Kabupaten Kupang sering menggunakan tanah putih sebagai bahan pengganti pasir dalam campuran beton.Penggunaan tanah putih ini tentunya akan berpengaruh pada campuran beton dan kualitas dari beton yang di hasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan pengaruh tanah putih terhadap kualitas beton.Bend…

The high volume traffic that passing through the bundaran PU road caused the meeting of solid vehicles from different direction of street caused the vehicles build up on each direction of road in the morning, afternoon, or evening. The build up of vehicles due to the large number of vehicles that pass on it. therefore the research on these roads has been conducted. In this study, the survey of vehicle volume, the survey of side barriers, and also the survey of the road geometry then analyzed using the calculation Metod of the Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI,1997) has been done. Based …

Pulau Alor merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki aktivitas seismisitas dan tektonik yang tinggi. Perlu adanya perencanaan dan analisis yang baik terhadap bangunan agar mencegah bangunan mengalami kerusakan struktur. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengetahui perbandingan respon struktur dengan menggunakan respons pektra PSHA (Probability Seismic Hazard Analysis) dan respon spektra SNI di Pulau Alor yang ditinjau berdasarkan defleksi lateral, total drift dan interstory drift dengan menggunakan software SAP 2000. Hasil analisis yang didapat dari penelitianini ialah pada portal arah X nilai defl…

The index cost affect the amount of unit price construction work. Cost index used in the calculation analysis of unit price refers to the Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). SNI describe about the average labor productivity in Indonesia. Labor productivity are different depend on work experience, cultural origins, and the others. This study was conducted to know the costs index of labor in Kupang by took one of case study on STIKES CHMK Dormitory Construction Project in third Phased. Cost index of reinforced concrete in this project, obtained by doingreal observation for the total of labor and t…