This research was aimed to describes the relation between self efficacy and ability literacy chemical in acid base learning using the SiMaYang Model. All of students in the 11th grade of XI IPA 5 at senior high school in Bandarlampung as a sample which amounted to 32 students and selected using cluster random sampling. The research method used was survey method with correlation research design. The result of this research showed that there were correlation between self efficacy and ability literacy chemical in acid base learning using the SiMaYang Model was medium, positive and significant. Â…
The study aims to describe (1) the existence of the average difference between the value of mastery of concepts hydrocarbon type STAD cooperative learning model along with problem posing strategies with conventional learning, (2) the average value of mastery of concepts which higher hydrocarbons between cooperative learning model types STAD with problem posing strategies with conventional learning. The population in this study were all students of class X SMAN 13 Bandar Lampung academic year 2011/2012. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. The samples in this study were 30 students of class…
The objective of this research is to describe effectiveness of effectiveness predict-observe-explain(POE) learning model in oxidation-reduction reaction material in improving skill in predict and classifying. The effectiveness of the POE learning model in this research is indicated by the significant difference between experiment classroom and control classroom.Population in this research was all 105 grade X students in Paramarta 1 Seputih Senior High School in academic year 2011-2012 which were distributed in classroom X1, X2, and X3. Samples in this research were classroom X1 as the experime…
This quasi experimental research using the matching only pretest-posttest control group design aimed to describe the effectiveness of Science Process Skills (SPS) oriented students worksheets in increasing students SPS at reaction rate topic. Population in this research was all students of XI IPA at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung in 2016/2017 academic year. The sample were obtained by total sampling technique with XI IPA 1 as an experimental class and XI IPA 2 as a control class. The data analysis techniques used in this research were the calculation of pretest value, posttest value, and n-…
The aim of this research was to develop the student worksheets based on conceptual change on electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution topic. This research used research and development method (R D). The student worksheets which were developed has characteristics that able to trained students to construct the right concept to avoid the misconception. The results of expert validation, the percentage of suitability the content was 79.69%, readability aspect was 87.24%, and contructions aspect was 83.13% in the high and very high category. Teacher’s respons to the suitability of content, rea…
This research was conducted to describe effectiveness of advance organizer learning model in improving skill in expressing hypothesis and drawing conclusion. Subject in this research was Grade XI students in classroom IPA3 in State Senior High School 7 in Bandar Lampung in even semester of academic year 2011-2012. This research used pre-experiment method with One-group Pretest-posttest design. Effectiveness of advance organizer learning model was indicated by improvement of n-gain values of pretest and posttest. The n-gain estimation results were subsequently interpreted with n-gain index sugg…
The aim of this research was to find out the effect of water temperature increase on leucocyte count of nile tilapia. The blood sample from 9 tilapia with weigh of 40-50 g were used in this study. The research was conducted using completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment P1 as a control with aquarium temperature was maintained at 29±1ï° C. Water temperature in treatment P2 and P3 was maintained at 32±1ï° C and 35±1ï° C respectively. The aquarium size in each treatment group was 80x60x40 cm with height of water 30 cm. The treatment w…
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of giving neem leaf extract combined with jaloh towards the total of leukocytes and differential leukocyte in broilers that was infected with Eimeria tenella. This research samples were 20 Cobb stain broilers 14 days old. Design the research was complete randomized design with five treatments and each treatment consists of four repetitions. First treatment (P1) as negative control which was only given mineral water; second treatment (P2) as positive control was is given 5 mg/L anti-stress commercial in drinking water; Third treatment (P3) wa…
This research aims to know the influence of larvae of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) age on masculinization process by the administration of methyl testosterone (MT) natural hormones. This research used 270 nile tilapia larvae divided into 3 age of groups: 5 days (PI), 10 days (PII), and 20 days (PIII), with three repetitions. Larvae were dipped in MT natural hormone for 20 days then reared until age of 60 days, followed by observations of fish sex. The average percentage of male-sex of tilapia fish after dipping with methyl testosterone natural hormone on group PI, PII, and PIII were 68…
The aim of this study was to find out the information about sumatran orangutan urine leucocyte as a medical record of them at Cagar Alam Pinus Jantho Reintroduction Center, Aceh Besar. Urine samples were collected from ten sumatran orangutans which come from forest, around cages, and in the cage. The urine was collected in the morning when orangutan woke up and left the nest or before first feeding for orangutans which were in the cages. The replication test was done six times within one month. Urine examination was carried out directly after urine collection by soaking the strip test in 5 ml …
