It is generally accepted that the main function of language is as an instrument tbr expressing thoughts and culture. Therefore, it is argued that. rvhen Indonesian speakers are communicatin-e in English- they will communicate reflecting Indonesian cultural norms and values. They are not expected to communicate in English using English native speakers' cultural norms and values. In line r.vith this argument. English as an international lan-euage is understood as diversities reflecting different cultural norms of people coming from ethnicities when they communicate in English. It is alsoiargued…
After reading a variety of texts, students begin to notice different ways information is presented and different patterns authors use when they write. They also recognize that the authors use different patterns to organize information. Storytellers use a particular text structure. In every narrative text, there are characters, problems, a potential solution, and a final resolution. Effective readers are aware of the text structures authors use and apply this knowledge to predict what the author will write. They can also use their knowledge of the text structure of narrative to help them re…
This paper discusses and shares some strategies of teaching critical reading which are hopefulll, useful for teachers of English in having their students actively involved in reading activity in their classrooms. In high schools- SMPs or SMAs, teachers typically teach their students to read receptively. to read for information. What's more, many freshman students have not been taught to read actively or critically to construct knowledge as they read. Students gain knowledge by memorizing the statements r.vithirr a text. For them. as non-critical readers, texts provide facts. For critical r…
Seagrass is one of the important ecosystems in shallow coastal and marine waters, because it has many roles, both ecologically and economically. Bontang City is one area that has a vast seagrass ecosystem. Management of seagrass ecosystems in Bontang City, of course, wants the existence of sustainable economic development, but on the other hand, sometimes increasing economic needs based on natural resources (resource base), often create a dilemma for the sustainability of natural resources. This happens because the consumption needs of the community are often not supported by good planning and…
The ant-plant Sarang Semut is one of the medicinal antimicrobial plants that is very beneficial to human health. As such the plant has widely been exploited in their natural habitat. The silviculture of this plant is not available due to limited knowledge about the existence in nature. Therefore, it is imperative to undertake the ecological study on the growth site of this plant in nature to collect the basic information for the culture and cultivation of this plant. The method used in this research was the descriptive method with the survey technique in Gunung Meja Nature Tourism Park, Manokw…
The purpose of this research is to analyze the best existing condition of four waste bank in Banjarbaru. They are Gemilang waste bank in Guntung Manggis, Sumber Rejeki waste bank in Syamsyudin Noor, Barokah waste bank in Landasan Ulin Timur, and Cempaka Putih waste bank in Sungai Ulin, in Banjarbaru city. The result of the analysis is the highest score of waste bank management is Sumber Rejeki waste bank, because the waste bank administrator socializes it intensively.
World vegetable oil needs to be increased every year along with population growth. Vegetable oil which potential to supply is palm oil because it has the highest productivity compared to other vegetable oil sources. Behind the rapid development of palm oil, came negative issue about environmental damage especially the increase of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the palm oil industry. This research aimed to calculate the potential of greenhouse gas caused by palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment in the anaerobic pond. The method used is by capture methane and carbon dioxide at the float ch…
Determining category of physical appropriateness of DWS under health office development and controlling program of Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, Determining Microbiology quality of DWA under health office development and controlling program of Hulu Sungai Utara Regency, analyzing the correlation of physical appropriateness and microbiology quality if DWS under health office development and controlling program of Hulu Sungai Utara Regency. This is a quantitative study using cross-sectional research design in which the research was conducted in a certain period of time, the location of research w…
Papua has a very high diversity of flora species, one of which is a type of Sarang Semut. Different growing conditions will affect the level of diversity of plants. For that information about the place to grow Ant Plant is needed as basic information for the development of the cultivation of Ant plants. The method used is descriptive method with field observation technique. The results showed that the type of ant nest plant found in South Manokwari was a type of Myrmecodia pendans and Myrmecodia cf. schlechteri. Both of these species do not grow evenly in all study locations even at the same h…
The purpose of this study was to identify the business problems of cultivating striped snakeheads (Channa striata Bloch) in embedded net cages, analyze the feasibility of the business of cultivating striped snakeheads in net cages and identify the assumptions/perspectives of the impacts of striped snakehead farming in embedded net cages on environmental aspects. This study was survey research. Location determination in Bangkau Village, Kandangan Subdistrict was done purposively because this area was a center for cultivating striped snakeheads in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. The collection of r…
