維托夫在他多產的文章中闡述了他的核心理念,即捕捉所謂的「電影真理」:將實際生活的片段組織在一起,形成肉眼無法看到的更深層次的真理。在《電影真理報》系列中,維托夫專注於日常經歷,避開了資產階級的關注點,轉而拍攝市場、酒吧和學校,有時甚至使用隱藏的攝像機,進行未經許可的拍攝。《電影真理》的每一集通常都不包括重演或舞台表演。(唯一的例外是關於1922年社會革命黨受審(英语:Trial of the Socialist Revolutionaries)的片段:街頭賣報紙的場景和人們在電車上讀報紙的場景都是為攝像機準備的。)攝影風格簡單、實用、不加修飾——這或許反映了維托夫對「美」和「虛構的宏大」缺乏興趣。在三年內,共製作了二十三期,每期約二十分鐘,通常涵蓋三個主題。這些故事通常是描述性的,而非敘事性的,包括小插曲和揭露,例如電車系統的翻修、農民組織成公社,以及社會革命黨人受審;其中一個故事展示了新生共產主義國家的饑荒。儘管電影裡也有政治宣傳的成分,但卻顯得低調,例如關於機場建設的一集中:一個鏡頭顯示了沙皇的坦克幫助準備地基,字幕寫著“勞動前線上的坦克”。
^ 10.010.1Bulgakowa, Oksana. 2008. "The Ear against the Eye: Vertov's symphony." Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung (2): 142-158. p. 142
^ Kendall, Matthew. Boisterous Utopia: Soviet Sonic Culture and Dziga Vertov's. The Russian Review: An American Quarterly Devoted to Russia Past and Present. Vol. 81, 2022.
^MacKay, John. Allegory and Accommodation: Vertov's Three Songs of Lenin (1934) as a Stalinist Film. Ioffe, Dennis; White, Frederick (编). Russian Avant-Garde and Radical Modernism: An Introductory Reader. Academic Studies Press. 2012: 420. ISBN 9781618111425.
Natascha Drubek-Meyer, Natascha. Griffiths und Vertovs Wiege. Dziga Vertovs Film 'Kolybel'naja' (1937).. Frauen und Film. 1994, 54/55: 31–51. JSTOR 24058286.
Natascha Drubek-Meyer; Murasov, Jurij, Rhapsodie und Apparatur. Zu den Filmen des Dziga Vertov. Frankfurt a.M. 1999.
Ellis, Jack C. The Documentary Idea: a Critical History of English-Language Documentary Film and Video. Prentice Hall, 1989.
Feldman, Seth. "'Peace between Man and Machine': Dziga Vertov's The Man with a Movie Camera." in: Barry Keith Grant, and Jeannette Sloniowski, eds. Documenting the Documentary: Close Readings of Documentary Film and Video. Wayne State University Press, 1998. pp. 40–53.
Feldman, Seth. Evolution of style in the early work of Dziga Vertov. 1977, Arno Press, New York.
Graffy, Julian; Deriabin, Aleksandr; Sarkisova, Oksana; Keller, Sarah; Scandiffio, Theresa . Lines of Resistance: Dziga Vertov and the Twenties; edited and with an introduction by Yuri Tsivian. Le Giornate del cinema muto, Gemona, Udine
Heftberger, Adelheid. Kollision der Kader. Dziga Vertovs Filme, die Visualisierung ihrer Strukturen und die Digital Humanities. Munich: edition text + kritik, 2016.
Hicks, Jeremy. Dziga Vertov: Defining Documentary Film. London & New York: I. B. Tauris, 2007.
Le Grice, Malcolm. Abstract Film and Beyond. Studio Vista, 1977.
MacKay, John. "Allegory and Accommodation: Vertov's «Three Songs of Lenin» (1934) as a Stalinist Film." In Film History: An International Journal; 18.4 (2006) 376–391.
Roberts, Graham. The Man with the Movie Camera. I. B. Tauris, 2001. ISBN1-86064-394-9
Singer, Ben. "Connoisseurs of Chaos: Whitman, Vertov and the 'Poetic Survey,'" Literature/Film Quarterly; 15:4 (Fall 1987): 247–258.
Tode, Thomas & Wurm, Barbara, Austrian Film Museum, eds. Dziga Vertov. The Vertov Collection at the Austrian Film Museum, Bilingual (German-English). (Paperback – May 2006), FilmmuseumSynemaPublikationen.-- online version available here (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
Tsivian, Yuri, ed. Lines of Resistance: Dziga Vertov and the Twenties. Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, 2004. ISBN88-86155-15-8
Vertov, Dziga. On Kinopravda. 1924, and The Man with the Movie Camera. 1928, in: Annette Michelson ed. Kevin O'Brien tr. Kino-Eye : The Writings of Dziga Vertov, University of California Press, 1995.
Dziga Vertov. We. A Version of a Manifesto. 1922, in Ian Christie, Richard Taylor eds. The Film Factory: Russian and Soviet Cinema in Documents, 1896–1939 Routledge, 1994. ISBN0-415-05298-X
Warren, Charles, ed. Beyond Document: Essays on Nonfiction Film. Wesleyan University Press, 1996.
Dziga Vertov's Man with the Movie Camera DVD, audio commentary track by Yuri Tsivian.
Entuziazm (Simfonija Donbassa) DVD, restored version and unrestored version plus documentary on Peter Kubelka's restoration.