Howard Zinn (24 Augustus 1922 - 27 January 2010) adalah sejarawan , penulis naskah drama , dan pemikir sosialis Amerika. Dia pernah menjadi ketua departemen ilmu sejarah dan sosial di Spelman College ,[ 1] dan profesor ilmu politik di Boston University . Zinn telah menulis lebih dari 20 buku, termasuk buku best seller dan berpengaruh, A People's History of the United States . Pada 2007, dia menerbitkan versi untuk pembaca yang lebih muda, A Young People's History of the United States .[ 2]
Zinn menggambarkan dirinya sebagai "sesuatu yang anarkis , sesuatu yang sosialis . Mungkin sosialis demokrat .""[ 3] [ 4] Dia banyak menulis tentang Gerakan Hak Sipil , gerakan antiperang , dan sejarah buruh Amerika Serikat . Memoarnya, You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train (Beacon Press, 2002), juga menjadi judul film dokumenter pada 2004 tentang kehidupan dan pekerjaan Zinn. Dia meninggal karena serangan jantung pada 2010 di usia 87 tahun.[ 5]
LaGuardia in Congress (1959) OCLC 642325734 .
The Southern Mystique (1962) OCLC 423360 .
SNCC: The New Abolitionists (1964) OCLC 466264063 .
New Deal Thought (editor) (1965) OCLC 422649795 .
Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal (1967) OCLC 411235 .
Disobedience and Democracy: Nine Fallacies on Law and Order (1968, re-issued 2002) ISBN 978-0-89608-675-3 .
The Politics of History (1970) (2nd edition 1990) ISBN 978-0-252-06122-6 .
The Pentagon Papers Senator Gravel Edition. Vol. Five. Critical Essays. Boston. Beacon Press, 1972. 341p. plus 72p. of Index to Vol. I–IV of the Papers, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, editors. ISBN 978-0-8070-0522-4 .
Justice in Everyday Life: The Way It Really Works (Editor) (1974) ISBN 978-0-688-00284-8 .
Justice? Eyewitness Accounts (1977) ISBN 978-0-8070-4479-7 .
A People's History of the United States : 1492 – Present (1980), revised (1995)(1998)(1999)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2010) ISBN 978-0-06-052837-9 .
Playbook by Maxine Klein, Lydia Sargent and Howard Zinn (1986) ISBN 978-0-89608-309-7 .
Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology (1991) ISBN 978-0-06-092108-8 .[ 6]
A People's History of the United States: The Civil War to the Present Kathy Emery and Ellen Reeves, Howard Zinn (2003 teaching edition) Vol. I: ISBN 978-1-56584-724-8 . Vol II: ISBN 978-1-56584-725-5 .
Failure to Quit: Reflections of an Optimistic Historian (1993) ISBN 978-1-56751-013-3 .
You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times (autobiography)(1994) ISBN 978-0-8070-7127-4
A People's History of the United States: The Wall Charts by Howard Zinn and George Kirschner (1995) ISBN 978-1-56584-171-0 .
Hiroshima: Breaking the Silence (pamphlet, 1995) ISBN 978-1-884519-14-7 .
The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy (1997) ISBN 978-1-888363-54-8 ; 2nd edition (2009) ISBN 978-1-58322-870-8 .
The Cold War & the University: Toward an Intellectual History of the Postwar Years (Noam Chomsky (Editor) Authors: Ira Katznelson , R. C. Lewontin , David Montgomery , Laura Nader , Richard Ohmann,[ 7] Ray Siever, Immanuel Wallerstein , Howard Zinn (1997) ISBN 978-1-56584-005-8 .
Marx in Soho: A Play on History (1999) ISBN 978-0-89608-593-0 .
The Future of History: Interviews With David Barsamian (1999) ISBN 978-1-56751-157-4 .
Howard Zinn on War (2000) ISBN 978-1-58322-049-8 .
Howard Zinn on History (2000) ISBN 978-1-58322-048-1 .
La Otra Historia De Los Estados Unidos (2000) ISBN 978-1-58322-054-2 .
Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls, and the Fighting Spirit of Labor's Last Century (Dana Frank, Robin Kelley, and Howard Zinn) (2002) ISBN 978-0-8070-5013-2 .
Terrorism and War (2002) ISBN 978-1-58322-493-9 . (interviews, Anthony Arnove (Ed.))
The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace Editor (2002) ISBN 978-0-8070-1407-3 .
Emma: A Play in Two Acts About Emma Goldman, American Anarchist (2002) ISBN 978-0-89608-664-7 .
Artists in Times of War (2003) ISBN 978-1-58322-602-5 .
