^ 2.02.1Zimman, Lal. Trans self-identification and the language of neoliberal selfhood: Agency, power, and the limits of monologic discourse. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. 1 March 2019, (256): 147–175. S2CID 150715919. doi:10.1515/ijsl-2018-2016. For trans people, a key principle of activism is gender self-determination, which treats each individual as the ultimate authority on their own gender identity....Self-identification is a lynchpin of transgender identity politics in the United States and, increasingly, throughout the globalizing world.
^ Europe enters the gender wars. The Economist. 12 June 2021 [17 October 2021]. Self-id, as it is known, is the idea that people be allowed to change the legal markers of their sex simply by saying so, without jumping through any medical hoops. Trans-rights groups say this is crucial for trans people, who face daily prejudice.
^Madrigal-Borloz, Victor, Reports on Gender: The Law of Inclusion & Practices of Exclusion(PDF), United Nations Independent Expert on Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity: 6, 8, 2021 [21 October 2021], Some submissions to this report argued against legal recognition of trans and gender diverse persons, alleging a risk of erasure of cisgender women’s concerns, the integrity of gender-segregated spaces for women and the threat to the development of girls through sport. "The concerns raised overwhelmingly appear to rely on anecdotal evidence, some of which would relate to allegations of abuse, but most of which build on deeply discriminatory stereotypes of trans and gender diverse persons based on ideas of predatory determinism. They also appear to reproduce privileged and/or colonial bias that disregards gender diversity around the world and to suggest a shift of onus from the State (the duty bearer) to communities and persons that, as evidence shows, are deeply disenfranchised (trans and gender diverse persons, the rights holders). ... "The work to address, and ultimately eradicate, violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is not in opposition to the human rights of women; to the contrary, these areas of concern largely overlap and conceptually, socioeconomically, politically and legally reinforce each other.