Elderly need intensive exposure to health education to recognize and prevent diseases, like a degenerativeand infectious disease. Any chance when elderly gather and spend significant time, like 30-60 minutes of waitingtime for withdrawing pension money in the bank can be utilized as an opportunity to deliver health educationmessage. This initiated collaboration among pension bank and general practitioners to perform specific healtheducation program to elderly in their waiting room. This study investigates how health education and consultationprogram in the pension bank would be useful to chang…
Terapi definitif pasien gagal hati tahap akhir adalah transplantasi hati. Kondisi praoperasi transplantasi hatimembutuhkan penanganan multidisiplin untuk mencegah mortalitas dan optimalisasi kondisi pasien. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengetahui derajat keparahan penyakit hati, morbiditas, dan mortalitas pasien anak dengan gagalhati yang akan dilakukan operasi transplantasi hati di RSCM. Penelitian deskriptif retrospektif ini dilakukan padapasien sirosis hati anak yang berobat ke RSCM pada tahun Januari 2011 hingga Desember 2017. Sumber databerasal dari rekam medik pasien dan wawancara kelua…
Maintaining health cadres in a long term program is important as well as challenging. A collaboration ofuniversity, financial support institution (BTPN) and international NGO (Grand Aides) has developed five yearscommunity empowerment, named Daya Program to promote community health education. The program trainednew workforce of customer volunteers to perform peer health education for elderly and reproductive age womencommunities in nine cities across Indonesia in 2012-2017. This study aimed to evaluate personal value of layelderly and reproductive age women for being a long-term peer health ed…
Dismenore merupakan salah satu gangguan ginekologis yang paling sering dialami perempuan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya dismenore adalah stres. Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan terhadap mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya angkatan 2015- 2017 (n=228). Penelitian dilakukan Januari-Februari 2018. Tingkat stres ditentukan menggunakan kuesioner Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS). Intensitas dismenore ditentukan dengan kuesioner Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) dan Verbal Multidimensional Scoring system (VMS). Persentase responden yan…
Leech therapy has been accepted in clinical settings to salvage a flap with vein congestion. We did leech therapy for 7 days with 10 days broad-spectrum prophylaxis antibiotics and applied 2 leeches with gradual decrement of frequency. The patient got vital fibular flap with partial necrotized distal part of skin paddle. The clinical question is how leech therapy can be applied in vein congestion or venous compromised after free flap transfer. Articles search was conducted on October 28th, 2014, in PubMed, using “leech therapy AND flap” as keywords. Initial search discovered 95 art…
Background: Tobacco-chewing is one of the oldest ways to consume tobacco leaves. Tobacco is a herbal plant (Solanaceae) containing nicotine that can cause dental caries. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relation between caries index in tobacco-chewing and non-tobacco-chewing elderly women in Desa Juking Pajang, Kecamatan Murung, Kabupaten Murung Raya, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Methods: This was an analytical study using cross sectional approach. The samples were 60 elderly women, which consisted of 30 tobacco-chewing samples and 30 non-tobacco-chewing samples. Results: …
Background: Bulk fill composite resin is a composite resin with 4 mm filling technique in one application and lighting in one time. This material commonly used for posterior teeth restoration, so good compressive strength is needed. The increase in compressive strength in restoration can be used with addition of synthetic fiber or natural fiber. Natural fiber that can be used is bagasse fiber. Purpose: To acknowladge the influence of bagasse fiber addition to the compressive strength of bulk fill composite resin. Methode: This study was a true experimental study with posttest only control grou…
ABSTRACTBackground: Oral health disease places the first rank among the most ten diseases in Indonesia. The main oral health problem of children is dental caries. Mother is the closest figure of pre-school children who becomes a role model for her children. The purpose of this research determined the correlation between knowledge, education, and social status of mothers and the dental caries status of students in TK ABA 1 Banjarmasin. Methods: This research used analytical survey method with cross sectional approach. There were 46 samples selected in this research by using purposive sampling m…
Background: The incidence of malocclusion in Indonesian is quite high, reaching 80% by the population and it was ranked third after dental caries and periodontal disease. Malocclusion is the deviation of teeth, where the teeth are not in the normal position of the arch. Purpose: The aim of this study is to know the description of level treatment of orthodontic needs students in Junior High School 2 Takisung base on Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). IOTN consisted of two parts which are Aesthetic Component (AC) and Dental Health Component (DHC). Methods: This is a descriptive study, h…
