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To the second language learner, translation has serves an important role as the initial point to their language comprehension. Language levels and unit cannot be separated from the comprehension towards language meaning. Therefore, during classroom activities; when the students were asked to provide swift language expression to their opinion or answer, they will focus on generating equivalencies of both languages. This translation method can be seen from the generation of lexical level, comprehending meaning, and forming text.
The main purpose of the academic writing is to inform other researchers about writers’ findings in certain research. In this case, writer will propose claims. For non-native English speaker like Indonesian, this is the tough work to do. L2 learners find difficulty to write for academic purposes or make claims. One of the strategies that L2 learners do is by using hedging devices. Hedges are used to present findings cautiously with leaving room for readers to have their own interpretation. This argument is also supported by Ken Hyland (1996) stated that academic writing is full of hedges. Thi…
This study aimed at; 1) exploring the process of intercultural communication in a multiculturalism family in Namlea; 2) investigating the functions of intercultural communication in a multiculturalism family; 3) knowing the multiculturalism family developing their intercultural competence. This research applied the qualitative research using a case study design. The informant of the research consisted of a multiculturalism family in Jikubesar of Buru Regency, Maluku. The data collection technique employed the observation, interview, field notes, and documentation. The technique of data analysi…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the used of discursive creation technique of English to Indonesian subtitle in Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets movie. This research is descriptive qualitative method. Data of this research are utterances or sentences in subtitle movie of bilingual edition, both English and Indonesian. While, the source of data of this research is Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets movie. The researchers only used one data source, it was document. In analyzing the data, the researchers used comparison method to compare between the SL and TL that were analyzed. The …
Words combine to form larger units; phrases, clauses, and sentences. The study of the structure of phrases, clauses, and sentences is referred to as syntax. Quirk, et, all (1985:47) distinguishes sentences into two types they are; simple sentences and multiple sentences which cover compound sentences and complex sentences. A simple sentence consists of one independent clause, a multiple clause contains more than one clauses, a compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses, while a complex sentence consists of insubordinate and subordinate clauses.Subordinate clause, in embeddin…
Japanese has many compound words which are used productively in daily life. Compounding words is done in various ways in accordance with the morphological processes required. Compounding basic words discussed in this article begins with the reduplication process of basic words and continues with the process of affixation by adding the suffix -shii on the reduplication results. The data is collected from articles on social media and related references. The discussion shows that some of the words experiencing the morphological process has changes in their word class and their meaning but most of…
The aims of this study were to describe the implementation of snowball throwing in teaching grammar and to investigate the benefits of applying snowball throwing. The research was conducted at STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. This study employed qualitative research involving one class consisting of second semester students in English department who were taking the subject of foundation of English grammar. The data were obtained from classroom observation and students’ interview. The findings showed that there are seven stages in implementing snowball throwing in teaching grammar. The stages consist…
The purposes of this research, entitled "Exploring Local Values and Culture in English Textbook", are to identify and analyze the local values & culture in 8 English textbooks for high school level; to elaborate the scope of the values in English textbooks for high school level. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method.The results show that in the 8 English textbooks all contain local value and culture, they are value of religion, customs, governance/social, procedures, textual, buildings and religious values whereas the scopes of the values are traditional and modern values.Key…
Abstract This study aims to describe the intrinsic elements of Tere Liye's Bidadari-bidadari Surga novels. The method used to obtain data in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Sources of data are excerpts of words, sentences, and discourses found in the novel Bidadari-Bidadari Surga by Tere Liye published by Republika in 2008. Related to the intrinsic elements that build literary works from within, data collection is done by reading data sources and researchers act as instruments. The researcher identifies, classifies, and codifies the data based on the problems studied. The data …
