动物界 Animalia
节肢动物门 Arthropoda
昆虫纲 Insecta
膜翅目 Hymenoptera
蟻科 Formicidae
針蟻亞科 Ponerinae
鋸針蟻族 Odontomachini
鋸針蟻屬 Odontomachus Latreille, 1804
Odontomachus haematodus
鋸針蟻屬 (Odontomachus ) 又称大齿猛蚁属, 隸屬蟻科 針蟻亞科 ,棲息於熱帶 和亞熱帶 ,為肉食性。
鋸針蟻屬具有觸發式大顎 (trap-jaw),大顎能以極快的速度關上,以捕捉獵物或是透過反作用力彈飛自己躲避敵人。
鋸針蟻屬英文俗名trap-jaw ants ,鋸針蟻屬有一對發達的大顎,打開的角度可達180度。大顎可以透過內部的結構固定在打開的姿勢,大顎的內部生有一對用來感知的板機毛 (trigger-hair),當獵物觸碰到板機毛 (trigger-hair) 時大顎便會快速關上,大顎強而有力,且運動速度極快,鋸針蟻屬的英文俗名便是由此而來,大顎命中獵物時會殺死或使獵物殘廢。如果大顎沒有命中目標,鋸針蟻屬可以重複地固定大顎、擊發大顎,除此之外,鋸針蟻屬也可以像其他螞蟻一樣正常開闔大顎。鋸針蟻屬也會利用大顎來擊飛敵人,或是彈飛自己以躲避敵人[ 1] [ 2] 。
O. hastatus 的頭部
鋸針蟻屬的幼蟲外形特殊[ 3] ,其身體上生有長長的肉脊,且其背部生有黏著墊,可以用來黏在蟻巢的牆壁上[ 4] 。幼蟲為肉食性,幼蟲會蛻皮三次[ 4] ,幼蟲會利用其他介質結繭[ 5] 。
鋸針蟻屬大顎運動的速度是動物界中第二快的[ 1] ,第一快的是德古拉蟻 (Mystrium camillae )[ 6] 。有研究指出 Odontomachus bauri 大顎運動的速度介於時速 126 ~ 230 公里。大顎關上的時間平均為 130 微秒。加速度可達 1 000 000 m/s²。
Enoplomischus 屬的跳蛛會擬態成鋸針蟻屬[ 7] 。
鋸針蟻屬分布於中南美洲、亞洲、澳洲與非洲[ 8] 。有研究指出在美國「Odontomachus haematodus 1956年在阿拉巴馬州被記錄到,但近期研究者指出該物種已沿著墨西哥灣散播,最遠至佛羅里達州的彭薩科拉[ 9] 。」Magdalena Sorger則指出,「在過去,Odontomachus ruginodis 的分布範圍被認為侷限在奧蘭多地區,而近期有一筆 O . ruginodis 的紀錄出現在奧蘭多北邊超過100英里處,位於佛羅里達州的蓋恩斯維爾[ 10] 。」而 Odontomachus relictus 則只在佛羅里達中部發現,棲息於長有灌木叢的沙脊地形中[ 11] 。
O. haematodus 的幼蟲
Odontomachus paleomyagra
Odontomachus pseudobauri
共73個現生物種,3個化石物種[ 12]
Odontomachus aciculatus F. Smith , 1863
近缘大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus affinis Guerin-Meneville , 1844
Odontomachus alius Sorger & Zettel, 2011
Odontomachus allolabis Kempf, 1974
Odontomachus angulatus Mayr, 1866
Odontomachus animosus Smith, 1860
Odontomachus assiniensis Emery, 1892
Odontomachus banksi Forel, 1910
Odontomachus bauri Emery, 1892
Odontomachus biolleyi Forel, 1908
Odontomachus biumbonatus Brown, 1976
Odontomachus bradleyi Brown, 1976
Odontomachus brunneus (Patton, 1894)
Odontomachus caelatus Brown, 1976
Odontomachus cephalotes Smith, 1863 (Indonesia, Australia, etc.)