Khilau Watershed (DAS) is one of the sub-watersheds with the status of should be restored. The biophysical conditions of the watershed must be assessed, to determine the suitable actions for land rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to provide a comparative analysis of baseline data on the biophysical conditions of the Khilau Sub-watershed area based on edaphic and climatic parameters. Data collection method was using cluster sampling in five types of land cover. The data analysis used spatial and laboratory analysis. The results showed that agroforests and annual crops mostly were on…
Forest resources can be utilized through various activities in the land-based sector, including forestry, plantations, and mining. The implications of the issuance of various permits are indicated to cause changes in the area of forest and land cover. This paper aims to analyze and explain the implications of the various land-based sector licenses that have been issued by the local government and the central government on the condition of forest areas in Riau Province. The research method was carried out with qualitative descriptive analysis, through interviews, spatial analysis, and review an…
One of the problems in phosphate nutrient fertilization is a low level of efficiency, so the application of arbuscular mycorrhiza is often done to increase phosphate uptake. In this study mycorrhizal was applied to shallots which were given P fertilizer to assess the effect of mycorrhizal applications on growth, yield, and phosphate uptake. This research was carried out at the Faculty of Agriculture's Greenhouse of the University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarbaru from March to May 2016. The seed of shallot was grown on 5 kg of soil and quartz sand (3:1) fertilized by P (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and …
Tulisan ini membahas tentang metode pengaturan kecepatan motor induksi tiga fasa yang dikendalikan oleh PWMinverter. Apabila motor induksi mendapat tegangan melalui pengaturan konverter daya, maka bentuk gelombangtegangan tidak lagi sinusoidal. Dalam kondisi ini, dibutuhkan pemodelan motor induksi dalam koordinat d-q-n untukmelakukan studi. Pengaturan motor induksi dengan direct torque control memungkinkan motor induksi sebagaisumber torka dengan pengaturan torka secara langsung. Metode ini bertujuan mengatur secara langsung fluks dantorka motor induksi. Untuk mendapatkan respon kecepatan moto…
Jalan merupakan salah satu sarana untuk menghubungkan suatu daerah dengan daerah lainnya. Seiring dengan peningkatan volume lalu lintas, kerusakan jalan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sering timbul. Dalam penilaiannya tingkat perkerasan yang ada tersebut apakah masih layak untuk digunakan oleh pengguna jalan dengan mengidentifikasi kerusakan jalan menggunakan Metode Aspalt Institute dan Metode Pavement Condition Index (PCI) dengan study kasus pada Jalan Lingkar Barat Kecamatan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau. Dari hasil identifikasi, kerusakan yang terjadi adalah retak kulit …
Pendataan BPS tahun 2014 terhadap perkebunan kelapa sawit di Provinsi Riau menyatakan bahwa perkebunan kelapasawit yang dimiliki oleh Provinsi Riau sangat luas yaitu 2.399.172 hektar. Potensi limbah kering pelepah kelapa sawitdapat mencapai 89.479.518,912 ton/tahun. Serat dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tambah untuk membuat materialbangunan, sehingga sangat dimungkinkan pemakaian serat pelepah kelapa sawit sebagai bahan tambahan dalampembuatan batako. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan variasi campuran pembuat batako serat dengan bahantambahan serat pelepah kelapa sawit yang berasal dari Duma…
Alat penggerak torch potong ini dirancang untuk membantu dalam proses pemotongan pelat tebal lebih dari 10 mm, sebagai pengganti pegangan tangan operator. Alat ini menggunakan dua buah motor listrik DC (Direct Current) dengan output putaran 70 rpm, yang mana sebagai sumber listriknya menggunakan adaptor dengan spesifikasi 12V/10A, alat penggerak torch memotong pelat maksimum lebar 1000 mm dan panjang 1000 mm. Mekanisme alat penggerak torch potong ini terbagi atas dua sumbu yaitu, sumbu x dan sumbu y, masing-masing sumbu menggunak…
PDAM Tirta Kampar selaku perusahaan daerah penyedia air bersih dituntut mampu memenuhi kebutuhan air bersihbagi pelanggan dan permintaan sambungan baru yang terus meningkat namun juga disesuaikan dengan ketersediaansumber air baku. Data kependudukan Kecamatan Bangkinang saat ini diolah dengan menghitung tingkat pertumbuhandan perkiraan jumlah penduduk proyeksi 10 tahun yang akan datang dengan menggunakan keempat metode yaituAritmetika, Eksponensial, Least-square dan Geometri. Hasil dari keempat metode ini diambil nilai yang memilikisimpangan baku terkecil. Perhitungan dilanjutkan dengan menghi…
Lapisan permukaan dari konstruksi jalan memiliki komposisi dan aturan-aturan yang telah ditetapkan. Bahan yang digunakan merupakan campuran antara batuan (agregat) dengan aspal. Jenis campuran yang biasa digunakan antara lain campuran Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC).Pada Berdasarkan volume kebutuhan campuran aspal di lapangan harus melalui proses ekstraksi (extraction), yaitu pemisahan bagian yang terlarut dengan bagian yang tidak terlarut.Dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan kepadatan relatif dilapangan dengan cara membandingkan kepadatan lapangan terhadap kepadatan laboratorium sert…
Alat Pemadam Api Ringan berfungi untuk membantu memadamkan api pada saat terjadinya kebakaran. Permasalahanyang terjadi pada Alat Pemadam Api Ringan ini diantaranya : tabung Alat Pemadam Api Ringan mengalami korosi,lapisan pelindung kurang baik, tekanan dalam tabung menjadi berkurang baik, terdapatnya kerusakan di bagiansambungan badan tabung dan alas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis kerusakan yang terjadi padabagian-bagian Alat Pemadam Api Ringan yang mengalami kerusakan, menganalisa karakteristik material melaluipengamatan struktur mikro dan pengujian kekerasan material A…