This paper aims to identify and describe the procedures of translation of Osaka in Garuda Magazine, the translation strategies employed, and how to find out the form and the occurrence of seven procedures of translation which proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet in 1995. Seven types of translation procedures have been identified and can be further categorized into two methods of translation, namely direct or literal translation and oblique translation. The result of dataanalysis shows that some of the procedure proposed by Vinay and Darberlnet occurs. Most of the data are translated usi…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekam semua pollen pra-Tersier untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang stratigrasedimen pra-Tersier yang ada di daerah Kepala Burung, Papua. Pollen pra-tersier di daerah ini diyakini memiliki kekerabatan dengan pollen-pollen berumur pra-Tersier yang umum dijumpai di cekungan-cekungan berumur Mesozoikum di Australia dan Papua New Guinea. Berdasarkan kehadiran spora indeks yang tersingkap sepanjang jalur Sungai Ainim menunjukkan bahwa zonasi palinologi daerah penelitian terdapat pada zona Tricolporites apoxyexinus (Kapur Akhir) dan zona Protohaploxypinus microcorpus…
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengamati perubahan sifat-sifat fisika/kimia dan kinerja mesin yang memakai dua jenis bahan bakar yaitu minyak solar tanpa dicampur dengan minyak tanah dan minyak solar yang dicampur dengan minyak tanah. Minyak solar dan minyak tanah yang dipakai dalam studi ini berasal dari Pertamina. Hasil analisis minyak solar yang dicampur dengan minyak tanah menunjukkan bahwa sifatsifat fisika/kimia dan kinerja mesin lebih rendah daripada minyak solar tanpa dicampur minyak tanah. Hasil studi ini sebagai masukan ke Pemerintah dalam menentukan mutu minyak solar dan penempatan spesi…
Cairan kondensat akan terbentuk di dalam sumur bila tekanan alir dasar sumur lebih kecil dari tekanan dew point, sehingga sejumlah cairan kondensat akan terbentuk di sekitar lubang sumur pada silinder bagian dalam (kondensat banking). Selain itu, jauh dari lubang sumur pada silinder bagian luar (gas banking) mempunyai harga tekanan reservoir di atas tekanan dew point. Analisis hasil uji tekanan transient sumur eksplorasi gas kondensat K-1 dengan konfigurasi partial completion, dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode type curve matching pressure derivative. Berdasarkan analisis hasil uji tekanan tra…
Pada tahun 2006, Pemerintah Indonesia mendeklarasikan Program Energi Alternatif untuk mengurangi konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak di dalam negeri. Salah satu program yang direncanakan adalah substitusi minyak tanah oleh gas SENJI (CNG; Compressed Natural Gas) untuk keluarga prasejahtera. Substitusi ini akan diimplementasikan melalui distribusi gas dengan menggunakan tabung gas SENJI, sebagai salah satu paten LEMIGAS. Program ini kemudian dikembangkan sebagai Program Gas SENJI. Rencana implementasi Program Gas SENJI (pada tahun anggaran 2007) meliputi identifikasi sumber gas SENJI, pemetaan wilayah …
Konsumsi bahan bakar diesel baik di sektor otomotif maupun industri kian meningkat yang berakibat perbandingan volume antara produksi dan konsumsi dalam negeri sudah tidak seimbang. Biodiesel dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pencampur minyak solar atau sebagai salah satu pengganti minyak solar/minyak diesel, baik untuk bahan bakar transportasi maupun industri. Spesifikasi dan standar mutu Biodiesel (B-100) telah ditetapkan oleh Badan Standardisasi Nasional dalam SNI 04-7182-2006. Karakteristik dari produk biodiesel (B-100) yang dipasarkan harus memenuhi standar mutu biodiesel, begitu pula dalam camp…
Dimethylether (DME) merupakan sumber energy alternative yang memiliki karakteristik fisikakimia setara dengan LPG, dengan rumus kimia yang sederhana (CH3-O-CH3). DME dapat dihasilkan dari beragam jenis bahan baku, seperti gas alam, batubara, heavy oil, dan biomassa. Aplikasi DME dapat digunakan di beberapa sektor, antara lain: sektor transportasi, domestik/rumahtangga, power generation, namun apabila digunakan sebagai bahan bakar yang akan mensubstitusikan bahan bakar solar, maka diperlukan modifikasi pada sistim saluran bahan bakarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kiner…
Air, etanol (etilalkohol) dan isoamil-alkohol dapat membentuk larutan azeotroph. Di dalam limbah cair, keberadaan alkohol selalu didapatkan bersama-sama dengan larutan berair. Minyak fusel mengandung berbagai macam senyawa alkohol, seperti etanol dan isoamilalkohol. Di dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan proses hidrogenolisis antara campuran isoamil-alkohol dengan air dan juga campuran antara isoamil-alkohol dan etanol dengan masing-masing kadar air atau etanol yang divariasikan. Katalis yang digunakan adalah Ni/Zeolit dengan kandungan Nikel 0,4% berat yang dibuat dengan metoda impregnasi basah. H…