Vurgu i Ri (Greek: Καινούργιο/Καινούριο; romanized: Kainoúrgio/Kainoúrio) is a village in Vlorë County, southern Albania.[1] At the 2015 local government reform it became part of the municipality of Finiq.[2] Fieldwork conducted in 1993 found that the village is inhabited solely by Greeks.[3]
In the Defter of the Sanjak of Delvinë from 1431-1432, 4 villages in the area of Vurgu are recorded: Finiki (Finiqi), Vurgo, Jeromi and Krajna, each with very few inhabitants. Among these villages, in the Ottoman register mentioned above typical Albanian names are attested, such as: Gjin, Reçi, Leka, Gjon, Dorza, MekshNika and Deda.[4]
According to Ottoman statistics, the village had 72 inhabitants in 1895.[5] The village had 460 inhabitants in 1993, all ethnically Greeks.[3]
^Μιχάλης Κοκολάκης, "Η τουρκική στατιστική της Ηπείρου στο Σαλναμέ του 1895" στο Βασίλης Παναγιωτόπουλος, Λεωνίδας Καλλιβρετάκης, Δημήτρης Δημητρόπουλος, Μιχάλης Κοκολάκης και Ευδοκία Ολυμπίτου (επιμ.), Πληθυσμοί και οικισμοί του ελληνικού χώρου. Ιστορικά μελετήματα, Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Ερευνών/Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, Athens 2003, p. 285
1 Includes localities with a substantial ethnic Greek population, or otherwise with any kind of cultural or other type of significance, historical or current, for the Greek minority in Albania. 2 Includes individuals not necessarily of Greek ethnicity but with important contributions to Greek civilization.