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Ace Books este cea mai veche editură activă specializată în literatură științifico-fantastică și fantasy . Compania a fost fondată în New York City în 1952 de către Aaron A. Wyn , și a început să publice prima oară cărți western și polițiste. A publicat primul volum SF în 1953 [ 1] ; care a fost un succes, astfel încât după câțiva ani numărul cărților SF editate le-a depășit pe cele polițiste și western. Astăzi, editura Ace publică romanele câștigătoare de la cele mai importante 93 de acordări de premii[ 2] science fiction și fantasy.
Listă de cărți SF cu un titlu
Seria D și S
Seria F
F-105 SF Anthony Boucher (ed.) The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction, Fifth Series
F-109 SF Andre Norton Storm Over Warlock (1961)
F-114 SF Wallace West The Bird of Time (1961)
F-131 SF Anthony Boucher (ed.) The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction, Sixth Series
F-135 SF Leigh Brackett The Long Tomorrow (1962)
F-154 SF A. E. van Vogt The Wizard of Linn (1962)
F-156 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs At The Earth's Core (1962)
F-157 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Moon Maid (1962)
F-158 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Pellucidar (1962)
F-159 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Moon Men (1962)
F-162 SF Anthony Boucher (ed.) The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction, Seventh Series (1962)
F-167 SF Andre Norton Catseye (1962)
F-168 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Thuvia, Maid of Mars (1962)
F-169 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan and the Lost Empire (1962)
F-170 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Chessmen of Mars (1962)
F-171 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tanar Of Pellucidar (1962)
F-174 SF Rex Gordon First Through Time (1962)
F-178 SF Donald A. Wollheim (ed.) More Adventures On Other Planets (1963)
F-179 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Pirates of Venus (1963)
F-180 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan at the Earth's Core (1963)
F-181 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Master Mind of Mars (1963)
F-182 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Monster Men (1963)
F-183 SF Andre Norton The Defiant Agents (1963)
F-188 SF Philip Francis Nowlan Armageddon 2419 A.D. (1962)
F-189 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan the Invincible (1963)
F-190 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs A Fighting Man of Mars (1963)
F-191 SF Jules Verne Journey to the Center of the Earth (1963)
F-192 SF Andre Norton Star Born (1963)
F-193 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Son of Tarzan (1963)
F-194 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan Triumphant (1963)
F-197 SF Andre Norton Witch World (1963)
F-201 SF Paul MacTyre Doomsday, 1999 (1963)
F-203 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Beasts of Tarzan
F-204 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (1963)
F-205 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan and the City of Gold (1963)
F-206 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Jungle Tales of Tarzan (1963)
F-207 SF Andre Norton The Stars Are Ours!
F-210 SF Peter George (as Peter Bryant) Red Alert
F-211 SF Otis Adelbert Kline Planet of Peril (1963)
F-212 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan and the Lion Man
F-213 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Land That Time Forgot (1963)
F-216 SF Isaac Asimov The Man Who Upset the Universe (1963)
F-217 SF Anthony Boucher (ed.) The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction, Eighth Series (1963)
