ファルケンハウゼンは自身の研究テーマについて、数冊の書籍と100以上の論文を発表している。さらに、「Journal of East AsianArcheology」の共同設立者であり、数年間共同編集者を務めた。1999年から2004年まで、長江の三峡における古代の塩の生産を調査する北京大学・UCLA共同考古学プロジェクトのアメリカ側の共同研究者を務めた[3]。著書"Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000-250 BC): The Archaeological Evidence"〈孔子時代の中国社会(前1000年 - 前250年) : 考古学的証拠〉は、2009年にアメリカ考古学協会の書籍賞を受賞している[4]。
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (1993). Suspended Music: Chime-Bells in the Culture of Bronze Age China. OAG aktuell Nr.29. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520911079
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (2000). Klangvorrat für die Nachwelt. Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag. ISBN978-3-933257-48-2[7]
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (2006). Chinese Society in the Age of Confucius (1000–250 BC). The Archaeological Evidence.. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA. ISBN978-1938770456
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (2011). Li, Feng; Branner, David. eds. “The Royal Audience and Its Reflections in Western Zhou Bronze Inscriptions”. Writing and Literacy in Early China (Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press).
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (2017). Aretisyan, Pavel; Areshian, Yervand. eds. “The Study of East Asian Art History in Europe: Some Observations on Its Early Stages”. Bridging Times and Spaces: Festschrift for Gregory E. Areshian on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Oxford: Archaeopress).
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (2017). Aretisyan, Pavel; Areshian, Yervand. eds. “Communication with the Divine Sphere in Ancient China”. Über den Alltag hinaus: Festschrift für Thomas O. Höllmann zum 65. Geburtstag (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz).
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (2017). Boschung, Dietrich; Queyrel, François. eds. “The Problem of Human Representation in Pre-Imperial China”. Bilder der Macht: Das griechische Porträt und seine Verwendung in der antiken Wel (Paderborn: W. Fink).
von Falkenhausen, Lothar (2018). Davidson, Jane; Esslinger, Sandra. eds. “East Asian Art History at UCLA: Its History and Current Challenges”. Global and World Art in the Practice of the University Museum (Oxford et al.: Routledge).
羅泰 著、孟繁之 編『羅泰訪談録 : 学術・考古・人生』三晋出版社、2018年。
von Falkenhausen, Lothar, ed (2002). Japanese Scholarship on Early China, 1987-1991: Summaries from Shigaku Zasshi. Early China Special Monograph Series, v. 6. Berkeley: Institute for Chinese Studies, University of California, Berkeley. ISBN978-1557290755 - 『史学雑誌』「回顧と展望」の英訳。
von Falkenhausen, Lothar, ed (2010). Studies of Chinese Art History in Honor of Professor Lothar Ledderose. Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 17. Paris
von Falkenhausen, Lothar, ed (2009). The Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors: v. 1. Catalogue. Monumenta archaeologica, v. 25. Los Angeles: UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. ISBN978-0974516875
von Falkenhausen, Lothar, ed (2011). The Lloyd Cotsen Study Collection of Chinese Bronze Mirrors: v. 2. Studies. Monumenta archaeologica, v. 25. Los Angeles: UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. ISBN978-0974516882
von Falkenhausen, Lothar; Thote, Alain, eds (2008). s Soldats de l'éternité: L'armée de Xi'an. Paris: Pinacothèque de Paris. ISBN978-2953054668
von Falkenhausen, Lothar; Schnapp, Alain; Miller, Peter et al., eds (2013). World Antiquarianism: Comparative Perspectives. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute Press. ISBN978-1-60606-148-0
von Falkenhausen, Lothar; Pines, Yuri; Shelach, Gideon et al., eds (2013). Birth of an Empire: The State of Qin Revisited. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN978-0520289741