ABSTRACTBackground: Acrylic resin as denture base material has been mostly used. Cleanliness of denture base can be maintained by submerging the denture base into 0,2% chlorhexidine gluconate. Uncleaned denture base can cause Denture Stomatitis.There are the flora accumulation like Candida albicans. Small white gingerhas activity towards Candida albicans. Small white ginger has antifungal role because of its phenol compound. Purpose: This study aims to know the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration value (MIC) of ethanol extract concentration of small white ginger towards Candida albicans growth in…
Background: Ex-coal mining water is water that contains low pH of 4.31 and high dissolved metal concentration, such as iron (Fe) 2,335 mg/l and manganese (Mn) 10,982 mg / l. Low pH and high metal content in ex-coal mining excavation water can cause some effects if used to brush teeth for long period of time. It can cause dental disease and also affect OHI-S to turn bad. Objective: To analyze the comparison of OHI-S index values between the worker who used ex-coal mining water and tap water at PT. Rahmat Barajaya Utama. Methods and materials: This research was observational analytic study with …
Background: Candida albicans is a microorganism found on denture plaque. Candida albicans canpenetration and accumulated on surface of the denture and then to infection the soft tissue that causes denturestomatitis. Denture cleanser has effectivity of anti-fungal is alkaline peroxide. Naturally denture cleansercontain of anti-fungal is garlic. Purpose: This research is to analyze inhibition effectivity of garlic extractconcentration 2,5%, 5%, 10%, 12,5%, 15%, and alkaline peroxide to Candida albicans growth on acrylic heatcured. Method: This research uses true experimental with post test only …
Background: Re-epithelialization is the process of formation of new epithelium which is important in wound healing process, the faster the process then the sooner the process of wound healing. Toman fish (Channa micropeltes) is trusted as an alternative medicine to accelerate wound healing. Toman fish contains albumin which acts an antioxidant. Antioxidant can reduce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which increased at state of hyperglicemia in people with diabetes mellitus (DM), Thus accelerating the process of Re epithelialization on diabetes wound. Purpose: The Purpose of this research was to p…
ABSTRACTBackground:Loss of teeth could impact on the mastication efficiency. To overcome this problem, the patient can wore denture or prosthesis. One of thematerials to made denture base is Valplast® and Lucitone® FRS™. Denture base material was likely to absorbed various of contaminants such as tar that were contained in cigarettes. It became a factor of discoloration on denture base. Purpose: To determine whether there was a color change of the nylon thermoplastic resin after exposed to cigarette smoke. Methods:This type of research was true experimental with post-test only and c…
Background: Surface roughness is one of the factor which reduce the strength of dentures. Denture cleanser that can be used is chlorhexidine, however it may cause surface roughness acrylic resin type heat cured. Natural materials that can be used as a denture cleanser is Bay leaf. Bay leaf was known to have antibacterial and antifungal activity. Purpose: This research aims to analyze the effect of immersing extract bay leaf 25% for 5 days and 15 days compared with chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2% and aquades as denture cleanser. Method: This research is true experiment using post test-only with co…
      Pendidikan senantiasa mendapatkan perhatian yang mahaserius dari berbagai kalangan, baik kalangan pemerintah maupun kalangan masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan karena disadari pendidikan merupakan media dan sarana yang paling potensial untuk mengembangkan mutu sumber daya manusia. Asumsinya sederhana: kalau pendidikan dapat ditangani secara proporsional maka pengembangan mutu sumber daya manusia akan lebih dekat realisasinya, sebaliknya kalau penanganan pendidikan dilakukan kurang proporsional maka pengembangan mutu sumber daya manusia tentu banyak mengalami hambatan.    …
"Pada bulan Februari 1991 oleh pejabat yang berwenang saya diusulkan naik pangkat ke golongan II/d per 1 April 1991 dengan dasar angka kredit yang telah dicapai sampai dengan Desember 1990, serta telah memenuhi syarat (fotocopy surat terlampir); .... apakah kenaikan pangkat saya berdasarkan angka kredit tersebut dapat ditetapkan SK-nya? Kalau dapat, mengapa sampai kini SK-nya belum juga turun?" Demikian kutipan pertanyaan dan keluhan guru yang dimuat oleh sebuah harian ibu kota baru-baru ini. Kutipan tersebut di atas hanya merupakan sedikit dari banyak keluhan yang senada; keluhan guru yang be…
Strategi bisnis pedagang empek-empek berikutnya adalah bekerja keras itu adalah ibadah. ?Berkerja itu ibadahkan Pak Yanto? katanya. ?Ya?ya? jawab saya. Setelah saya berbicara panjang dan menguak rahasia sukses pedagang empek-empek, tidak begitu lama empek-empek pesanan saya yang dibuat oleh Mamanya dan adiknya telah selesai. ?Ini empek-empek yang dipesan Pak Yanto? katanya, sambil menyerahkan dua bungkusan yang dimasukkan tas kresek yang berwarna putih kepada saya. ?Terima kasih? jawab saya, saya sekalian pamit ya, sampaikan salam ke Om Anda, kalau saya ke sini. ?Mampir ke sini lagi ya Pak? pi…
      Secara khusus pada harian ini saya pernah menulis mengenai hubungan antara Ebtanas dengan UMPTN; yang secara jelas diurai mengenai tidak adanya pola hubungan yang spesifik antara Ebtanas dengan UMPTN. Siswa yang nilai Ebtanasnya baik sama sekali tidak ada jaminan hasil UMPTN-nya memadai, demikian juga para kandidat mahasiswa baru PTN yang hasil UMPTN-nya "kritis" ternyata tidak senantiasa berasal dari siswa sekolah menengah yang nilai Ebtanas-nya "berantakan" (Supriyoko, "Hubungan Ebtanas dengan UMPTN", Pikiran Rakyat: 27 Juni 2000).      Realitas yang seperti itu tentu s…