蓋迪斯在海軍戰爭學院 講大戰略
約翰·劉易斯·蓋迪斯 (英語:John Lewis Gaddis ,1941年4月2日— ),在美國 德州 科圖拉 出生,是以研究冷戰 和大戰略 出名的歷史學家,被紐約時報 譽為“冷戰史學泰斗”。他是耶魯大學 軍事和海軍歷史的罗伯特·A·洛维特 講座教授。他寫的20世紀美國政治家喬治·凱南 的官方傳記,獲得2012年普利策传记文学奖 。[ 1] [ 2]
George F. Kennan: An American Life . New York, NY: The Penguin Press. 2011. ISBN 978-1-594-20312-1 .
The Cold War: A New History . New York, NY: The Penguin Press. 2005. ISBN 978-1-594-20062-5 . US edition The Cold War . London: Allen Lane . 2005. ISBN 978-0-713-99912-9 . UK edition
Surprise, Security, and the American Experience . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press . 2004. ISBN 978-0-674-01174-8 .
The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past . New York, NY: Oxford University Press . 2002. ISBN 978-0-195-06652-4 .
(Co-editor with Philip H. Gordon, Ernest R. May and Jonathan Rosenberg). Cold War Statesmen Confront the Bomb: Nuclear Diplomacy Since 1945 . Oxford: Oxford University Press . 1999. ISBN 978-0-198-29468-9 .
We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History . Oxford: Clarendon Press . 1997. ISBN 978-0-198-78070-0 .
The United States and the End of the Cold War: Implications, Reconsiderations and Provocations . New York, NY: Oxford University Press . 1992. ISBN 978-0-195-05201-5 .
The Long Peace: Inquiries into the History of the Cold War . New York, NY: Oxford University Press . 1987. ISBN 978-0195043365 .
Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security Policy revised. New York, NY: Oxford University Press . 2005 [1982]. ISBN 978-0195174489 .
Russia, the Soviet Union and the United States: An Interpretive History revised. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill . 1990 [1978]. ISBN 978-0-075-57258-9 .
The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941–1947 revised. New York, NY: Columbia University Press . 2000 [1972]. ISBN 978-0-231-12239-9 .
Grand strategies in the Cold War. In Melvyn P. Leffler and Odd Arne Westad , eds., The Cambridge History of the Cold War, Volume II: Crises and Détente (pp. 1–21) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press . 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-83720-0 .
Ending Tyranny: The past and future of an idea . The American Interest . [15 April 2013] . (原始内容 存档于2013年5月25日).
Grand Strategy in the Second Term . Foreign Affairs . 2005, 84 (1): 2–15. JSTOR 20034202 .
A Grand Strategy of Transformation . Foreign Policy : 50–57. [15 April 2013] .
On Starting All Over Again: A Naïve Approach to the Study of the Cold War. In Odd Arne Westad , ed., Reviewing the Cold War: Approaches, Interpretations, Theory (pp. 27–42) . London & Portland, OR: Frank Cass . 2000. ISBN 978-0-714-65072-2 .
On Moral Equivalency and Cold War History . Ethics & International Affairs . 1996, 10 : 131–148. doi:10.1111/j.1747-7093.1996.tb00007.x . (原始内容 存档于2000-08-17).
The Emerging Post-Revisionist Synthesis on the Origins of the Cold War . Diplomatic History . 1983, 7 (3): 171–190. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7709.1983.tb00389.x .
The Cold War: Some Lessons for Policy Makers . Naval War College Review . 1974, 27 (3): 2–15.