F-220 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The People That Time Forgot (1963)
F-221 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Lost on Venus (1963)
F-222 SF Jefferson Howard Sutton First on the Moon (1963)
F-225 SF H. Beam Piper Space Viking (1963)
F-226 SF Andre Norton Huon of the Horn (1963)
F-231 SF Andre Norton Star Gate (1963)
F-232 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Land of Hidden Men (1963)
F-233 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Out of Time's Abyss (1963)
F-234 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Eternal Savage (1963)
F-235 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Lost Continent (1963)
F-236 SF Andre Norton The Time Traders
F-239 SF Clifford D. Simak Time And Again (1963)
F-240 SF H. G. Wells When the Sleeper Wakes (1963)
F-241 SF Jack Williamson and James E. Gunn Star Bridge (1963)
F-243 SF Andre Norton Lord Of Thunder (1963)
F-245 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Back to the Stone Age (1963)
F-246 SF Thea von Harbou Metropolis (1963)
F-247 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Carson of Venus (1963)
F-248 SF Ray Cummings Beyond the Stars (1963)
F-251 SF Philip K. Dick The Game-Players of Titan (1963)
F-255 SF Philip E. High The Prodigal Sun (1964)
F-256 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Land Of Terror (1964)
F-257 SF Fletcher Pratt Alien Planet (1964)
F-258 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Cave Girl (1964)
F-259 SF Otis Adelbert Kline Prince Of Peril (1964)
F-263 SF Andre Norton Web Of The Witch World (1964)
F-267 SF Robert P. Mills (ed.) The Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction, 9th Series (1964)
F-268 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Escape on Venus (1964)
F-269 SF J. H. Rosny Quest of the Dawn Man (1964)
F-270 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs The Mad King (1964)
F-271 SF Edmond Hamilton Outside the Universe (1964)
F-274 SF H. Beam Piper The Cosmic Computer (1964)
F-277 SF John Brunner To Conquer Chaos (1964)
F-279 SF Andre Norton (as Andrew North) Sargasso of Space
F-280 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Savage Pellucidar (1964)
F-281 SF Pierre Benoit Atlantida (1964)
F-282 SF Edgar Rice Burroughs Beyond The Farthest Star (1964)
F-283 SF Sax Rohmer The Day the World Ended (1964)
F-287 SF Andre Norton The Key Out of Time (1964)
F-291 SF Andre Norton Plague Ship (1964)
F-293 SF E. C. Tubb Moonbase (1964)
F-294 SF Otis Adelbert Kline The Port of Peril (1964)
F-295 SF A. E. van Vogt The World of Null-A
F-296 SF Edwin L. Arnold Gulliver of Mars (1964)
F-297 SF Henry Kuttner The Valley of the Flame (1964)
F-301 SF Philip K. Dick The Simulacra (1964)
F-303 SF Marion Zimmer Bradley The Bloody Sun
F-304 SF Ralph Milne Farley The Radio Beasts (1964)
F-305 SF Robert E. Howard Almuric (1964)
F-306 SF C. L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Earth's Last Citadel (1964)
F-307 SF Gardner F. Fox Warrior Of Llarn (1964)
F-308 SF Andre Norton Judgment On Janus (1964)
F-309 SF Philip K. Dick Clans of the Alphane Moon (1964)
F-310 SF Andre Norton Galactic Derelict (1964)
F-311 SF Donald A. Wollheim (ed.) Swordsmen In The Sky (1964)
F-312 SF Ralph Milne Farley The Radio Planet
F-313 SF Ray Cummings A Brand New World (1964)
F-314 SF James H. Schmitz The Universe Against Her (1964)
F-315 SF Andre Norton The Beast Master
F-317 SF James White The Escape Orbit (1965)
F-318 SF Austin Hall The Spot Of Life (1965)
F-319 SF Edmond Hamilton Crashing Suns (1965)
F-320 SF John Brunner (as Keith Woodcott) The Martian Sphinx (1965)
F-321 SF Otis Adelbert Kline Maza of the Moon (1965)
F-322 SF Samuel R. Delany City of a Thousand Suns (1965)
F-323 SF Andre Norton Daybreak - 2250 A.D.