Odontomachus chelifer (Latreille, 1802)
环纹大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus circulus Wang, 1993
Odontomachus clarus Roger, 1861
Odontomachus coquereli Roger, 1861
Odontomachus cornutus Stitz, 1933
Odontomachus desertorum Wheeler, 1915
Odontomachus erythrocephalus Emery, 1890
Odontomachus floresensis Brown, 1976 (Indonesia: Flores)
光亮大齿猛蚁Odontomachus fulgidus Wang, 1993
粒纹大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus granatus Wang, 1993
血色大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus haematodus (Linnaeus , 1758) (South America, introduced to Australia prior to 1876); type species
Odontomachus hastatus (Fabricius , 1804)
Odontomachus imperator Emery, 1887
Odontomachus infandus Smith, 1858
Odontomachus insularis Guérin-Méneville, 1844
Odontomachus kuroiwae (Matsumura, 1912)
Odontomachus laticeps Roger, 1861
Odontomachus latidens Mayr, 1867
Odontomachus latissimus Viehmeyer, 1914
Odontomachus malignus Smith, 1859
Odontomachus mayi Mann, 1912
Odontomachus meinerti Forel, 1905
Odontomachus minangkabau Satria, Kurushima, Herwina, Yamane & Eguchi, 2015
Odontomachus montanus Stitz, 1925
山大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus monticola Emery, 1892 高山锯针蚁
妖大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus mormo Brown, 1976
Odontomachus nigriceps Smith, 1860
Odontomachus opaciventris Forel, 1899
Odontomachus opaculus Viehmeyer, 1912
†Odontomachus paleomyagra Wappler, Dlussky, Engel, Prokop & Knor, 2014 [ 13]
Odontomachus panamensis Forel, 1899
Odontomachus papuanus Emery, 1887
Odontomachus pararixosus Terayama & Ito, 2014
Odontomachus peruanus Stitz, 1933
Odontomachus philippinus Emery, 1893
Odontomachus procerus Emery, 1893
†Odontomachus pseudobauri (De Andrade, 1994)
Odontomachus relictus Deyrup & Cover, 2004
争吵大齿猛蚁Odontomachus rixosus Smith, 1857
Odontomachus ruficeps Smith, 1858 (Australia)
Odontomachus rufithorax Emery, 1911
Odontomachus ruginodis Smith, 1937
Odontomachus saevissimus Smith, 1858
Odontomachus scalptus Brown, 1978
Odontomachus schoedli Sorger & Zettel, 2011
Odontomachus scifictus Sorger & Zettel, 2011
西氏大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus silvestrii W.M. Wheeler , 1927
Odontomachus simillimus F. Smith, 1858 (Australia, Fiji , etc.)
†Odontomachus spinifer De Andrade, 1994
Odontomachus spissus Kempf, 1962
Odontomachus sumbensis Brown, 1976
直齿大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus tensus Wang, 1993
Odontomachus testaceus Emery, 1897
Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi, 1914 (Africa, Madagascar, Inner Seychelles)
Odontomachus turneri Forel, 1900 (Australia)
Odontomachus tyrannicus Smith, 1859
西藏大齿猛蚁 Odontomachus xizangensis Wang, 1993
Odontomachus yucatecus Brown, 1976
^ 1.0 1.1 Patek SN, Baio JE, Fisher BL, Suarez AV. Multifunctionality and mechanical origins: Ballistic jaw propulsion in trap-jaw ants (PDF ) . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 22 August 2006, 103 (34): 12787–12792 [7 June 2008] . PMC 1568925 . PMID 16924120 . doi:10.1073/pnas.0604290103 . (原始内容存档 (PDF) 于2014-08-31).
^ Ant Jaws Break Speed Record (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 ) — Videos of Odontomachus jumping using its jaws
^ Pappas, Stephanie; May 11, Live Science Contributor |; ET, 2017 07:41am. Weird Ants Have Hairy Blobs for Babies . Live Science. [2019-06-28 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-11-30).
^ 4.0 4.1 Fox, E.G.P.; Smith, A.A.; Gibson, J.C.; Solis, D.R. Larvae of trap-jaw ants, Odontomachus Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): morphology and biological notes . The Austrian Society of Entomofaunistics. 2017 [2020-03-06 ] . doi:10.25849/myrmecol.news_025:017 . (原始内容存档 于2021-02-25).
^ How Trap-Jaw Ants Develop From Larvae Stages [Watch] . Science Times. 2017-05-10 [2019-06-28 ] . (原始内容存档 于2019-06-28) (英语) .
^ Dracula ants possess fastest known animal appendage: The snap-jaw . ScienceDaily. [2018-12-12 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-11-08).
^ Wesołowska, W. A new species of Enoplomischus from Kenya (Araneae: Salticidae: Leptorchestinae) (PDF) . Genus. 2005, 16 (2): 307–311. (原始内容 (PDF) 存档于2007-03-15).
^ Schmidt, C. A.; Shattuck, S. O. The Higher Classification of the Ant Subfamily Ponerinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a Review of Ponerine Ecology and Behavior. Zootaxa . 2014, 3817 (1): 1–242. PMID 24943802 . doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3817.1.1 .
^ Powerful Trap-jaw Ants are Gaining Ground in the Southeastern United States . Entomology Today. 20 June 2014 [20 June 2014] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-28). One species called Odontomachus haematodu s was unofficially recorded in Alabama back in 1956. But now researchers have officially confirmed that the species has spread across the Gulf Coast, at least as far east as Pensacola, Florida.
^ Powerful Trap-jaw Ants are Gaining Ground in the Southeastern United States . Entomology Today. 20 June 2014 [20 June 2014] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-28). As recently as a few years ago, another species called Odontomachus ruginodis was thought to be confined to the Orlando region, and points south. But now Sorger has confirmed a record of ruginodis more than a hundred miles north of Orlando, in Gainesville, Florida.
^ Powerful Trap-jaw Ants are Gaining Ground in the Southeastern United States . Entomology Today. 20 June 2014 [20 June 2014] . (原始内容存档 于2021-01-28). Not all of the trap-jaw species are on the move, however. Sorger also studies Odontomachus relictus , a species that is found only in endangered scrub habitat on central Florida’s ancient sand ridges.
^ An Online Catalog of the Ants of the World by Barry Bolton . [2020-03-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-04-25).
^ An Online Catalog of the Ants of the World: O. paleomyagra . [2020-03-06 ] . (原始内容存档 于2015-09-23).