The aims of this research was to determine the density level of lumbal vertebrae on ovariectomized rats administered with Cissus qudrangula Salisb stem extract with various doses. In this research twelve female rats were randomizedly divided into 4 groups with 3 treatment repetition. K1-groups were ovariectomized rats without Cissus quadrangula Salisb trunct extract administration; K2, K3, and K4, were ovariectomized and given with Cissus quadrangula Salisb extract with 500 mg/kg/Bw, 700 mg/kg/Bw, and 900 mg/kg/Bw as doses perday for 30 days. On day-31, rats were euthanized using chlorofor…
The aim of this research was to know effect of Pressure Duration to protein level in Dry Meat Acehnese (Sie balu). Thigh of fresh beef was used in this study (musculus semitendinosus) eight pieces, weighing 250 grams each. All of meats were in the pressed with a iron plate weight of 10 kg. The design of research used a completely randomized design (CRD). All of meats were randomly divided into four treatments. First treatment (PO) as control, were not given pressure. Second treatment (P1) was given pressure during 6 hours. Third treatment (P2) was given pressure during the 12 hours and the…
This study aims to determine the histopathology of lung of local dog (Canis lupus familiaris) with anthracosis. The study used 30 dogs with the ages of 2 years sacrificed by strychnine and necropsied to collect the lungs. The anatomycal pathology method was used to examine the presence of dust particles in lungs. The samples then proceed to histopathology using standard microtechnic method and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Data were analyzed descriptively. The result showed that 10 out of 30 samples were positive pulmonary anthracosis proven by carbon pigment found in septae of alveolar, whe…
This research was aimed to isolate the Gram-positive bacteria that contaminated milk processed with ultra high temperature (UHT) at 6 and 3 months before the date expires. A number of 3 different UHT milk products at 6 and 3 months before expire date were used as sample. Milk samples were taken from several supermarket in Banda Aceh. The identification was conducted using Gram staining method. One ml milk sample was transferred into 18 tubes containing nutrient broth (NB) media and incubated at 37ï° C for 24 hrs. The sample was then culture on 18 petri discs containing manitol salt agar (M…
The objective of this study was to identified the development of the immunoreactive follicle stimulating hormone (ir-FSH) cells in pituitary glands of rats (Rattus norvegicus)in different age using immunohistochemical (IHC) methods. The pituitary organ that used in this study was collected from eight white female rats aged 2, 4, 6, and >12 months. Pituitary glands were processed histologically and stained with IHC methods to detect the ir-FSH cells. The result showed that the ir-FSH cells were observed in pars distalis (PD), pars tuberalis (PT), and pars intermedia (PI) of adenohypophysis with…
The purpose of this research was to determine the immersion effect of chicken carcass in 3% citric acid, 3% acetic acid, and combination of 1.5% citric acid and 1.5% acetic acid on the spoilage time. A total of 36 broiler carcasses were divided into 4 treatment groups. The observation was conducted three times on 0, 4, and 8 hours. Broiler carcass in control group (K0) was without immersion in acid solution, while broiler carcass in first groups (K1), second groups (K2), and third groups (K3) were dipped in 3 % acetic acid, 3 % citric acid, and combination of 1.5 % acetic acid + 1.5 % citric a…
Kebiasaan menulis Alquran telah banyak dirintis oleh para ulama besar di pesantren-pesantren semenjak abad ke 16. Bahasan tentang kaligrafi pertama kali masuk dalam buku pelajaran tahun 1961 karangan Muhammad Abdur Muhili yang berjudul "Tulisan Indah" serta buku karangan berjudul "Khat, Seni Kaligrafi: Tuntunan Menulis Halus Huruf Arab" karangan Abdul Karim Husein tahun 1971. Kehadiran kaligrafi yang bernuansa lukisan dengan dekorasi ragam hias serta ornamen mulai muncul dalam ruang lingkup nasional pada pameran Lukisan Kaligrafi Nasional pertama bersamaan dengan diselenggarakannya MTQ Na…
Desain tayangan televisi dapat dikaji sebagai suatu wacana visual. Take Me Out Indonesia yang disiarkan televisi swasta Indosiar sejak tahun 2009 hingga memasuki musim keempatnya di tahun 2014 adalah salah satu contoh produk tontonan yang memiliki aspek-aspek di dalam analisis wacana. Makalah ini mencoba mengkaji, bagaimana desain tayangan Take Me Out Indonesia membentuk sebuah entitas budaya masyarakat urban yang kerap disebut sebagai masyarakat modern. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat menunjukkan relasi visual di dalam desain tayangan dengan entitas yang membawa pesan. Analisis wacana visual seca…
Sebuah pesan visual seringkali dianggap lebih menarik untuk dicermati dan lebih mudah dipahami daripada pesan verbal. Sebenarnya, pemahaman dan pemaknaan pesan visual tidaklah sederhana karena sebuah pesan visual dapat memiliki berbagai kemungkinan makna yang tergantung dari latar belakang pengamatnya. Aspek lainnya juga dapat dilihat dari bagaimana cara pesan tersebut disampaikan, terkait dengan aspek-aspek penyusunan (komposisi) dan lainnya. Dalam tulisan ini akan dijelaskan mengenai pentingnya pemahaman dan pemaknaan pesan visual yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan literasi visual. Denga…
Kecemasan muncul dari antisipasi potensi bahaya, cemas bahwa sesuatu yang buruk akan terjadi, dan cemas akan ketidakmampuan diri untuk menghadapi masalah itu. Gangguan kecemasan sering dianggap bukan luka yang nyata. Namun sebaliknya, gangguan ini nyata adanya dan sering menghambat seseorang dalam kesehariannya. Salah satu penanganannya adalah dengan terapi, dimana psikiater duduk bersama pasien dengan nyaman dan membicarakan mengenai kecemasan itu sendiri. Dari situlah lahir ide animasi pendek “ANGST”. Cerita disampaikan dengan balutan semiotika sehingga selain sebagai hiburan yang menari…