The 20th century: A People's History (2003) ISBN 978-0-06-053034-1 .
A People's History of the United States: Teaching Edition Abridged (2003 updated) ISBN 978-1-56584-826-9 .
Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice (2003) ISBN 978-0-06-055767-6 .
Iraq Under Siege, The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War , co-author (2003)
Howard Zinn On Democratic Education Donaldo Macedo , Editor (2004) ISBN 978-1-59451-054-0 .
The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known (2004) ISBN 978-0-06-057826-8 .
Voices of a People’s History of the United States (with Anthony Arnove, 2004) ISBN 978-1-58322-647-6 ; 2nd edition (2009) ISBN 978-1-58322-916-3 .
A People's History of the Civil War: Struggles for the Meaning of Freedom by David Williams, Howard Zinn (Series Editor) (2005) ISBN 978-1-59558-018-4 .
A Power Governments Cannot Suppress (2006) ISBN 978-0-87286-475-7 .
Original Zinn: Conversations on History and Politics (2006) Howard Zinn and David Barsamian.
A People's History of American Empire (2008) by Howard Zinn, Mike Konopacki and Paul Buhle . ISBN 978-0-8050-8744-4 .
A Young People's History of the United States , adapted from the original text by Rebecca Stefoff; illustrated and updated through 2006, with new introduction and afterword by Howard Zinn; two volumes, Seven Stories Press , New York, 2007.
The Bomb (City Lights Publishers , 2010) ISBN 978-0-87286-509-9 .
The Historic Unfulfilled Promise (City Lights Publishers, 2012) ISBN 978-0-87286-555-6 .
Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009 (Haymarket Books, 2012) ISBN 978-1-60846-259-9 .
Truth Has a Power of Its Own: Conversations About A People’s History by Howard Zinn and Ray Suarez (The New Press, 2019) ISBN 978-1-62097-517-6 .
Ars Americana Ars Politica: Partisan Expression in Contemporary American Literature and Culture . by Peter Swirski (2010) ISBN 978-0-7735-3766-8 .
Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd and Cold War Dissent, 1945–1970 (2010), Kent State University Press by Carl Mirra ISBN 978-1-60635-051-5 .
A Gigantic Mistake by Mickey Z (2004) ISBN 978-1-930997-97-4 .
A People's History of the Supreme Court by Peter H. Irons (2000) ISBN 978-0-14-029201-5 .
A Political Dynasty In North Idaho, 1933–1967 by Randall Doyle (2004) ISBN 978-0-7618-2843-3 .
American Political Prisoners: Prosecutions Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts by Stephen M. Kohn (1994) ISBN 978-0-275-94415-5 .
American Power and the New Mandarins by Noam Chomsky (2002) ISBN 978-1-56584-775-0 .
Broken Promises Of America: At Home And Abroad, Past And Present: An Encyclopedia For Our Times by (Douglas F. Dowd (2004) ISBN 978-1-56751-313-4 .
Deserter From Death: Dispatches From Western Europe 1950–2000 by Daniel Singer (2005) ISBN 978-1-56025-642-7 .
Ecocide of Native America: Environmental Destruction of Indian Lands and Peoples by Donald Grinde, Bruce Johansen (1994) ISBN 978-0-940666-52-8 .
Eugene V. Debs Reader: Socialism and the Class Struggle by William A. Pelz (2000) ISBN 978-0-9704669-0-7 .
From a Native Son: Selected Essays in Indigenism, 1985–1995 by Ward Churchill (1996) ISBN 978-0-89608-553-4 .
Green Parrots: A War Surgeon's Diary by Gino Strada (2005) ISBN 978-88-8158-420-8 .
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear And The Selling Of American Empire by Sut Jhally editor, Jeremy Earp editor (2004) ISBN 978-1-56656-581-3 .
If You're Not a Terrorist...Then Stop Asking Questions! by Micah Ian Wright (2004) ISBN 978-1-58322-626-1 .
Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal by Anthony Arnove (2006) ISBN 978-1-59558-079-5 .
Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney Dennis Loo (Editor), Peter Phillips (Editor), Seven Stories Press: 2006 ISBN 978-1-58322-743-5 .
Life of an Anarchist: The Alexander Berkman Reader by Alexander Berkman Gene Fellner, editor (2004) ISBN 978-1-58322-662-9 .
Long Shadows: Veterans' Paths to Peace by David Giffey editor (2006) ISBN 978-1-891859-64-9 .
Masters of War: Latin America and United States Aggression from the Cuban Revolution Through the Clinton Years by Clara Nieto, Chris Brandt (trans) (2003) ISBN 978-1-58322-545-5 .
