^EU Trusted Lists. 欧洲联盟委员会. 2017-05-09 [2017-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-25) (英语). Under the Regulation (EC) No 910/2014/EU (eIDAS Regulation), national Trusted Lists have a constitutive effect. In other words, a trust service provider and the trust services it provides will be qualified only if it appears in the Trusted Lists. Consequently, the users (citizens, businesses or public administrations) will benefit from the legal effect associated with a given qualified trust service only if the latter is listed (as qualified) in the Trusted Lists.
^Repository of Documentation and Certificates. Google Trust Services. [2017-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-19) (英语). The Google Public Key Infrastructure (“Google PKI”), has been established by Google Trust Services, LLC (“Google”), to enable reliable and secure identity authentication, and to facilitate the preservation of confidentiality and integrity of data in electronic transactions.
^Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile. IETF. [2017-07-10]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-15) (英语). This section presents a profile for public key certificates that will foster interoperability and a reusable PKI. This section is based upon the X.509 v3 certificate format and the standard certificate extensions defined in [X.509]. [...] This section also defines private extensions required to support a PKI for the Internet community.
^About the CA/Browser Forum. CA/浏览器论坛. [2017-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-27) (英语). the CA/Browser Forum advances industry best practices to improve the ways that certificates are used to the benefit of Internet users and the security of their communications
^Automated Certificate Management Environment (acme). IETF. [2017-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-28) (英语). ACME certificate management must allow the CA to verify, in an automated manner, that the party requesting a certificate has authority over the requested identifiers, including the subject and subject alternative names. The processing must also confirm that the requesting party has access to the private key that corresponds to the public key that will appear in the certificate.
^Information for the Public/Domain Validation (DV). CA/浏览器论坛. [2017-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-06) (英语). A Domain Validated SSL certificate is issued after proof that the owner has the right to use their domain is established. This is typically done by the CA sending an email to the domain owner (as listed in a WHOIS database). Once the owner responds, the certificate is issued. [...] The certificate only contains the domain name. Because of the minimal checks performed, this certificate is typically issued quicker than other types of certificates.
^About EV SSL. CA/浏览器论坛. [2017-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-25) (英语). The primary objectives of an EV SSL Certificate are to: Identify the legal entity that controls a web site by providing reasonable assurance to the user of an Internet browser that the web site the user is accessing is controlled by a specific legal entity identified in the EV Certificate by name, address of Place of Business, Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Registration and Registration Number or other disambiguating information
^我怎麼知道是否連上安全的網站?/綠色鎖頭. mozilla.org. [2017-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-20) (中文(臺灣)). 綠色鎖頭圖示將另外以綠色字體呈現公司或組織的名稱,代表該網站使用了 Extended Validation (EV) certificate。與其他類型的憑證相較,EV 屬於特別的網站憑證,需完成極繁複的檢驗程序。/在使用 EV 憑證的網站,網站識別鈕會顯示綠色鎖頭、合法的公司或組織的名稱和網站擁有者的位置,因此你可以知道是誰在營運這個網站。舉例來說,網站識別鈕會顯示 mozilla.org 是由 Mozilla 基金會所擁有。