One of the factors inhibiting the production of rice is not efficient in the use of fertilizers and ecosystem damage due to toxic hazardous materials such as heavy metals. the use of Urea, Zeolite, Activated charcoal based fertilizer is expected to increase the production of paddy rice crops in rice fields heavy metal contaminated. The experiment was conducted in the village of the District Linggar Rancaekek Regency Bandung from March to May 2015. The experiment used randomized block design with f…
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the main problem in open pit mining due to extremely low pH and high solubility of metals. Metal solubility can be reduced biochemically in an anaerobic condition. This research was aimed to design and test artificial wetland system constructed. The artificial wetland has been constructed, it contains with two organic wall, two growing pond, and one collecting pond, each component bounded by dike. Organic wall was placed next to growing pond that planted by Typha sp and Cyperus sp. Collecting pond was planted by Eichornia crassipes. Iron and Manganese were accumula…
The correlation of chemical parameters and soil mineralogy one to another in Andisols were interesting to be studied, to increase the understanding of soil reactions, nutrient availability and soil mineral content. Andisols from three locations and derived from three different volcanic eruptions namely G. Tangkuban Parahu, G. Patuha and G. Tilu, with andesite, andesite-basalt and basalt parent materials respectively, were examined the correlation of several soil parameters. The values of pH, organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N and allophane content were obtained from the soil analysis of every…
ABSTRACT High phosphate (P) retention is a major problem in Andisol that causes low phosphate availability. This study was conducted to determine the effect of various organic matters for pH0, P retention and available P on Andisol obtained from Ciater, West Java. Organic matters used in this experiment consisted of humic acid, straw compost, cow manure, goat manure and chicken manure. This experiment was conducted from April to September 2017 at Soil Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University. The design used in this experiment was a non Factorial Completely Randomized…
Organochlorine pesticide is one of the pesticide that has high persistency and toxic. One of the attempt to degrade organochlorine pesticide using cheaper and easier way is using the slow sand filter technology. The research aimed to test the slow sand filter and to obtain the best filter media combination for degrading organochlorine pesticide. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Pesticide and Toxicology, Laboratory of Plant Protection Biotechnology and Laboratory of Chemical and Soil Fertility, Faculty of Agriculutre, Padjadjaran Univeristy from December 2016 – May 2017. The …
Soil is a very complex and dynamic system, consisting of the solid, liquid and gas. The solid parts of soil is made from minerals and organic materials (rough and smooth). Organic materials with smooth from is called humic acid. This product is a result from oxidation polimeritation of compounds like phenol, lignin and proteins from plants also from the metabolism of microorganism in the ground. In general, the composition of organic matter is dominated by humin with large, medium and lower of molecular weight. Humic acid has the composition of elements like carbon (40-80%), nitrogen (2-4%), s…
Masalah utama di daerah pantai adalah erosi pantai yang terjadi akibat gempuran gelombang serta pembangunan konstruksi yang tidak akrab lingkungan. Salah satu usaha pengembangan daerah pantai yang sedang dan telah dilaksanakan adalah pembangunan pantai buatan (artificial beach nourishment). Pada tulisan ini disajikan hasil penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik gelombang (tinggi gelombang H, periode gelombang T dan panjang gelombang L) terhadap Equilibrium Beach Profile (EBP) atau final slope (nf) (profil) yang terbentuk terutama pada area swash zones.Uji model fisik…
Batik industry wastewater is derived from the coloring and wax removal (pelorodan) processes. The treatment for batik wastewater can be made simple and cheap using phytotechnology principle. One of phytotechnology principles is by treating the wastewater using plants as phytotreatment agents which will absorb the pollutants in wastewater. The plants used in this study were Egeria densa and Salvinia molesta and the study used a laboratory-scale reactor in batch systems. The first performed step was acclimatization and then continued by Range Finding Test (RFT). The RFT result would give the val…
Mostly, batik industrial wastewater is produced from batik coloring process. One of this batik industry is located in Jetis, Sidoarjo since 1675. The wastewater produced from the coloring process in this location is directly dumped to Jetis river or drainage system around the area. One of the effective, efficient, and not costly wastewater treatment is by using phytotreatment process.Plants used in this research are Scirpus grossus and Iris pseudacorus. Both of this plants can grow in polluted environment and suitable to be used in wastewater treatment process. Moreover, both of these plants a…
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis pemilihan jenis tanaman dan rancangan keamanan pohon dari gangguan ternak pada lansekap jalan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sampah di wilayah Kartomantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pemilihan jenis tanaman menjadi penting karena penentuannya sangat ditentukan oleh fungsi tanaman untuk mengurangi bau sampah, mereduksi polusi, dan bermanfaat bagi konservasi air, fungsi pengarah dan aspek keindahan. Masalah lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah adanya ternak sapi yang setiap hari melewati jalan lingkungan TPA sampah Piyungan t…
