Researching Language Teaching and Learning: An Integration of Practice and Theory Yoshida, T., Imai, H., Nakata, Y., Tajino, A., and K. Tamai 共編著 Peter Lang 2007
2009. Researching language teaching and learning: An integration of practice and theory. Oxford: Peter Lang. (with T. Yoshida, H. Imai, Y. Nakata, A. Tajino, and K. Tamai). pp.1-396.
2000. Tasks and strategy use: Empirical implications for questionnaire studies.JACET Bulletin, 31, pp.21-32.(with M. Ikeda).
2001. Language learning strategies used by Japanese college learners of English: A synthesis of four empirical studies. Language Education & Technology, 38, pp.21-44.(with N.Wakamoto)
2003. What can we learn from good foreign language learners?: A qualitative study in the Japanese FL context. System, 31:3, pp.385-392. (Elsevier)
2003. Can strategy instruction help EFL learners to improve their reading ability?: An empirical study. JACET Bulletin, 37, 49-60. (with M. Ikeda)
2006. Clarifying the differences in learning EFL reading strategies: An analysis of portfolio. System, 34:3, 384-398. (Elsevier) (with M.Ikeda)
2006. A comparison of three- and four-option English tests for university entrance selection purposes in Japan. Language Testing, 23:1, 35-57. (Arnold)(with T. Shizuka, T. Yashima, and K. Yoshizawa)
2007. Applying strategies to context: The role of individual, situational, and group differences. In A. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.) Language Learner Strategies: Thirty Years of Research and Practice. (Chapter 4. pp.69-92) Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with C. Griffiths, D.Coyle)
2007. Does look-up frequency help reading comprehension of EFL learners? Two empirical studies of electronic dictionaries. CALICO Journal, 25:1,110-125. (with T. Koyama)
2008. Exploring the driving forces behind TOEIC scores: Focusing on vocabulary learning strategies, motivation and study time. JACET Journal, 46, 17-32. (with A. Mizumoto)
2009. Examining the effectiveness of explicit instruction of vocabulary learning strategies with Japanese EFL university students. Language Teaching Research, 13:4, 425-449. (Sage) (with A.Mizumoto)
2009. Language learning strategies used by lower secondary school learners in a Japanese EFL context. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19, 136-172. (Blackwell) (with T. Yabukoshi)
2009. Learning from good language learners in a specific context. In T. Yoshida et al. (Eds). Researching Language Teaching and Learning: An Integration of Practice and Theory. (pp. 305-322). Oxford: Peter Lang.
2010. What can teachers do to motivate their students? A classroom research on motivational strategy use in the Japanese EFL context. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 4, 21-35. (Routledge) (with M.Sugita)
2010. EFL students' vocabulary learning in NS-NNS e-mail interactions: Do they learn new words by imitation? ReCALL, 22, 70-82. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (with A.Sasaki)
2010. The cyclic model of learning: An ecological perspective on the use of technology in foreign language education. Language Education & Technology, 47, 51-74. (with S. Sumi)
2012. Adaptation and validation of self-regulating capacity in vocabulary learning scale. Applied Linguistics, 33, 83-91. doi:10.1093/applin/amr044 (Cambridge Univ. Press) (with A.Mizumoto)
2013a. Exploring the concept of the ideal L2 self in an Asian EFL context: The case of Japanese university students. The Journal of Asian TEFL, 10, 25-45. (with M. Ueki)
2013b. The cyclic model of learning: An attempt based on the DBR in an EFL context (pp.157-181). In J. C. Rodriguez & C. Pardo-Ballester (Eds.), Design-based research in CALL. CALICO. (with S. Sumi)
2013c. Forming a clearer image of the ideal L2 self: the L2 Motivational Self System and learner autonomy in a Japanese EFL context. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 7, 238-252. (Routledge)(with M. Ueki).
2014. Motivational strategies in EFL classrooms: How do teachers impact students’ motivation? Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 8, 20-38. (Routledge)(with M. Sugita-McEown). This paper was the journal's most read article throughout 2014 (Routledge).
2016a. Validating self-determination theory in the Japanese EFL context: The relationship between innate needs and motivation. The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 18, 6-22. (with T. Agawar)
2016b. Re-examination of psychological needs and L2 motivation of Japanese EFL learners: An interview study. The Asian EFL Journal Professional Teaching Articles, 89, 74-98. (with T. Agawa)
2016c. A new questionnaire to assess Japanese EFL learners' motivation: Development and validation. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 27, 1-16. (with T. Agawa)
2016d. A comparison of cognitive processing during cloze and multiple-choice reading tests using brain activation. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 27, 65-80. (with A. Mizumoto and M. Ikeda)
2016e. Examining the effectiveness of explicit instruction of vocabulary learning strategies with Japanese EFL university students (Reprint). In S. Webb (Ed.). Vocabulary, Vol.3, Part 12. Vocabulary Learning Strategies. Routledge. (with A. Mizumoto)
2017a. The impact of studying abroad experience on the affective changes related to L2 motivation: A qualitative study of the processes of change (Chapter 7, pp. 119-133). In M.T. Apple, D. Da Silva, & T. Fellner (Eds.), L2 selves and motivations in Asian contexts. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. (with M. Ueki)
2017b. Examining the validity of a newly developed motivation questionnaire: Applying self-determination theory in the Japanese University EFL context. JACET Journal, 61, 1-22. (with T. Agawa)
2017c. Pedagogical intervention to enhance self-determined forms of L2 motivation: Applying self-determination theory in the Japanese University EFL context. Language Education & Technology, 54 135-166. (with T. Agawa)
2018a. Situating metacognition in context: Importance of others and affect in metacognitive interventions. In M. C. W. Yip (Ed.), Cognition, metacognition and academic performance: An East Asian perspective (Chapter 7, pp.89-100). NY: Routledge. (with M. Ikeda)
2018b. Encouraging and motivating vocabulary development. In M. DelliCaprini (Ed.). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley-Blackwell. (with M. Grogan and M. Lucas) doi: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0728
2018c. Research-based vocabulary instruction strategies. In M. DelliCaprini (Ed.). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley-Blackwell. (with M. Lucas and M. Grogan) doi: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0729
2018d. Toward a modeling of a prototypical use of language learning strategies with decision tree-based methods. In R.L. Oxford & C. M. Amerstorfer (Eds.), Language learning strategies and individual learner characteristics: Situating strategy use in diverse contexts (Chapter 5, pp.99-122). London: Bloomsbury. (with A. Mizumoto)
2019a. An innovative approach to in-service teacher training for teaching English at Japanese public elementary schools. In H. Reinders, S. Ryan, & S. Nakano (eds.), Innovation in language learning & teaching: The case of Japan. pp.257-282. NY: Palgrave Macmillan. (with Ikeda, M., & Imai, H.:). ISBN978-3-030-12566-0, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-12567-7_13
2019b. Language learning strategies: Insights from the past and directions for the future. In X. A. Gao (ed.), Second handbook of English language teaching (Chapter 37, pp.683-702). Springer. ISBN978-3-030-02897-8, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-02899-2_37
2019c. Harnessing web-based contrastive instruction to address English relative clause accuracy and subject-object asymmetry. System, 85, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.system.2019.102112 (with M. Lucas).
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