國籍轉換也失效,建議變更為原來的編碼(原為該國國旗和國名)。-TW-mmm333k (留言) 2010年6月29日 (二) 15:19 (UTC)
The column of 國籍 didn't work in the past either. However if you copy the content from the english wiki page directly you should be able to see it.
In the new version I merged the Chinese and the English tags into Navigation Box (As the old version just translate the tags without backward compatibility).
For issues related to documentation please refer the English version.
There should be no problem showing the old content since I used the old label. I have no idea how to translate the new fields as my chinese is bad. Please help me translating the title.
Are you familiar with the template of NBA team roster? I remember that in the past the value of "accessdate = " is dispalyed as "最近更新" while as "最近交易" now. Is there any problem?
用中文啦! 我不懂中文輸入法但我完全理解中文。我需要Google Translate幫我。 I need 4min to type the chinese version but it just costs me 30 sec for the english version.
To AlexHe34:
囧rz……,不好意思,I haven't saw your reply until just now when I came here to tell you the same problem. I have already fixed it. Generally it would be better to reply others by adding a new message in their user_talk page. Only in that way will they be able to be notified that they get a new message. AlexHe34 (留言) 2010年9月3日 (五) 09:49 (UTC)[回复]
Man I'm not the one who put those content into the page. I just restructure the content to increase the readability on wiki page. Could you please trace the history, find out the content provider, and leave him a note? Winston (留言) 2011年4月29日 (五) 03:45 (UTC)[回复]
Maybe it is better for you to understand how I do the editing process. First I copied the content from the English wiki. Without saving I will test the content is displayed correctly. If there is some Template missing then I created the template. After everything is ready then I will publish the updated content. Therefore I created 35 templates before publishing the content. The reason there are delete request is because template is unused at creation time. To be honest I think it is better the modify the bot and change it to daily check instead. Winston(留言) 2016年7月26日 (二) 03:43 (UTC)[回复]
You have posted comments to the page Template talk:Height in a language other than Modern Chinese. Please always use Chinese to communicate, no matter to whom you address your comments. This is so that comments may be comprehensible to the community at large. If the use of another language is unavoidable, please provide a translation of the comments. If you do not write Chinese but need to contact zh-wikipedia, you can leave your message here. Thank You.
Thanks for your information. Actually I am a chinese. However I don't know any Chinese Input Method, so I use english to communicate.
Winston(留言) 2016年8月9日 (二) 01:55 (UTC)[回复]
I applied for reverting the fix but it has been pending for days. Hope this process can go through smoothly. No matter what --Winston(留言) 2016年11月30日 (三) 12:44 (UTC)[回复]
Sir, I didn't say that new things is better. But honestly it doesn't fix several tiny problems (e.g. Navbox overflow on Safari, also it also get rid of the {{Football squad lastplayer}} template). Therefore it is not a "blindly" overwrite but there are some benefits. However I do agree that there are some migration fix needed. I hope you can just wait and not keep reverting because the look and feel is worsen (which is not a big issue, honestly). Do the migration and move forward.--Winston(留言) 2016年11月30日 (三) 12:42 (UTC)[回复]
Seems the conversation is a bit more constructive. Currently I fixed one template display problem. I will further check. But honestly I would say there is some error on the use of template not the template itself. I think the problem is now fixed.
Sorry I don't type chinese character so I don't think I can help much (I just copy and paste). I guess my main objective here is to bring the best practice in English Template to Chinese site. So normally I will build move a article, create the template, and hope someone can build new article based on the article I created. But I can assist on migrating the template. Lastly I guess the article won't be removed if it is classified as '劣質' right? Also how to see if the article is '劣質'? --Winston(留言) 2016年12月23日 (五) 07:45 (UTC)[回复]
I am sorry. My primary objective of making editing is to ensure people can easily migrating content from English Wiki page to Chinese Wiki Page. I may create page but I seldom create contents. Sorry about that.
Yeah you are right. Currently I am using the {{ifnumber}} template to test if the character is a number or not. But seems the character E is a number (It happens in English wiki too). I have created a request on English wiki page. Let's see how it goes. Maybe in current time let's revert back to the old method.
You can speak native Chinese. Please avoid using English unless you don't know how to express it.
Please use Modern Chinese to communicate
You have posted comments in a language other than Modern Chinese. Please always use Chinese to communicate, no matter to whom you address your comments. This is so that comments may be comprehensible to the community at large. If the use of another language is unavoidable, please provide a translation of the comments. If you do not write Chinese but need to contact zh-wikipedia, you can leave your message here. Thank You.
