Anime Detour is an annual three-day anime convention held during March/April at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The convention run by the non-profit organization Anime Twin Cities.[2]
The convention typically offers anime music videos, anime rooms, artist alley, costume contests, guest panels, a masquerade, vendors' room, and workshops.[3][4]
The convention in 2009 had an attendance cap of 3,500, and was sold out a month ahead of the event.[3] In 2011 the convention held a fundraiser for voice actor Greg Ayres, who needed dental work due to an attack he suffered during his youth.[1] Anime Detour 2011 raised $36,000 towards tsunami relief, resulting in Anime Twin Cities being awarded the American Red Cross Donor Award.[5] The convention and its parent company Anime Twin Cities, inc held a fundraiser for voice actress Carrie Savage in 2013, to help with costs due to muscular dystrophy.[6] Anime Detour and its parent company Anime Twin Cities created a fundraiser for voice actor Christopher Ayres in late 2017, to help with his COPD medical costs.[7][8] The convention moved to a larger location in Minneapolis for 2018.[9] Anime Detour 2020 was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[10][11] Anime Detour 2021 was also cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[12][13]
Pete Abrams, Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic , Randy Milholland, Carrie Savage, Richard Townsend, and Shannon Townsend.[19]
Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Emily DeJesus, Robert DeJesus, Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Brittney Karbowski, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Carli Mosier, Carrie Savage, Jan Scott-Frazier, Voices For, and Shinichi Watanabe.[20]
April 1–3, 2011
Sheraton Bloomington Hotel, Minneapolis South Minneapolis, Minnesota
Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Jessie James Grelle, Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Taliesin Jaffe, Brittney Karbowski, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Carli Mosier, Monica Rial, Carrie Savage, J. Michael Tatum, Tadao Tomomatsu, Richard Townsend, Shannon Townsend, and Lisle Wilkerson.[21]
March 30–April 1, 2012
Sheraton Bloomington Hotel, Minneapolis South Minneapolis, Minnesota
Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Jessie James Grelle, Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Taliesin Jaffe, Allison Keith-Shipp, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Carrie Savage, Ian Sinclair, Tadao Tomomatsu, Richard Townsend, Shannon Townsend, Shinichi Watanabe, and YTCracker.[22]
April 19-21, 2013
DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington Minneapolis South Bloomington, Minnesota
Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Emily DeJesus, Robert DeJesus, Matt Greenfield, Clarine Harp, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Randy Milholland, Carrie Savage, Ian Sinclair, J. Michael Tatum, Richard Townsend, and Shannon Townsend.[23]
April 4-6, 2014
DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington Minneapolis South Bloomington, Minnesota
Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Chris Cason, Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Chris Jones, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Tony Oliver, Dai Sato, Carrie Savage, Arina Tanemura, Richard Townsend, and Shannon Townsend.[24]
March 27-29, 2015
DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington Minneapolis South Bloomington, Minnesota
Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Jessica Calvello, Caitlynn French, Jessie James Grelle, Kyle Hebert, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Tony Oliver, Carrie Savage, Tadao Tomomatsu, Richard Townsend, and Shannon Townsend.[25]
April 22-24, 2016
DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington Minneapolis South Bloomington, Minnesota
Aya "Dancing Fighter", Christopher Ayres, Greg Ayres, Briana "Tactical Pinup" Falb-Joslin, Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Briana Lawrence, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Tony Oliver, Carrie Savage, Tomoko Taniguchi, Tadao Tomomatsu, Jessica Walsh, Lisle Wilkerson, and Amanda Winn-Lee.[26]
April 7-9, 2017
DoubleTree by Hilton Bloomington Minneapolis South Bloomington, Minnesota
Jillian Coglan, Samurai Dan Coglan, Fighting Dreamers Productions, Jessie James Grelle, Clarine Harp, Kyle Hebert, Jerry Jewell, Brittney Karbowski, Kazha, Chris Kluwe, Kristofer "Phade" McCormic, Tony Oliver, Derek Stephen Prince, Carrie Savage, and J. Michael Tatum.[29]