聖福瓦戰役(法語:Bataille de Sainte-Foy)發生在1760年4月28日, 是七年戰爭期間的一場戰事, 法國軍隊在弗朗索瓦·加斯頓·德·萊維斯的率領下, 打敗了英軍副團長詹姆斯·莫瑞的3,800人。
英軍在亞伯拉罕草原之役取得決定性的勝利後, 法軍於蒙特婁重組實力; 同時因為饑餓和壞血病, 英軍的戰鬥力下降。7個月後, 萊維斯將軍帶領由第一民族和加拿大民兵組成的5,000大軍返回亞伯拉罕草原; 摩雷·詹姆斯知道自己的軍力較弱, 但還是下令3,800人帶著20門大砲出戰, 而且在劣勢下, 他沒有等法軍進攻, 就向敵人推進, 結果步兵都陷於泥淖, 法軍反攻, 逼英軍棄砲而逃。
- ^ Lévis commanded around 6,910 officers, soldiers, and militia on his expedition from Montreal. By his estimates his army at Sainte-Foy numbered about 5,000, although he reported that more than 1,400 of these, including a regular brigade and his cavalry, did not participate in the action. His native allies, it seems, took no part in the fighting, although they reappeared at the end of the battle to reap their share of prisoners.[1] 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2006-10-10.