
The proposed Israeli-Palestinian borders
The yellow circles on the outskirts of Jerusalem highlight the areas proposed as Palestinian "East Jerusalem": The sovereign capital of the State of Palestine should be in the section of East Jerusalem located in all areas east and north of the existing security barrier, including Kafr Aqab, the eastern part of Shuafat and Abu Dis, and could be named Al Quds or another name as determined by the State of Palestine
The creation of a Palestinian state is contingent on a number of conditions, for which compliance is to be assessed by Israel and the United States.

特朗普和平計劃(Trump peace plan),正式名稱“實現和平的繁榮:改善巴勒斯坦和以色列人民生活的願景”(Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People),是特朗普政府提出的解決以巴衝突的提議。美國總統唐納德·特朗普以色列總理班傑明·納坦雅胡於2020年1月28日在白宮新聞發布會上正式宣布了該計劃。[1] 川普表示:“根據這一構想,耶路撒冷將繼續是以色列不分割的首都,這一點非常重要,不分割的首都。” [2]巴勒斯坦政府沒有受邀參加該计划的谈判。














  1. ^ Trump reveals Israeli-Palestinian peace plan. 德国之声. January 28, 2020 [January 29, 2020]. (原始内容存档于January 29, 2020). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 川普宣佈“中東和平計劃” 巴勒斯坦:違反國際法. Sina. [失效連結]
  3. ^ Rashid Khalidi, "President Trump's Peace Plan Is the Latest in a Century of Outrageous Deals for the Palestinians"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 時代雜誌, January 31, 2020. 'The "Deal of the Century" as Trump described it, is in fact a typical colonial concoction: put together by those who believe that they know better than the benighted natives do what is best for them, and elevating the rights and interests of one group over those of another. This pattern, set by Great Britain and the early Zionist movement, has been followed by the U.S. and Israel ever since then.... While far more extreme and one-sided than anything that preceded it, this new plan also constitutes a continuation of a much older pattern. The Palestinians, the overwhelming majority of the population of Palestine at the time, were not even mentioned in the Balfour Declaration, whose terms governed their lives for three decades. Nor were they mentioned in UNSC 242, the supposed basis for "peace-making" in the Middle East, which not surprisingly has signally failed to bring peace to Palestine/Israel in over half a century.
  4. ^ The Guardian Long Read: No deal: why Trump’s plan for Palestine will only create more conflict. The Guardian. January 30, 2020 [February 2, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-18). 
