ABSTRACTÂ Assessment on the productivity and farmersâ responses towards new high yield varieties of rice in Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province. High yielding varieties (HYV) have contributed greatly to the national rice production, but is widely adaptable and not towards a specific area. This study aims to determine the productivity and responsiveness of farmers to new varieties of rice. The assessment was conducted in the rice field of Langensari Village, Parungkuda Subdistrict and Cijalingan Village, Cicantayan Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency, West Java on Drought II (May-August) 2014…
Pemupukan merupakan salah satu komponen teknologi yang penting dalam upaya peningkatan produksi padi,namun teknologi rekomendasi pemupukan yang digunakan selama ini kurang spesifik. PHSL adalah aplikasi berbasis komputer yang dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh rekomendasi pemupukan yang spesifik lokasi. Kajian dilakukan untuk mengetahui keragaan pertumbuhan, produksi, dan aspek ekonomi penerapan teknologi PHSL pada lahan sawah irigasi di Sulawesi Tenggara. Kajian dilakukan melalui kaji terap dengan membandingkan antara teknologi pemupukan berdasarkan PHSL dengan teknologi pemupukan berdasarkan k…
ABSTRACT Chili Farming System on Sandy Soil in Yogyakarta. Low productivity of chili in Yogyakarta was caused by low quality of seeds, unavailability of suitable technology package, lock of institutional support small scale of the farming system and the disease caused by Gemini virus. Potential of sandy soil area of ± 3,300 ha is located along the south coast of Kulon Progo Regency and Bantul Regency. The objective of this research analysis of feasiability package of varieties of red chili varieties Kencana and Helix specific location of sandy soil that to be developed.  The resea…
Technical Efficiency Analysis and The Determinants of Inefficiency Factors of Beef Cattle Fattening in Gorontalo District. Beef cattle farming in Gorontalo Province generally is managed by household farmers. However, smallholder cattle operations have several problems like low productivity, small bussiness scale and traditional management. The objectives of this study are to estimate level of technical efficiency of beef cattle production and to assess the effect of socio-economic factors on the technical efficiency. Thirty respondents in Tolangohula Sub district, Gorontalo District, Gorontalo…
Kapasitas petani mengelola padi sawah ramah lingkungan di sistem sawah irigasi teknis, menurut karakteristik personal dan peluang pengembangannya, meliputi: kemampuan secara teknis inovasi teknologi, kemampuan menyusun rencana usahatani, kemampuan mengevaluasi, kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan, dan kemampuan bermitra sinergis. Kemampuan ini, merupakan wujud kapasitas tinggi yang dimiliki petani. Penelitian bertujuan: menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik petani dengan tingkat kapasitasnya mengelola sawah ramah lingkungan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap 174 p…
ABSTRACTComparative Analysis of Paddy Seed Breeding Income on Three Agro-Ecosystems in South Sumatera. Farmer's access to the quality and quantity of seed depends on the types available and how they are available.With high production capability, the superior varieties of rice take a role in transforming the agricultural system from subsistence into commercial, which are needed in various agro-ecosystems. The aims of this research are to analyzing the factors that influence member's income from seed breeding business, to analyzing income received by members in irrigation, rainfed and swamp agro…
Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk mencari solusi sebagai upaya meningkatkan motivasi dan ketuntasan belajar bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas V A di SDN 06 Nanga Pinoh tahun pelajaran 2010/2011. Peneliti menggunakan flashcard sebagai alat bantu guru dalam menyampaikan materi dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Variabel yang menjadi sasaran perubahan dalam penelitian ini adalah peningkatan motivasi dan ketuntasan belajar siswa terhadap pembelajaran, sedangkan variabel tindakan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tin…
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning model of ‘make a match’ type to cognitive and social emotional development of children in early childhood. This research was conducted at Negeri Pembina Kindergarten, Nanga Pinoh. The research method used Quantitative research while the type of the research was a quasi experimental research with one shot case study design. The population of this study were the students of class B at Negeri Pembina Kindergarten. Sampling was used with purposive sampling technique. The sample of this research was B1 class stud…
Abstract: This research aims to produce a proper Computer-based Instructional Media for dynamic electricity as a source of study for senior high school students. This study is a research and development study. Respondents of this research were the XI grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Yogyakarta. Of the 47 respondents, 6 students were treated in a one-by-one experiment, 12 students were treated in a small group evaluation, and 29 students were for the field try-out. The techniques of collecting data were observation and giving questionnaires. The instruments used in collecting the data were …
Absrtack: Class action research (PTK) is done in the elementary school18 Tubung. Massalah in this research is the lack of keterampian studentsand experience in creating crafts. The purpose of this research is to findout whether the method of collage technique demonstrations can improvethe skills of crafts, especially to the study of art and culture and skills.The instrument was developed in the form of sheets of observation. Thisclass action research conducted in two cycles. The results of the initialpercentage of 42.85 after done actions on cycle II increased to 92.87 withan increase of 50. B…
Abstract: This classroom action research aims to determine the growth of speaking skills with Time Token model model. To facilitate the used in applying the Time Token model on the students of class III SDN 13 Popai. The research method used is descriptive method, with type of classroom action research (PTK) which in Kemmis Mc Taggart model. This research is conducted in two cycles, each cycle is divided into 4 steps, consisting of planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collecting. The technique data used is the observation sheet. The research data is described thro…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan proses pembelajaran IPA dengan media kit. Hasil pelaksanaan tindakan pada siswa kelas V SDN 7 Kotabaru Kecamatan Tanah Pinoh dilihat dari aktivitas siswa melakukan percobaan dalam proses pembelajaran pada siklus I rata-rata 61,25% dan siklus II rata-rata persentase 81,25% atau (70%). Hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I rata- rata yang diperoleh siswa adalah 64 dari 10 orang siswa, yang mendapat nilai di atas 60 sebanyak 9 orang atau 90%. Pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 84, dan 100 % siswa mendapat nilai di atas 60. Kemudian dari skor kemampu…
Abstract: This study aims to: 1) describe the understanding of early childhood vocabulary after being given a science-based approach using letter card in the upper class (0 Besar) at Yosi Kindergarten; 2) to describe the understanding of the vocabulary of the early child after being given a science-oriented approach using picture card in the upper class (0 Besar) at Yosi Kindergarten; and 3) to describe the difference vocabulary understanding in early childhood after being taught a scientific approach between using the letter and the picture cards in the upper class (0 Besar) at Yosi Kindergar…
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to obtain a picture of the relationship between students' knowledge about waste management and environmental care behavior. It is expected that students can realize the importance of behaving in a caring environment. This study used a survey method with a correlational approach, the research population of STKIP Melawi students and this student sample was 100 taken by random sampling. Data was collected using an instrument form in the form of statement items and questions. Analysis and interpretation of data shows that there is a positive relationship bet…
Abstract: The purposes of this research are to find out the student learning interest through measurement activity by using the available stones in surrounding, to acknowledge the understanding of measurement concept in mathematic, and also to find out the interest of learning mathematic after doing the the measurement activity in surrounding. This research is using the method of Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of the research are all the 15 male students of grade 5 at Public Elementary School Number 18 Tanjung Sari. The conclusion of this research are: (1) there is improvement o…
Abstract : This research is experimental implementation of cooperative learning model make a match based scientific approaches to foster the development of motor, language, social and emotional kognif early childhood to early childhood and kindergarten Melawi. The process of implementing a series of activities carried out in collaboration between teachers, students, and faculty. Research conducted learning model is based on scientific. This is in line with the principle of the curriculum in 2013 which greatly accentuate its implementation with a scientific approach to student-centered learning…