The MaskedSinger NZ is a New Zealand reality singing competition television show based on the Masked Singer franchise which originated from the South Korean version of the show King of Mask Singer. It premiered on Three on 9 May 2021. The show is hosted by Clinton Randell, with the current judging panel comprising James Roque, Sharyn Casey, and Anika Moa.[1]
The masked singer won their face-off and remained in the competition.
The masked singer lost their face-off and was in the bottom three, but was not eliminated.
The masked singer was safe from elimination.
The masked singer was eliminated from the competition and unmasked upon their elimination.
The masked singer did not perform.
The celebrities who competed in the first season of The Masked Singer NZ, pictured in order of elimination (l-r):
Stephen Donald ("Moa"),Tom Sainsbury ("Alien"),Madeline Sami ("Monarch"),Mike McRoberts ("Orange Roughy"),Stephenie Tauevihi ("Pavlova") and Troy Kingi ("Sheep")
Not pictured: Suzy Cato ("Tui"),Grace Palmer ("Possum"),Matilda Green ("Jellyfish"),Kings ("Monster"),Joe Cotton ("Medusa") and Jason Kerrison ("Tuatara")
The masked singer won their face-off and remained in the competition.
The masked singer lost their face-off and was in the bottom three, but was not eliminated.
The masked singer was safe from elimination.
The masked singer was eliminated from the competition and unmasked upon their elimination.
The masked singer did not perform.
The celebrities who competed in the second season of The Masked Singer NZ, pictured in order of elimination (l-r):
Georgina Beyer ("Pōhutukawa Tree"),Guy Williams ("Sergeant Steak 'n Cheese"),Antonia Prebble ("Regal Rose"),Mikey Havoc ("Shaggy Sheepdog"),Simon Bridges ("Retro Robot"),Ria Hall ("Blue Penguin"),Drew Ne'emia ("Gladiator Alligator") and Hollie Smith ("Bedazzled Unicorn")
Not Pictured: Steven Ferguson and Shelley Ferguson ("Two-Scoop Ice Cream"),Paul Ego ("Playing Mantis"),Laura Daniel ("Ruru Chick") and Eroni Clarke ("Magic Monster")