Fu data in sposa dapprima a Antoine de Croy,[2] principe di Pocien. Il matrimonio venne celebrato il 4 ottobre 1560 ma non diede figli vivi. Antoine morì sette anni dopo il 5 maggio 1567.
(EN) Bergin, Joseph (1996). The Making of the French Episcopate, 1589-1661. Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300067514.
(FR) Boltanski, Ariane (2006). Les ducs de Nevers et l'État royal: genèse d'un compromis (ca 1550 - ca 1600) (in French). Librairie Droz.
(EN) McIlvenna, Una (2016). Scandal and Reputation at the Court of Catherine de Medici. Routledge.
(EN) Soen, Violet (2016). "The Chièvres Legacy, the Croÿ Family and Litigation in Paris. Dynastic Identities between the Low Countries and France (1519-1559)". In *(EN) Geevers, Liesbeth; Marini, Mirella (eds.). Dynastic Identity in Early Modern Europe: Rulers, Aristocrats and the Formation of Identities. Routledge.101