The Masked Singer Austria is an Austrian reality singing competition television series adapted from the South Korean format King of Mask Singer. The first season premiered on Puls 4 on 14 March 2020, and is hosted by Arabella Kiesbauer. The show features celebrities singing in head-to-toe costumes and face masks which conceal their identities from other contestants, panelists, and an audience.[1][2]
On 19 March 2020, Puls 4 announced that the production would be interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria.[3] The program continued on 15 September 2020.
Arabella Kiesbauer served as host of the series for its first season.[4] Kiesbauer was replaced by Mirjam Weichselbraun for the second season.[5] Since the first season, the panelists consist of Elke Winkens and Sasa Schwarzjirg. Nathan Trent served as a third panelist in the first season before being replaced by Rainer Schönfelder for the second.
The masked singer won their face-off and remained in the competition.
The masked singer lost their face-off and was in the bottom three/two, but was not eliminated.
The masked singer was safe from elimination.
The masked singer was eliminated from the competition and unmasked upon their elimination.
Carp is also known as Carp Diva
The celebrities who competed in the first season of The Masked Singer Austria, pictured in order of elimination (l-r):
James Cottriall ("Falcon"),Alfons Haider ("Ibex"),Sabine Petzl ("Cat"),Lukas Plöchl ("Climate Hero"),Rainer Schönfelder ("Carp"),Nina Proll ("Ghost Countess"),Simone Stelzer ("Lipizzaner"),Nadine Beiler ("Yeti").
^This season was originally set to end on April 18, 2020 but was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It eventually resumed in September 2020, after a six-month hiatus.