Thanks for your concern. Honestly typing Chinese is possible but it is 10 times slower. It keeps me less productive. Winston(留言) 2016年12月28日 (三) 23:36 (UTC)[回复]
You have posted comments to the page Wikipedia:頁面存廢討論/記錄/2017/1/18 in a language other than Modern Chinese. Please always use Chinese to communicate, no matter to whom you address your comments. This is so that comments may be comprehensible to the community at large. If the use of another language is unavoidable, please provide a translation of the comments. If you do not write Chinese but need to contact zh-wikipedia, you can leave your message here. Thank You.
Why don't you correct the word using HK's translation for consistency the article itself? Your change can be considered as vandalism (changing Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese for no reason). -hiJK910じぇじぇじぇ2017年3月9日 (四) 12:07 (UTC)[回复]
Why didn't you replace 奧克拉荷馬雷霆 with 奧克拉荷馬城雷霆 but 俄克拉何馬城雷霆? Both 奧克拉荷馬 and 奧克拉荷馬城 can be handled by NBA translation module. It is a Wikipedia policy that all translation inconsistency has to be dealt with translation modules but not manual handling. Please refer to Wikipedia:繁简处理#勿手动转化条目繁简语句, Wikipedia:破坏#破坏类型, Help:中文维基百科的繁简、地区词处理.
One main point is 「勿手動轉化條目繁簡語句」. No Wikipedia policy focus on the consistency across pages but in the same page, concerning the Traditional Chinese VS Simplified Chinese problem. "Because it is the name of the page" is a stupid, wrong reason for making your change.
The reason why I started an edit request is because the displayed name (奧克拉荷馬雷霆 in this case) is not the same as the Title of the hyperlink page (in zh-hans as well as zh-hant). So the an edit is justified. The next step would be what word should be used.
Second, in Help:中文维基百科的繁简、地区词处理 it states that「本百科並不規範讀者或編者要使用何種用字模式,而是嘗試以電腦程式的自動轉換來適應這些差異,讓編者可以以自己的用字習慣提供數據,也讓讀者可以選擇所要的數據的用字遣詞。」. I think this is clear that consistency within the source is not a requirement. And also it clearly states that either 奧克拉荷馬城雷霆 (your way) or 俄克拉何马城雷霆 (my way) is fine.
You may think consistency across pages is not the convincing phrase, but on the other hand any editor could make changes if the name inside the article is being displayed incorrectly (Please refer to Point 1). So an edit is needed. When you apply this logic to all the article, then you can easily draw a conclusion and it is called "consistency across pages".
In Wikipedia:破坏, vadalism can be charged based on the condition 「無正當理由下」and 「在收到其他維基人提示後不作出合理的解釋並依舊進行手工繁簡替換的行為,會被視作破壞」. I already states that the displayed name is not the same as the Title of the hyperlink page (in zh-hans as well as zh-hant). So there is a need to change. Because I made an explaination, so it won't be counted as vandalism (in any case).
The condition of「勿手動轉化條目繁簡語句」is based on the fact that「如果缺乏正當理由」(Please refer to Point 1).
P.S.: An editor also provided some suggestion. In the talk page someone have also have the same question and provide his own personal view without being questioned 何不直接用目標條目的標題轉換去轉換超連結. So I would see this is a generally accepted practice.
Another main point is your second and third reasons is not valid.
The「何不直接用目標條目的標題轉換去轉換超連結」has a reason why the name of the page should be used. If you disagree please feel free to reply him/her.
The name of the page is 俄克拉何马城雷霆 because someone changed it in 2011 but NOT "well agreed" (no discussion record can be found so I assume it is not well agreed). Wikipedia policy states that the name of the article cannot be changed to other translation once created. Therefore, I assume the change in 2011 was in fact vandalism.
I personally don't think this is the case. But if you thinks there is vandalism and you dislike vandalism, I would suggest you should go into the page and revert the changes.
So pleaes give me the source that supports the fact that "The name of the page (俄克拉何馬城雷霆 in this case) is agreed amount the majority users" first. I cannot find it anywhere else in Wikipedia.
