Olga Arsenievna Oleinik (em russo: Ольга Арсеньевна Олейник; Matusiv, 2 de julho de 1925 — Moscou, 13 de outubro de 2001) foi uma matemática ucraniana.
Conhecida por trabalhos sobre equações diferenciais parciais, meios elásticos não-homogêneos e teoria matemática da camada limite. Aluna de Ivan Petrovsky, estudou e trabalhou na Universidade Estatal de Moscou.
Publicações selecionadas
- Kozlov, S.M.; Oleinik, O.A.; Zhikov, V.V. (1994), Homogenization of differential operators and integral functionals, ISBN 3-540-54809-2, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag
- Oleinik, Olga A. (1957), «Discontinuous solutions of non-linear differential equations», 'UMN', 12 (3(75)): 3–73 (em russo). An important paper where the author describes generalized solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations asBV functions.
- Oleinik, Olga A. (1959), «Construction of a generalized solution of the Cauchy problem for a quasi-linear equation of first order by the introduction of "vanishing viscosity"», 'UMN', 14 (2(86)): 159–164 (em russo). An important paper where the author constructs a weak solution in BV for a nonlinear partial differential equation with the method of vanishing viscosity.
- Oleinink, O.A. (1960), «A method of solution of the general Stefan problem», Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 135: 1050–1057 (em russo). An important paper in the theory of the Stefan problem: for the first time and independently of S.L. Kamenomostskaya the author proves the existence of a generalized solution for the multi dimensional model.
- Oleinik, Olga A.; Radkevich, Evgenii V. (1973), Second order equations with nonnegative characteristic form, ISBN 0-306-30751-0, Nova Iorque e Londres / Providence, R.I.: Plenum Press / AMS, MR457907, (reviews of the Russian edition)
- Oleinik, O.A.; Shamaev, A.S.; Yosifian, G.A. (1991), Mathematical problems in elasticity and homogenization, ISBN 0-444-88441-6, Studies in Mathematics and its Applications, 26, Amsterdam - Londres - Nova Iorque - Tóquio: North-Holland
- Oleinik, O.A.; Samokhin, V.N. (1999), Mathematical models in boundary layer theory, ISBN 1-5848-8015-5, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation, 15, Londres-Weinheim-Nova Iorque-Tóquio-Melbourne-Madras: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press .
- Colautti Fichera, Matelda (dezembro 2006), ... ed è subito sera... La lunga, brevissima vita di Gaetano Fichera (The long, extremely short life of Gaetano Fichera), Roma: Edição de autor (em italiano). The story of the life of Gaetano Fichera written by his wife, Matelda Colautti Fichera: this reference is important for understanding the friendship between Olga Oleinik, Gaetano Fichera and his wife.
- Friedlander, Susan; Keyfitz, Barbara (2006), «Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik: Two Great Women Mathematicians of the 20th Century» (PDF), in: Kuperberg, Krystyna, Women in Mathematics: The Legacy of Ladyzhenskaya and Oleinik - May 18–20, 2006, Berkeley, CA: Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) e MSRI, consultado em 7 de fevereiro de 2021 . Some recollections of the authors about Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik.
- Jäger, Willi; Lax, Peter; Synge Morawetz, Cathleen (2003), «Olga Arsen'evna Oleĭnik (1925-2001)» (PDF), Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 50 (2): 220–223 . An ample commemorative paper written by three friends/collaborators.
- Nirenberg, Louis (2004), «About Olga Arsen'evna Oleinik», Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 120 (3 / March), doi:10.1023/B:JOTH.0000016045.00993.ef . A short obituary notice by Louis Nirenberg.
- Synge Morawetz, Cathleen (2006), «Early Memories of Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik» (PDF), in: Kuperberg, Krystyna, Women in Mathematics: The Legacy of Ladyzhenskaya and Oleinik - May 18–20, 2006, Berkeley, CA: AWM and MSRI, consultado em 7 de fevereiro de 2021 . Some recollections of the author about Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik.
- Venttsel', T.D.; Vladimirov, V.S.; Zhikov, V.V.; Il'in, A.M.; Il'in, V.P.; Kondrat'ev, V.A.; Kudryavtsev, L.D.; Mishchenko, E.F.; Nikol'skii, S.M. (2003), «Ol'ga Arsen'evna Oleinik (obituary)», UMN', 58 (1(349)): 165–174, MR1992133 . An almost comprehensive obituary article: its English translation is published in the Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2003, 58:1, 161–17 (doi:10.1070/RM2003v058n01ABEH000607).
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