As in previous seasons, a spin-off show named The Masked Singer - red. Special aired after each live episode, hosted by Viviane Geppert for the first and third episodes, Annemarie Carpendale for the second, fourth and sixth episodes and Rebecca Mir for the fifth episode.
Guest panelists
Various guest panelists appeared as the second and third judge in the judging panel for one episode. These guest panelists included:
The masked singer won their face-off and remained in the competition.
The masked singer lost their face-off and was in the bottom four/three/two, but was not eliminated.
The masked singer was safe from elimination.
The masked singer was eliminated from the competition and unmasked upon their elimination.
The celebrities who have competed in the seventh season of The Masked Singer, pictured in order of elimination (l-r):
Katja Burkard ("Brokkoli"),Jutta Speidel ("Walross"),Thomas Hayo ("Pfeife"),Felix von Jascheroff ("Black Mamba"),Armin Rohde ("Goldi"),Leslie Clio ("Zahnfee"),Rick Kavanian ("Rosty"),Bürger Lars Dietrich ("Werwolf"),Daniel Donskoy ("Maulwurf")