Abstract The research aims to find out the function of Public Relations in the implementation one of its program, i.e. Corporate Social Responsibility Program. The research was a descriptive qualitative study. The data were obtained by using direct observation and in-depth interview to nine key informants and some other additional informants carried out during the implementation of the program. The result reveal that Public Relations, as a mediator between the company and the public, functions to carry out social responsibility to the society in which it gets many benefits in the implementatio…
Abstract Communication ethics based on high emotional intelligence can encourage the achievement of quality academic atmosphere. This research was to recognize the relationship between emotional intelligence with ethics of. This aim of the research was to find out the relationship between studentsâ emotional intelligence with communication ethics in creating academic atmosphere. This research was a correlational descriptive study conducted in Islamic University of Makassar. The samples consisted of 67 students, lectures, and head of university. The research used mixed methods. The result …
Abstract This research aimed(1) to investigate the opinions of the political party prominent figures toward the sidedness find out the master of political party opinion towards the sidedness of the TV One and Metro TV in 2014 presidential election; (2) To investigate the extent of the roles of the media in forming the opinions of the political party prominent figures toward the sidedness of TV One dan Metro TV; (3) to investigate the sidedness levels of TV One dan Metro TV as the national TVs in 2014 presidential election. The research was descriptive-qualitative in character. The research inf…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui 1) peran dan fungsi multimedia center  dan nilai tambah yang diperoleh siswa dari penggunaan Web (E-Learning) melalui multimedia center di Briton International English school Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kantor Pusat Briton International English School Makassar yang bertempat di Jl. Lasinrang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui rekaman wawancara dengan 7 orang informan, observasi kelas, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data model int…
Abstrak Tujuan Penelitian, Melakukan analisis siaran TV terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku anak pedesaan, Menjelaskan alasan menjadi pendorong anak-anak pedesaan konsisten menonton tayangan TV, .Merumuskan model menonton tayangan TV dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku serta prestasi belajar mereka. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di tiga kabupaten, maros, Pangkep, Barru dan satu kota, Kota pare-Pare. Pada penelitian ini pendekatan yang dilakukan berupa pendekatan kualitatif, dengan maksud untuk memperoleh gambaran yang utuh atas informan penelitian sehingga …
Abstract Transformation of communication and information as a condition of the progress of a region or community group in Kajang be important for people to understand themselves and Kajang Indonesian society in general. The purpose of this study was to describe the picture of traditional community life Kajang, knowing the internal and external communication processes that occur in the community and know the Kajang Ammatoa efforts made in the face of the transformation of information and communication with the situation unfolding currently. Approach and type of qualitative research method becau…
Background of the study: Giving book code by a librarian in accordance with the Decimal Dewey Classification system aims to facilitate the search for books on the shelf precisely and quickly. Purpose: The first step in giving code to determine the class of books is the principal division which has 10 classes.Method: This study proposed Optical Character Recognition to read the title text on the book cover, preprocessing the text, and classifying it by Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network. Findings: In general, a librarian labeled a book by reading the book title on the book cover and doing bo…
Background of the study: The web portal is a tool that has been adopted by universities to manage data and information of students and faculty. The portal is an information system as it is driven by information.Purpose: The study proposes a model of students? satisfaction with Web portal for the integration of Information System Success Model ISSM and Davis? Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).Method: The methodology adopted for this study is the critical review of literature that borders on the constructs and/or variables embedded in ISSM and TAM.Findings: The study theorizes that information…
Background of the study: Measles is a major cause of child death caused by a lack of immunization when a child is a baby.Purpose: The discussion in this paper aims to describe the results of the analysis of the spatial data modeling of measles, knowing the percentage distribution of measles-prone areas, each district based on coverage on immunization status with good, average, fair and poor classification categories. The classification results include areas with good, average, fair, and poor immunization coverage status categories.Method: The method used i.e. with to requirement gathering info…
Background of the study: The phenomenon of sharing information by all members of the public, especially digital natives. The phenomenon of sharing information is most visible done on social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram and line. Information sharing activities seem easy to do, especially on social media with a variety of features that have been provided and a variety of information that is spread. Even sharing information can have an impact, both positive like increasing knowledge or negative impacts such as creating information hoaxes.Purpose: Not yet known explicitly actually what lies b…
Background of the study: The online shop is a process of buying and selling transactions conducted by the public through the internet media. We don't have to leave the house, people can have the items they want through an online shop. The use of the internet by students cannot be separated, including using in consumption patterns through online shops. The existence of the development of telecommunications technology, online shop currently makes it easy for students to make transactions or market products, goods and services. They are not only consumers, but also online shop business people.Pur…
Background of the study: This study examined the Application of ICT in Dissemination of Information in Selected Special Libraries in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria. Three Special libraries from the metropolis of the state comprised the sample population of the study; Central Bank of Nigeria Library, Michael Imoudu Institute of Labor Studies Library and Ghalib Chamber Library.Purpose: The study employed a survey research design using the Enumeration sampling technique. A questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents. The population of the study consisted of twenty-one (21)…
Salah satu cara untuk melindungi pesan rahasia dari orang yang tidak berhak mengaksesnya yaitu dengan cara menyisipkan pesan rahasia pada suatu wadah penampung, misalnya citra. Pada penelitian ini akan dievaluasi kapasitas pesan rahasia yang dapat ditampung oleh citra, serta tingkat impercebtibility citra yang telah mengandung pesan rahasia. Pesan rahasia akan disisikan pada daerah koefisien wavelet yaitu koefisien aproksimasi (LL) yang diperoleh dengan melakukan Lifting Wavelet Transform(LWT). Metode yang digunakan untuk meyisipkan bit-bit pesan ke dalam piksel citra yaitu metode Bit-Plane Co…
Penerapan model Problem Based Learning (PBL) merupakan model pendekatan pembelajaran yang menekankan pada aktivitas siswa baik aktivitas berfikir, berperilaku dan berketerampilan dalam memecahkan suatu masalah yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan siswa. Guru menyampaikan tujuan, pokok-pokok pembelajaran, melaksanakan diskusi kelompok, latihan soal, memberikan motivasi belajar dan kesimpulan pada mata pelajaran Perekayasaan Sistem Radio dan Televisi siswa kelas XI SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) …
Education is an important base in a nation. Thus, education is an important issue in the development plan. Education plays a very important role in developing the process of transforming Aceh into a superior Province in the next decade. Since 1956, Vocational High Schools began operating in Aceh to become a human resources printing institution that is ready to work in the world of government or industry. Therefore, Project-Based Learning (PBL) was introduced as a reliable method to be implemented in vocational schools. PBL appears as a method that focuses on student-centered learning. This res…
The existence of the role and function of teachers is one of the most important factors in education, both formal and informal education. Problems faced by teachers in Indonesia are: (1) the problem of teacher quality; (2) the problem of the number of teachers who are still lacking; (3) the problem of teacher distribution; (4) the problem of teacher welfare. Data from PSG Rayon 115 of 2012 and Teacher Competency Test (UKG) from 2012 to 2015 shows that there are still many teachers in Malang Regency who have not been able to develop their productivity in teaching. Education in the global era …