Peace Signs: The Anti-War Movement Illustrated by James Mann , editor (2004) ISBN 978-3-283-00487-3 .
Prayer for the Morning Headlines: On the Sanctity of Life and Death by Daniel Berrigan (poetry) and Adrianna Amari (photography) (2007) ISBN 978-1-934074-16-9 .
Silencing Political Dissent: How Post-9-11 Anti-terrorism Measures Threaten Our Civil Liberties by Nancy Chang, Center for Constitutional Rights (2002) ISBN 978-1-58322-494-6 .
Soldiers In Revolt: GI Resistance During The Vietnam War by David Cortright (2005) ISBN 978-1-931859-27-1 .
Sold to the Highest Bidder: The Presidency from Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush by Daniel M. Friedenberg (2002) ISBN 978-1-57392-923-3 .
The Autobiography of Abbie Hoffman Intro by Norman Mailer , Afterword by HZ (2000) ISBN 978-1-56858-197-2 .
The Case for Socialism by Alan Maass (2004) ISBN 978-1-931859-09-7 .
The Forging of the American Empire: From the Revolution to Vietnam, a History of U.S. Imperialism by Sidney Lens (2003) ISBN 978-0-7453-2101-1 .
The Higher Law: Thoreau on Civil Disobedience and Reform by Henry David Thoreau , Wendell Glick, editor (2004) ISBN 978-0-691-11876-5 .
The Iron Heel by Jack London (1971) ISBN 978-0-14-303971-6 .
The Sixties Experience: Hard Lessons about Modern America by Edward P. Morgan (1992) ISBN 978-1-56639-014-9 .
You Back the Attack, We'll Bomb Who We Want by Micah Ian Wright (2003) ISBN 978-1-58322-584-4 .
A People's History of the American Revolution by Ray Raphael (2002) ISBN 978-0-06-000440-8 . Howard Zinn Foreword for New Press People's History Series .
A People's History of the United States (1999)
Artists in the Time of War (2002)
Heroes & Martyrs: Emma Goldman, Sacco & Vanzetti, and the Revolutionary Struggle (2000)
Stories Hollywood Never Tells (2000)
You Can't Blow Up A Social Relationship , CD termasuk kuliah dan pertunjukan oleh band rock Resident Genius (Thick Records, 2005)[ 8]
Lihat pula
Bacaan lebih lanjut
Duberman, Martin. Howard Zinn: A Life on the Left . (The New Press , 2012).
Ellis, Deb and Mueller, Denis. Howard Zinn: You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train . (film 2004)
Greenberg, David. "Agit-Prof: Howard Zinn's influential mutilations of American history," The New Republic March 19, 2013
Joyce, Davis D. Howard Zinn: A Radical American Vision . (Prometheus Books , 2003).
Lynd, Staughton. Doing History from the Bottom Up; On E.P. Thompson, Howard Zinn, and Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2014.
2001 Interview with Howard Zinn about A People's History of the United States , religion, and movies
Interview with Guernica: a magazine of arts and politics .
The Tavis Smiley Show : "Howard Zinn and the Omissions of U.S. History" , 27 November 2003, National Public Radio.
Howard Zinn speaks on "Confronting Empire" at Harvard Law School pada Maret 2008
An Interview with Howard Zinn on Anarchism: Rebels Against Tyranny oleh AK Press
"War is the Health of the State: An Interview with Howard Zinn" , By Paul Glavin & Chuck Morse, Perspectives on Anarchist Theory , Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 2003
"A Great Faith in Human Beings." In Klin, Richard and Lily Prince (photos), Something to Say: Thoughts on Art and Politics in America . (Leapfrog Press, 2011)
^ 1922-2010,, Zinn, Howard,. You can't be neutral on a moving train : a personal history of our times . Boston. ISBN 9780807071274 . OCLC 50704670 .
^ Howard Zinn, Historian, Is Dead at 87 , January 28, 2010.
^ "War is the Health of the State: An Interview with Howard Zinn" Diarsipkan 2010-02-01 di Wayback Machine ., By Paul Glavin & Chuck Morse, Perspectives on Anarchist Theory , Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 2003.
^ Howard Zinn on Democratic Socialism di YouTube
^ Howard Zinn Dead, Author Of 'People's History Of The United States' Died At 87 by Hillel Italie, The Huffington Post , January 27, 2010.
^ Declarations of independence: cross-examining American ideology By Howard Zinn.
^ "Politics of Knowledge: Richard Ohmann" . UPNE. 2010-01-21. Diakses tanggal 2010-01-28 .
^ "Howard Zinn, Resident Genius - You Can't Blow Up A Social Relationship" . Discogs .
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