Pertempuran Peking adalah pertempuran yang berlangsung pada tanggal 14-15 Agustus 1900. Dalam pertempuran ini, pasukan multinasional yang dipimpin oleh Britania menghentikan Pengepungan Kedutaan-Kedutaan Asing di Peking selama Pemberontakan Boxer. Sebelumnya, semenjak tanggal 20 Juni 1900, pasukan Boxer dan Tiongkok telah mengepung diplomat, warga dan pasukan asing di dalam wilayah kedutaan Austria-Hungaria, Belgia, Britania Raya, Prancis, Italia, Jerman, Jepang, Belanda, Rusia, Spanyol dan Amerika Serikat di kota Peking.
Bacaan lanjut
- Д.Г.Янчевецкий "У стен недвижного Китая". Санкт-Петербург - Порт-Артур, 1903 (D.G.Yanchevetskiy "Near the Walls of Unmoving China", Sankt-Peterburg - Port-Artur, 1903)
- Fleming, Peter (1959). The Siege of Peking. London: Hart-Davis.
- Giles, Lencelot (1970). The Siege of the Peking Legations; A Diary. Edited with introduction, Chinese anti-foreignism and the Boxer uprising, by L. R. Marchant. Nedlands, W.A.: University of Western Australia Press.
- В. Г. Дацышен «Русско-китайская война 1900 года. Поход на Пекин» — СПБ, 1999. ISBN 5-8172-0011-2 (V.G. Datsishen "Russo-Chinese war of 1900. March to Beijing", Sankt-Peterburg, 1999)
- Harrington, Peter (2001). Peking 1900. The Boxer Rebellion. Oxford: Osprey.
- Preston, Diana (1999). The Boxer Rebellion: The Dramatic Story of China's War on Foreigners That Shook the World in the Summer of 1900. New York: Walker and Co.
- Thompson, Larry Clinton (2009). William Scott Ament and the Boxer Rebellion: Heroism, Hubris, and the Ideal Missionary. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. [1]
- China's Tragic Years (2001). China's Tragic Years, 1900–1901, Through a Foreign Lens.