《圣剑传说2》(日版名:聖剣伝説2,英文版名:Secret of Mana)是由史克威尔(今史克威尔艾尼克斯)开发,并于1993年在超级任天堂平台首发的动作角色扮演游戏。游戏是1991年游戏《圣剑传说 最终幻想外传》的续作,游戏是首部脱离最终幻想名义的圣剑传说作品,并确立了系列在西方的名称“玛娜”(Mana)。游戏设定于高度奇幻的世界,讲述了三名英雄阻止帝国用古代战舰征服世界的故事。
游戏鲜艳的图形、庞大的情节、环状菜单系统和革新的即时战斗系统获得广泛赞扬。评论还称赞了菊田裕树创作的原声音乐,及可为电脑同伴定制人工智能(AI)的设定。原版游戏与2008年再版于WiiVirtual Console,2009年发行于日本手机,2010年和2014年分別强化移植到iOS和Android智能手机,两个版本皆支持中文。2018年2月,3D完全重制版《圣剑传说2 Secret of Mana》(日版名:聖剣伝説2 SECRET of MANA,英文版名:Secret of Mana)发行于PlayStation 4、PlayStation Vita和Windows。
《圣剑传说2》的英文翻译耗时仅30天,在日版发售后不到一星期就完成[26],北美本地化版最初的广告称游戏“最终幻想冒险2”(Final Fantasy Adventure 2)[27]。评论称为让北美版赶上1993年假期,翻译草草完成[24]。翻译泰德·伍尔西称因为空间显示,英文本地化时砍掉了很大一部分游戏剧本[28]。为了在主游戏屏幕有限的空间内显示文字,英文译文采用了特殊的定宽字体。伍尔西对将对话修剪到最短限度和翻译时间过短不悦,称这“几近杀了我”[29]。伍尔西拿到的剧本是如同“打散小说”的散乱文字群,难以翻译[28]。除了英文外,游戏还被本地化为德文和法文。日版在说明书中给三名主角起了名字[30],西方版直到iOS强化移植版才给玩家角色起名[31][32]。
原声专辑《圣剑传说2原声音乐版》于1993年在日本发行,其中收录了44首《圣剑传说2》音乐曲目。英语版题为“Secret of Mana Original Soundtrack”,除了包装与本地化歌曲标题外,与日本原版无异。《圣剑传说2》是最早在北美本地化原声的日本游戏之一[38]。同样在1993年专辑《圣剑传说2 Secret of Mana》是一张编曲专辑,仅收录了《Secret of Mana》一曲,续作《圣剑传说3》也使用了该组曲旋律[41]。评论称该专辑为“实验性”风格,使用了瀑布、鸟啼、手机声、“打字”声等“古怪声音”[42]。评论还称音乐涵盖多种音乐风格,比如“德彪西印象派风格,他自己的重电子和合成器概念,甚至是流行音乐的概念”[41]。《Secret of Mana Genesis/圣剑传说2编曲专辑》于2012年发行。专辑收录了16首超级任天堂原版的改善版曲目,菊田在唱片说明文字中称,它们是他在谱写时没有硬件限制下“所期望的乐声”。然而RPGFan的帕特里克·江恩等评论称之间差别较小[43]。
史克威尔在1999年宣布,他们计划将包括《圣剑传说2》在内的9款游戏移植到万代掌上游戏机WonderSwan Color[44],然而移植最终搁浅。WiiVirtual Console版于2008年在日本、北美和欧洲发行。日本手机移植版于2009年10月26日发行[45]。2010年E3上史克威尔艾尼克斯宣布了iOS移植版的消息,移植于2010年12月21日在Apple的应用商店上架[46]。移植版修正了一些错误,英语版的脚本修订并参照原日版重翻[47],2011年游戏更新加入中文支持[48]。Wii U Virtual Console版于2013年7月26日在日本发行。Android移植版于2014年10月30日在Google Play上架[49],内置中文版[48]。2017年8月,游戏的3D重制版宣布登陆PlayStation 4、PlayStation Vita和Windows,并在2018年2月15日发售[50]。重制版是由Q Studios为史克威尔艾尼克斯开发的[51]。
IGN的鲁卡斯·托马斯在2008年评测了Virtual Console移植版,他称《圣剑传说2》被视为史上最佳电子游戏之一[58]。Eurogamer的丹·怀特海德同样对移植版表示推荐,称其为圣剑传说系列的“本质”与定型游戏[56]。Slide to Play的娜迪亚·牛津iOS移植版改善的图形和电脑控制角色表示称赞。她还称赞游戏触控质量胜过其他手机版角色扮演游戏,但对多人模式移除表示不满[47]。
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Girl: This is GREAT! I need your help! I helped YOU didn't I? It's your turn. We're going to teach that witch a lesson. We're going to save Dyluck!
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Sprite: Well, how was that? What an actor I am! That guy was even crying! [...] Elder: Hey! Sorry about that. This child received such a shock from drifting here, it lost all its memories.
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Jema: That appears to be the real Mana Sword. [...] Sorry, but the sword is losing its power, and must be re-energized!
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Thanatos: I need life energy to create a new, peaceful world, understand? Soon, the Mana Fortress will bring the people of the world together!
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Thanatos: For ages I have been searching...for a human with the power to conquer this world... ...one born in the shadow of darkness, and raised in the light of Mana. Dyluck is the one. I cannot wait any longer. My body has grown weak! It is time! Using his body I will take the Mana Fortress, and rule the world!
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Mana Tree: The Mana Fortress is using up most of the world's Mana. Soon all the beasts of will be transformed into one giant creature. Only the great Mana Beast can bring back Mana. But the Beast has little control over its rage. If it were to attack the fortress, the world would be finished.
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Mana Tree: That was your father, Serin. I was his wife...and am your mother. We are of the Mana Tribe. The women of our kind become the Tree, and the protectors of the world. The men wield the Sword, and protect against evil!
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Dyluck: Princess...can you hear me? It's me, Dyluck... He's too strong...I'm finished, but I can help you... Thanatos is an ancient sorcerer who sold his heart to the underworld. Though his life force is eternal, he hasn't his own body. His life force is growing darker. He feeds on hatred and destruction!
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Hero: ...I can't... I won't hurt a Mana Beast! I can't! They are only trying to restore Mana! And......sprite! If you use up all your Mana power, you'll disappear!
^Square. Secret of Mana. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square. 1993-10-03. Sprite: OK, if we don't stop the Mana Beast, your world is finished, right? Everything will perish. Trees...animals...PEOPLE! That must not happen! YOU have the Mana Sword, YOU must save this world... YOU have no choice! You made a vow to your mother, the Mana Tree, right? I'll be okay. [...] Hero: Sprite! ...he's...gone! I didn't even say goodbye. [...] Girl: The Mana Beast is turning into...snow!