Tokyo, OK (Formerly Tokyo In Tulsa) is an annual three-day anime convention held during July at the Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The convention is family friendly, and along with being an anime convention is Oklahoma's largest game event.[4][5][6]
The convention typically offers anime video rooms, artists’ alley, collectible cards games, concerts, cosplay ball, costume competitions, LARP, panel discussions, rave, tabletop gaming, vendors, and video gaming (console, PC, arcade).[2][4][7][8] In 2015, the convention had 50,000 sq ft of gaming space.[9] In 2017 and 2021, the convention had more than 300 hours of programming.[3][10]
Tokyo In Tulsa began as a Halloween block party held in October 2005 for the Darkstone Anime Store in Tulsa. Attendance was estimated at 500 people. After the store closed in 2006 the event continued.[4][7][11] Cassandra Hodges was scheduled to appear as a friend of the convention prior to her death in 2011.[12]
In 2019, Tokyo In Tulsa moved to the Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. This move was due to construction at the Cox Business Center, and the facilities costs.[13] The convention was spread out across five total venues, including a Hilton Garden Inn, XTreme Racing & Entertainment, the Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center, and a former Hobby Lobby.[14] Shuttles were run by the convention between the venues. The vendor room was moved two weeks before the convention, and had serious issues including a lack of lighting.[15] Tokyo in Tulsa 2020 was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[16][17]
Tokyo in Tulsa was renamed Tokyo, OK in January 2021.[18] Tokyo, OK 2021 was moved from July to October due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the convention moved to the Hyatt Regency Tulsa Downtown in Tulsa, Oklahoma.[19][20][21][22] Space from the Aloft Tulsa Downtown and Holiday Inn City Center was also utilized.[3][23] The convention in 2022 continued to be at the Hyatt Regency, but also used space at 17West, Aloft, Courtyard, and Hyatt Place.[24] Locations in 2023 included the Hyatt Regency Tulsa Downtown, 17West, and Cox Business Convention Center.[25] Tokyo, OK moved to the Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills and also used the Ruffin Event Center in 2024.[26][27]
Joshua Adams, Steve Argyle, Chris Cason, Jillian Coglan, Samurai Dan Coglan, Kaylee Fast, Caitlin Glass, DJ HeavyGrinder, DJ Infam0us, Wendee Lee, Uke Li, Peter Pixie, Wendy Powell, Sephiroth, The Slants, Spike Spencer, Brooke Stephenson, J. Michael Tatum, Eric Wile, and Stephanie Young.[32]
Jerry Bennett, Chalk Twins, Jillian Coglan, Samurai Dan Coglan, Cynthia Cranz, Terri Doty, FEMM, Imza, Jerry Jewell, Cherami Leigh, DJ MaRia, Peter Pixie, Wendy Powell, and J. Michael Tatum.[37]
Amelie Belcher, Chris Bevins, Kira Buckland, Chris Cason, Jessica Cavanagh, Chalk Twins, Jillian Coglan, Samurai Dan Coglan, Kaylee Fast, Kyle Hebert, DJ Infam0us, Michele Knotz, Mika Kobayashi, Ryuu Lavitz, Kristen McGuire, Kevin McKeever, Peter Pixie, Wendy Powell, Rachel Robinson, Brooke Stephenson, and David Vincent.[38]
July 15–17, 2016
Cox Business Center Tulsa, Oklahoma
Nadia Baiardi, Amelie Belcher, Jessica Cavanagh, Chalk Twins, Eric Cherry, Leah Clark, Terri Doty, Kaylee Fast, Joel McDonald, Rachael Messer, MeteoroiD, Chris Patton, Peter Pixie, Wendy Powell, Brooke Stephenson, and J. Michael Tatum.[39]
July 14–16, 2017
Cox Business Center Tulsa, Oklahoma
Avanchick, Jessica Cavanagh, Chalk Twins, Eric Cherry, Kaylee Fast, Jessie James Grelle, Kristen McGuire, Rachael Messer, Keith Silverstein, The Slants, Saki Tachibana, Alexis Tipton, and Michael "Knightmage" Wilson.[40]
Amber Lee Connors, Cole Feuchter, Wendy Powell, Pros and Cons Cosplay, John Swasey, Kiba Walker, Kent Williams, and Barry Yandell.[43]
July 14-16, 2023
Hyatt Regency Tulsa Downtown Two others venues[25] Tulsa, Oklahoma
Bryn Apprill, Dani Chambers, Cole Feuchter, Emi Lo, Wendy Powell, Pros and Cons Cosplay, Kiba Walker,[44] and Spencer Liles.[45]
July 12-14, 2024
Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills Tulsa, Oklahoma
Amelie Belcher, Cynthia Cranz, R. Bruce Elliott, Cole Feuchter, Tiffany Gordon, Chuck Huber, Marcus M. Mauldin, Brianna Roberts, Oscar Seung, Kiba Walker,[46] Divine Creations, Cheeky Cheetah, Forged in Foam, and Tiffany Gordon.[26]
Community support
Tokyo, OK was recognized by the Tulsa Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Tulsa Hotel & Lodging Association in 2009 for its efforts in attracting tourism to the city of Tulsa.[47] Fundraisers ranging from challenges, a photo suite, and a silent auction were held plus a portion of the conventions 2013 revenue went to the charity Bikers Against Child Abuse.[2][5] In 2014, the Charity Ball, held pre-convention, along with other at convention donations benefited the Greenwood Cultural Center's Kids Korner.[48] The 2021 ball benefited the Youth Services of Tulsa.[3] Toyko, OK's charities in 2023 included the Oklahoma Life Skills Association and Tulsa Special Kids Care.[25][49]