Within Wikipedia:命名常规:「若當條目標題(名稱)存在命名爭議時,應在該條目中加入{{命名}}模板來提醒用戶,並在其討論頁進行討論來取得共識後,再考量是否維持原狀或更名(移動)至最適合的標題。」. In previous years nobody has made a changes or request for changes. Therefore no one has an issue with the name. This reasoning is called Transposition.
奧克拉荷馬城雷霆 is an official translation (not a less agreed name), at least in HK, so there is no problem using it.
Based on what you just said, the translation module is incorrect. Would you advise making the changes on the translation module?
Please just add a 城 for your consistency issue. Thanks.
So I am not sure if you agree that consistency is needed or not. You said consistency across pages is not needed but on the other hand you suggest adding the word to fix the inconsistency issue. I am really confused.
(P.S. Where do you come from? Why do you seem so insensitive to the Traditional/Simplified Chinese issue, which can be quite political sometime?)
It doesn't matter where I come from, as long as the name is read incorrectly, therefore an edit is needed. Because there are many editors from different places you really can't force people from using a zh-hans to write the source. So wikipedia never limit people from the source perspective. When I read it (no matter from zh-hans or zh-hant) it is still not the same as the original page. So an edit is needed. To be honest I make changes on a particular phrase is just because it is wrong, if I want to do vandalism I could change the whole article. Lastly I don't understand how does this related to "political". It is political because me fixing a reader's problem by changing it using the original name? Or it is political because no other edition (zh-hans) is being allowed in the source?
If you add just a 城, your issue will be solved and at the same time, I will not have any concern as long as you keep it traditional chinese. This discussion can be ended then.
After searching on the net, I found both 奧克拉荷馬雷霆 and 奧克拉荷馬城雷霆 are actually broadly used in HK, which means both are correct.
An article can only have one name, so the article name is not necessarily the only correct name. 俄克拉何馬城雷霆 is still a correct name so I need not change it.
What you did is changing a correct tradition chinese word to simplified chinese, which is vandalism.
Please change the NBA module yourself and don't make the correct thing wrong instead. Please refer to Wikipedia:繁简处理#勿手动转化条目繁简语句:「對於編輯者來說,想修正機器轉換不正確的詞彙,可以 [some methods] 。總之手動轉化條目繁簡語句是沒有必要的。」
Keeping it Traditional Chinese (or Simplified Chinese) is all about respect.
P.S. My biggest question is why you would think both 奧克拉荷馬雷霆 and 奧克拉荷馬城雷霆 is not correct name or less agreed name, just because 俄克拉何馬城雷霆 is the article name? As I mentioned before, "because it is the name of the page" is a stupid, wrong reason for making your change.-hiJK910じぇじぇじぇ2017年3月12日 (日) 15:25 (UTC)[回复]
雖然「本百科並不規範讀者或編者要使用何種用字模式」,但「如果缺乏正當理由,請不要手動地將條目源碼中的繁體語句轉為簡體,或簡體轉為繁體(廣義地也包括將一個地區用詞轉換成另一地區用詞,如港澳繁體轉換成台灣正體)」。(回應It still doesn't prove that my way has any problem.)
綜上所述,你的論述的三個前提( "why using the name of the page", "why the name of the page is more agree", "機器轉換" )都錯了,導致你得出的結論都錯了(這也讓我越看越困惑)。
Hello. Thank you for reporting possible vandalism on WP:当前的破坏. Those edits made by Reg1527 could be considered vandalism if you are sure that this user keeps replacing wrong information with correct one. Admins will only block vandalizing user from editing when he/she received several warnings in most cases. A user will be blocked without any warning if admins can confirm that this account is a puppet, or a so-called Vandalism Only Account. This not only apply to Chinese Wikipedia, but also most Wikimedia projects. You can use Twinkle to warn users that may made any vandalizing edits. You needn't worry about if they can understand your Chinese, for the warnings templates Twinkle provided are already written. In the case of Reg1527, since I looked through this user's edits, and found that he/she did make some constructive edits, I wouldn't block this user immediately. If you consider that this user adding wrong info to Wikipedia, you'd better provide a reliable source that can proof Reg1527 is wrong, or an admin who is not famailar with the topic, may not depose this case because admins themselves even aren't sure if it's really a vandalizer. In a nutshell, you should warn this user (with Twinkle would be better), if this user rejects to have a discussion on it, keeps ignoring your warnings, report it to the same page again. If you have anything uncertain, feel to send me an email or leave a message on my user talk page. --Techyan(留言) 2017年3月28日 (二) 12:07 (UTC)[回复]
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