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1936a. "The Place of Interest in the Theory of Production", RES
1936b. "On the Economic Theory of Socialism, Part One," Review of Economic Studies, 4(1), pp. 53–71.
1937. "On the Economic Theory of Socialism, Part Two," Review of Economic Studies, 4(2), pp. 123–142.
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1938. "The Rate of Interest and the Optimum Propensity to Consume", Economica
1939. "Saving and Investment: Saving in Process Analysis", QJE
1939. "Is the American Economy Contracting?", AER
1940. "Complementarity and Interrelations of Shifts in Demand", RES
1942. "Theoretical Derivation of the Elasticities of Demand and Supply: the direct method", Econometrica
1942. "The Foundations of Welfare Economics", Econometrica
1942. "The Stability of Economic Equilibrium", Econometrica.
1942. "Say's Law: A Restatement and Criticism", in Lange et al., editors, Studies in Mathematical Economics.
1943. "A Note on Innovations", REStat
"The Theory of the Multiplier", 1943, Econometrica
"Strengthening the Economic Foundations of Democracy", with Abba Lerner, 1944, American Way of Business.
1944. Price Flexibility and Employment.
1944. "The Stability of Economic Equilibrium" (Appendix of Lange, 1944)
1944. "The Rate of Interest and the Optimal Propensity to Consume", in Haberler, editor, Readings in Business Cycle Theory.
1945a. "Marxian Economic in the Soviet Union," American Economic Review, 35( 1), pp. 127–133.
1945b. "The Scope and Method of Economics", RES.
1949. "The Practice of Economic Planning and the Optimum Allocation of Resources", Econometrica
1953. "The Economic Laws of Socialist Society in Light of Joseph Stalin's Last Work", Nauka Paulska, No. 1, Warsaw (trans ., 1954, International Economic Papers, No. 4, pp. 145–ff. Macmillan.
1959. "The Political Economy of Socialism," Science & Society, 23(1) pp. 1–15.
Introduction to Econometrics, 1958.
1960. "The Output-Investment Ratio and Input-Output Analysis", Econometrica
1961. Theories of Reproduction and Accumulation,
1961. Economic and Social Essays, 1930–1960.
1963. Political economy, Macmillan.
1963. Economic Development, Planning and Economic Cooperation.
1963. Essays on Economic Planning.
1964. Optimal Decisions: principles of programming.
1965. Problems of Political Economy of Socialism, Peoples Publishing House.
1965. ' 'Wholes and Parts: A General Theory of System Behavior, Pergamon Press.
1965. "The Computer and the Market", 1967, in Feinstein, editor, Socialism, Capitalism and Economic Growth.
1970. Introduction to Economic Cybernetics, Pergamon Press. Review extract.
^J. Tinbergen, 1991. "Solving the Most Urgent Problems First", in Michael Szenberg (ed.) 1993, Eminent Economists: Their Life Philosophies, Cambridge University Press, p. 279 (cambridge.org).
^Witold Gadomski, Rynek trzyma smycz [Gadomski o książce Belki] (The market holds the leash [Gadomski about Belka's book]). 11 June 2016. Rynek trzyma smycz. wyborcza.pl. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
Milton Friedman, 1946. "Lange on Price Flexibility and Employment: A Methodological Criticism", American Economic Review, 36(4), pp. 613– 631. Reprinted in Friedman, 1953, Essays in Positive Economics, pp. 277–300.
Charles Sadler, 1977. "Pro-Soviet Polish-Americans: Oskar Lange and Russia's Friends in the Polonia, 1941–1945", Polish Review, 22(4), pp. 25–39.