Masked Singer Suomi is a Finnish reality singing competition television series based on the Masked Singer franchise which originated from the South Korean version of the show King of Mask Singer. It premiered on MTV3 on 14 March 2020, and is hosted by Ilkka Uusivuori and the panelists are Janne Kataja, Jenni Kokander and Maria Veitola.[1]
The inaugural season premiered in March 2020 and was successful with roughly a million viewers per episode. Season 2 started on 17 October 2020, with new panelist Christoffer Strandberg joining in.[2]
The third season was announced in June 2021, with 16 contestants, while Uusivuori hosting and Kataja, Veitola, Kokander and Strandberg serve as panelists.[3][4]
The series has been hosted by Ilkka Uusivuori all way from Season 1. The Regular panelists have been Janne Kataja, Jenni Kokander and Maria Veitola from Season 1 as well.
In Season 1, there was a changing Guest panelist in each episode. These appearances were made by Tuure Boelius, Krista Siegfrids, Aki Linnanahde, Eicca Toppinen, Christoffer Strandberg, and many others.
From Season 2, Christoffer Strandberg was replacing the Guest panelists.
From Season 5, two new panelists were announced: Benjamin Peltonen, who was previously as a Guest, and Jenni Poikelus.
In Season 6, in addition of being a guest mask, Mikko Silvennoinen was a guest panelist in episode 10.
The second season of Masked Singer Suomi was aired in late autumn 2020, and was hosted by Ilkka Uusivuori. Janne Kataja, Jenni Kokander and Maria Veitola continued as panelists, while Christoffer Strandberg joined them.
Marko Hietala won the Season as “Doctor”, while Jarkko Tamminen finished as second with Masked Singer “Mouse”.
Season 3 (2021)
The third season of Masked Singer Suomi was aired in late summer 2021, and was hosted by Ilkka Uusivuori. Janne Kataja, Jenni Kokander, Maria Veitola and Christoffer Strandberg continued as panelists.
Anna-Maija Tuokko won the Season as "Superhero", while Waltteri Torikka finished second as "Party Panda".
Season 4 (2022)
The fourth season of Masked Singer Suomi was aired in late autumn 2022, and was hosted by Ilkka Uusivuori. Janne Kataja, Jenni Kokander, Maria Veitola and Christoffer Strandberg continued as panelists.
Lenni-Kalle Taipale won the Season as "Black Sheep", while Tuure Boelius finished second as "Orc".
Season 5 (2023)
The fifth season of Masked Singer Suomi was aired in late autumn 2023, and was hosted by Ilkka Uusivuori. Janne Kataja and Maria Veitola continued as panelists, while Benjamin Pelkonen and Jenni Poikelus joined them.
Bess won the season as "Hummingbird", while Jarkko Ahola finished second as "Sauna Stove".
Season 6 (2024)
The sixth season of Masked Singer Suomi was aired in late autumn 2024, and was hosted by Ilkka Uusivuori. Janne Kataja, Maria Veitola, Benjamin Pelkonen and Jenni Poikelus continue as panelists.
For the first time in the series, the season featured two themed episodes. The season also includes a Christmas special.[5]
Atte Kilpinen won the season as "Forest Troll", while Arja Koriseva finished second as "Night & Day".
1 There were aired no episodes in the first week of December, due other local programming at the same time. The eighth episode of Season 2 was postponed to the following week.
Masked Singer Suomi: Pelastakaa Lasten joulu (23 November 2024)
At the end of the sixth season, a Christmas special was aired on 23 November 2024. The special was organized together with Pelastakaa Lapset (Save the Children Finland).
Along with three new characters, the episode launched a Christmas fundraising for poor families.[9]