Kapitalisme negara biasanya dideskripsikan sebagai sistem ekonomi dimana aktivitas ekonomi komersial (terutama untuk meraih untung) dipegang oleh negara, sementara alat produksi diorganisir dan diurus oleh perusahaan milik negara (termasuk proses akumulasi kapital, buruh upah, dan manajemen tersentralisasi), atau berupa dominasi badan pemerintahan yang terkorporisasi (badan-badan yang diorganisir sejalan dengan praktik-praktik manajemen bisnis) atau perusahaan publlik dengan saham negara.[1] Sastra Marxis mendefinisikan kapitalisme negara sebagai sistem sosial yang mengombinasikan kapitalisme dengan kepemilikan atau kendali oleh negara; dengan definisi ini, sebuah negara yang menganut paham kapitalis negara adalah sebuah negara dengan pemerintahan yang mengendalikan ekonomi dan pada dasarnya bertindak seperti sebuah perusahaan besar dan mengambil nilai surplus dari tenaga kerja untuk menginvestasikannya dalam produksi tambahan.[2]
Daftar pustaka
- Guy Ankerl, Beyond Monopoly Capitalism and Monopoly Socialism. Cambridge MA, Schenkman, 1978, ISBN 0-87073-938-7
- Nikolai Bukharin, Imperialism and World Economy.
- Gerd Hardach, Dieter Karras and Ben Fine, A short history of socialist economic thought., pp. 63–68.
- Bob Jessop, The capitalist state.
- Charlene Gannage, "E. S. Varga and the Theory of State Monopoly Capitalism", in Review of Radical Political Economics 12(3), Fall 1980, pages 36–49.
- Johnn Fairley, French Developments in the Theory of State Monopoly Capitalism, in: Science and Society; 44(3), Fall 1980, pages 305-25.
- Ernest Mandel, Late Capitalism, pp. 515–522.
- Ernest Mandel, Historical Materialism and the Capitalist State.
- Paul Boccara et al., Le Capitalisme Monopoliste d'Etat. Paris: Editions Sociales, 1971 (2 vols).
- G. N. Sorvina et al., "The Role of the State in the System of State Monopoly Capitalism", in: The Teaching of Political Economy: A Critique of Non Marxian Theories. Moscow: Progress, 1984, pages 171-179.
- Ben Fine & Laurence Harris, Re-reading Capital.
- Jacques Valier, Le Parti Communiste Francais Et Le Capitalisme Monopoliste D'Etat, 1976
Pranala luar
- The Economist debate on State and liberal capitalism. Diarsipkan 2013-10-20 di Wayback Machine.
- In Defense of Marxism by Leon Trotsky A collection of essays and letters to members of the US Socialist Workers Party from 1939 to 1940.
- Our Recent Congress, Justice 1896 by Wilhelm Liebknecht
- What was the USSR? by Aufheben di Wayback Machine (diarsipkan tanggal October 27, 2009)
- State Capitalism in Russia by Tony Cliff
- Toward a Theory of State Capitalism: Ultimate Decision-Making and Class Structure Libertarian analysis by Walter E. Grinder and John Hagel.
- Against the Theory of State Capitalism by Ted Grant
- The Russian Question: A debate between Raya Dunayevskaya and Max Shachtman (May 1947 with August 2005 commentary)
- Imperialism and World Economy by Nikolai Bukharin
- State Capitalism and Dictatorship by Anton Pannekoek
- The Theory of “State Capitalism” Diarsipkan 2006-05-26 di Wayback Machine., by Ernest Mandel (June 1951)
- The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience: Essay in the Critique of Political Economy by Paresh Chattopadhyay
- Collection of left-communist links that dismiss the bolshevik state capitalism.
- "The Nature of the Russian Economy" a 1946 Polemic written by Raya Dunayevskaya (then writing as Freddie Forest), founder of Marxist Humanism, arguing for a state capitalist position within the Marxist movement.
- "Trotskyism after Trotsky: The origins of the International Socialists" Summarization of three key points on which Cliff and the International Socialist Tendency deviated from what is traditionally the orthodox Trotskyist position.
- "C.L.R. James on Marx's Capital and State Capitalism" Diarsipkan 2013-05-10 di Wayback Machine.
- State Capitalism Comes of Age, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2009
- Government Jobs, Nov/Dec 2020
- The End of The Free Market: Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations, by Ian Bremmer, (May 2010)
- The Age of Monopoly-Finance Capital by John Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review, February 2010