F-325 SF Andre Norton Ordeal in Otherwhere (1965)
F-326 SF Lin Carter The Wizard of Lemuria (1965)
F-327 SF Henry Kuttner The Dark World (1965)
F-328 SF Edward E. Smith The Galaxy Primes (1965)
F-329 SF Andre Norton Storm Over Warlock (1965)
F-330 SF Avram Davidson What Strange Stars and Skies (1965)
F-332 SF Andre Norton Three Against the Witch World (1965)
F-333 SF L. Sprague de Camp Rogue Queen (1965)
F-334 SF Rex Dean Levie The Insect Warriors (1965)
F-335 SF Robert Moore Williams The Second Atlantis (1965)
F-337 SF Philip K. Dick Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb (1965)
F-342 SF H. Beam Piper Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen (1965)
F-343 SF Ray Cummings The Exile of Time (1965)
F-344 SF Henry Kuttner The Well of the Worlds (1965)
F-345 SF Homer Eon Flint The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life (1965)
F-346 SF John W. Campbell, Jr. The Black Star Passes (1965)
F-347 SF Ian Wright The Last Hope of Earth (1965)
F-350 SF Marion Zimmer Bradley Star Of Danger (1965)
F-353 SF Avram Davidson Rogue Dragon (1965)
F-354 SF Gardner F. Fox The Hunter Out Of Time (1965)
F-355 SF Homer Eon Flint The Devolutionist and The Emancipatrix (1965)
F-356 SF Henry Kuttner The Time Axis (1965)
F-357 SF Andre Norton Year of the Unicorn (1965)
F-361 SF John Brunner The Day of the Star Cities (1965)
F-363 SF Ray Cummings Tama of the Light Country (1965)
F-364 SF John W. Campbell, Jr. The Mightiest Machine (1965)
F-365 SF Andre Norton Night of Masks (1966)
F-366 SF Andre Norton The Last Planet
F-367 SF Philip José Farmer The Maker of Universes (1965, seria World of Tiers )
F-372 SF Edward E. Smith Spacehounds of IPC (1966)
F-373 SF Howard L. Cory The Sword of Lankor (1966)
F-374 SF Jefferson Howard Sutton The Atom Conspiracy (1966)
F-375 SF Robert A. Heinlein The Worlds of Robert A. Heinlein (1966)
F-377 SF Philip K. Dick The Crack In Space (1966)
F-379 SF Frank Herbert The Green Brain (1966)
F-382 SF Brian W. Aldiss Bow Down To Nul (1966)
F-383 SF Lin Carter Thongor of Lemuria (1966)
F-386 SF Andre Norton The Time Traders (1966)
F-388 SF Samuel R. Delany Babel-17 (1966)
F-390 SF Jack Vance The Languages of Pao (1966)
F-391 SF Andre Norton The Crossroads of Time (1966)
F-392 SF Emil Petaja Saga Of Lost Earths (1966)
F-393 SF Roger Zelazny This Immortal (1966)
F-396 SF Kenneth Bulmer Worlds for the Taking (1966)
F-398 SF Eric Frank Russell Somewhere a Voice (1966)
F-399 SF Gardner F. Fox Thief of Llarn (1966)
F-400 SF Otis Adelbert Kline Jan of the Jungle (1966)
F-402 SF Cordwainer Smith Quest of the Three Worlds (1966)
F-403 SF Roger Zelazny The Dream Master (1966)
F-406 SF Ray Cummings Tama, Princess Of Mercury (1966)
F-407 SF Thomas Burnett Swann Day Of The Minotaur (1966)
F-408 SF Andre Norton The Sioux Spaceman (1966)
F-412 SF Philip José Farmer The Gates of Creation (1966)
F-414 SF Emil Petaja The Star Mill (1966)
F-416 SF Rex Gordon Utopia Minus X (1966)
F-420 SF Neil R. Jones Professor Jameson Space Adventure 1: The Planet Of The Double Sun (1967)
F-421 SF Donald E. Westlake (as Curt Clark) Anarchaos (1967)
F-422 SF Leigh Brackett The Sword of Rhiannon (1967)
F-425 SF Poul Anderson World Without Stars (1967)
F-426 SF Gordon R. Dickson The Genetic General (1967)
F-427 SF Samuel R. Delany The Einstein Intersection (1967)
F-429 SF Philip K. Dick The World Jones Made (1967)
Seria M
Seria G
Seria H
Seria K
Seria A
Ace Books published its A series of books from about 1966 to 1968, priced at 75 cents.
Seria N
Listă de cărți SF cu două titluri
Seria D
Seria F
Seria M
Seria G
Seria H
Serie cu numere
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