ブルノンヴィルはイル川を維持することで自軍が集結する時間を稼ごうとした。フランス軍の進軍が遅れたため、帝国軍の前衛がテュレンヌの到着より先にミュルーズを占領することに成功した。この前衛とはヘルマン・フォン・バーデン=バーデン(英語版)率いる総勢騎兵5千以上の派遣軍(オーストリア、バーデン、ミュンスター兵を含む)で、アルトキルシュから北上してコルマールへ向かっていた。テュレンヌはミュルーズ近くのイル川に到着すると、モントーバン侯爵(Montauban)ルネ・ド・ラ・トゥール(René de la Tour)に騎兵2個大隊での偵察を命じた。テュレンヌはモントーバンの後を続いて進軍、2人が合流するときには敵軍2個大隊が川近くの位置におり、また近くに5個大隊が支援していた[7]。
^Chandler (1984), p. 7; Lynn (1999), pp. 110-111, 131.
^Richard Brooks, ed., Atlas of World Military History (New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 2000), p. 84; Lynn, The Wars of Louis XIV, pp. 132-133.
^Theodore Ayrault Dodge, Gustavus Adolphus: A History of the Art of War from its Revival After the Middle Ages to the End of the Spanish Succession War, with a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of the Great Swede, and of the Most Famous Campaigns of Turenne, Conde, Eugene, and Marlborough (Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1890), II: 628-29; A Relation or Journal of the Campaigns of the Marechal de Turenne, in the Years One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Four, and One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Five; 'Til the Time of His Death. Done from the French, By an Officer of the Army (Dublin: Addison's Head, 1732), 69; Hardy de Perini, Batailles Francaises, 5e Serie (Paris: Ernest Flammarion, 1894-1906), V: 132.
^Dodge, Gustavus Adolphus, II: p. 629; A Relation or Journal, p. 69; Anselme de Sainte Marie, Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison de France, (Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1879), 9.2: p. 63.
^Dodge, Gustavus Adolphus, II: p. 629; A Relation or Journal, p. 69; de Perini, Batailles Francaises, V: pp. 133-134. Dodgeは300人が失われたとしたが、de Periniは死者300、捕虜1,000とした。しかし、de Periniが報告した損害はやや小規模なこの戦闘にしては多かった。
^Dodge, Gustavus Adolphus, II: p. 628; A Relation or Journal, p. 68.
Brooks, Richard, ed. Atlas of World Military History. New York: Barnes and Noble Books, 2000.
Chandler, David. Atlas of Military Strategy. New York: the Free Press, 1980.
Chandler, David. Marlborough as Military Commander. Staplehurst, Kent: Spellmount, 1984.
De Perini, Hardy. Batailles Francaises, Series 5, Vol. V. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, 1894-1906.
De Sainte Marie, Anselme, Histoire Genealogique et Chronologique de la Maison de France, Vol. 9, Part 2. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1879.
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. Gustavus Adolphus: A History of the Art of War from its Revival After the Middle Ages to the End of the Spanish Succession War, with a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of the Great Swede, and of the Most Famous Campaigns of Turenne, Conde, Eugene, and Marlborough, Vol II. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1890.
Lynn, John. The Wars of Louis XIV, 1667-1714. London, New York: Longman, 1999.
A Relation or Journal of the Campaigns of the Marechal de Turenne, in the Years One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Four, and One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Five; 'Til the Time of His Death. Done from the French, By an Officer of the Army. Dublin: Addison's Head, 1732.
Tucker, Spencer (2009). A global chronology of conflict: From the ancient world to the modern Middle East. ABC-CLIO., 651. ISBN1-85109-667-1.