Horsfield fue secretario auxiliar de la Sociedad Zoológica de Londres en su formación en 1826.
Algunas publicaciones
An experimental dissertation on the Rhus vernix, Rhus radicans and Rhus glabrum, commonly known in Pennsylvania by the names of poison-ash, poison-vine and common sumach. Cist, Philadelphia 1798
Impressions of dried plants from Java. 1812
Systematic arrangement and description of birds from the island of Java. 1820
The History and antiquities of Lewes and its vicinity. Baxter, Lewes 1824
Zoological Researches in Java and the Neighbouring Island. Kingsbury, Parbury & Allen, London 1824
A descriptive catalogue of the lepidopterous insects contained in the Museum of the Honourable East India Company. Parbury & Allen, London 1828/29
The history, antiquities and topography of the county of Sussex. Baxter, Lewes 1835
Plantae javanicae rariores, descriptae iconibusque illustratae, quas in insula Java, annis 1802-1818. Allen, London 1838-52
Essay on the cultivation and manufacture of tea in Java. Cox & sons, London 1841
A catalogue of the lepidopterous insects in the Museum of the Hon. East-India Company. Allen, London 1857-59
A description of the Australian birds in the collection of the Linnean Society; with an attempt at arranging them according to their natural affinities (Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (1827)
La abreviaturaHorsfield se emplea para indicar a Thomas Horsfield como autoridad en la descripción y taxonomía en zoología.
John S. Bastin. The geological researches of Dr Thomas Horsfield in Indonesia, 1801-1819. In: Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) / Historical series 10, 1982, 3, ISSN0068-2306, pp. 75–115.
James B. MacNair. Thomas Horsfield, American naturalist and explorer. En: Torreya. A bimonthly journal of botanical notes and news vol. 42, 1942, ISSN0096-3844, pp. 1–9.