Instalasi Pengolahan Air Minum (IPAM) Unit Sewon-Bantul memiliki kapasitas produksi 10 L/det. Permasalahan pada IPAM unit Sewon adalah tingginya kadar mangan (Mn) dalam air baku, bahkan setelah melalui pengolahan hingga didistribusikan ke masyarakat kadar mangan juga masih tinggi. Pada unit filtrasi khususnya, sistem backwash yang digunakan selama ini adalah menggunakan air yang mengandung klorin sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kinerja mikroorganisme. Untuk itulah diperlukan peningkatan kinerja unit pengolahan air bersih pada IPAM unit Sewon agar dihasilkan air bersih yang sesuai dengan standar ke…
Sistem biofilter anaerobik merupakan salah satu alternatif teknologi yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk menangani limbah cair Rumah Potong Ayam (RPA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengidentifikasi karakteristik limbah cair RPA dan 2) mengkaji efisiensi penyisihan kadar BOD dan COD dengan sistem biofilter anaerobik menggunakan media batu apung. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 10 hari dengan adanya variasi volume reaktor yaitu 30 cm x 30 cm x 60 cm, 25 cm x 25 cm x 60 cm, and 20 cm x 20 cm x 60 cm. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara duplo sehingga dibutuhkan 6 buah reaktor yang terbuat dari bahan a…
Gunungapi Merapi merupakan gunungapi paling aktif di Indonesia Potensi bahaya vulkanik Gunungapi Merapi salah satunya adalah bahaya sekunder berupa aliran lahar dingin. Salah satu sungai yang memiliki resiko kerugian besar adalah Sungai Code, karena sungai ini melintasi Kota Yogyakarta yang padat permukiman. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melakukan estimasi kemampuan tampungan Sungai Code terhadap volume lahar dingin serta estimasi kebutuhan waktu untuk mengembalikan kondisi Sungai Code seperti sebelum erupsi terjadi. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan kombinasi metode survey lapangan dan meto…
Penentuan penambahan volume air konstan pada pengomposan sampah daun dilakukan untuk mendapatkan volume air optimum selama 1 siklus. Penambahan secara manual pada proses pengomposan dapat menyebabkan hambatan proses dekomposisi materi, ketidakpraktisan operasional, dan perubahan parameter kualitas kompos. Tujuan penentuan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan penambahan volume air konstan dalam proses pengomposan sampah daun secara kontinyu hingga mencapai persentase kadar air yang diinginkan. Metode grafis reservoir diterapkan dengan urutan tabulasi hasil dalam satuan persentase kadar air ekuivalen de…
The greatest problem relating to settlement growth in Yogyakarta urban area is the declining number of green open spaces. This study aimed to analyze the balance between the availability of and need for green open space development to promote the existence of green settlement in Yogyakarta urban area. The methods employed in this study were field research and studio analysis by referring to the related research methods previously conducted by the researcher as well as by the others. The results showed that the extent of green open space in Yogyakarta urban area reached 1,469.45 Ha or 16.2% of …
Penyakit diare dan muntaber merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang masih menjadi masalah utama di Indonesia. Data kementerian kesehatan menunjukkan peningkatan kejadian diare dari tahun ke tahun. Penyediaan dan pendayagunaan infrastruktur sanitasi dan air bersih yang aman menjadi salah satu upaya untuk menekan angka kejadian diare/muntaber (penulisan dikalimat pertama diare dan muntaber). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dukungan pendayagunaan infrastruktur sanitasi dan air bersih terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan leve…
InductionThis study was aimed to determine the prevalence of parasitic diseases in boarding school children followed by eradication. Parasites consist of ecto and endo parasites. This study was conducted in Daarul Mustaqiem Boarding School, Pamijahan Village, Bogor Recency on May 2018 with the subject of all students. Diagnosis of intestinal parasite was done by microscopic stool examination with lugol staining while diagnosis of pediculosis and scabies by dermatological examination. The number of students attending the parasitic examination from PAUD to Aliyah was 501 students. Based on stool…
Induction of sublethal hypoxia provides neuroprotective effect pathological processes such as myocardial infarc and stroke. This study aimed to know the effect of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) induction on cognitive function and glutamate receptor in the rat brain. The study was conducted at dr. Saryanto Institute for Aviation and Aerospace Health (LAKESPRA) from 2015-2016. 25 sprague dawley rats, divided into 4 IHH treatment groups and 1 control group. Group 1 was induced with 1x IHH exposure, group 2 was induced with 2x IHH exposure, group 3 was induced with 3x IHH exposure and group …
Thalassemia patients who do not receive adequate transfusion are at risk of splenomegaly and growth impairment. This study was conducted to evaluate the relation between pre-transfusion hemoglobin (Hb) level with spleen size and body height, also the relation between spleen size and the risk of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. This was a retrospective study involving 171 non-splenectomized children with thalassemia major. The study was conducted in Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, Jakarta and used data from the past year (2017-2018). Mean pre-transfusion Hb level, neutrophil and throm…
Kanker serviks adalah penyakit keganasan ke-4 tersering di dunia dan kedua di Indonesia. Kesintasanpasien kanker serviks merupakan ukuran kualitas layanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktoryang berhubungan dengan kesintasan pasien kanker serviks yang ditatalaksana dengan histerektomi radikal danlimfadenektomi. Penelitian dengan desain kohort retrospektif ini dilakukan di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumopada bulan Agustus 2015 - Agustus 2016. Subjek adalah pasien kanker serviks stadium awal yang dilakukanhisterektomi radikal dan limfadenektomi pada bulan Januari 2011-Desember …