Tenth Seimas of Lithuania

Tenth Seimas of Lithuania
Ninth Seimas of Lithuania Eleventh Seimas of Lithuania
Legislative bodySeimas
Jurisdiction Lithuania

The Tenth Seimas of Lithuania was a parliament (Seimas) elected in Lithuania. Elections took place on 12 October 2008, with the run-off on 26 October. The Seimas commenced its work on 17 November 2008 and served a four-year term, with the last session on 14 November 2012.


In the elections in 2008, 70 members of the parliament were elected on proportional party lists and 71 in single member constituencies. Elections took place on 12 October 2008. Run-off elections were held on 26 October in the single-seat constituencies where no candidate secured a seat in the first round.

PartyProportionalConstituency (first round)Constituency (second round)Total
Homeland Union243,82319.7218240,40819.570283,62935.452745+20
National Resurrection Party186,62915.0913116,7289.50044,3865.55316New
Order and Justice156,77712.6811147,65612.02081,18810.15415+5
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania144,89011.7210175,02314.252136,34517.041325+5
Labour Party + Youth111,1498.99892,1857.51027,4413.43210–29
Liberal Movement70,8625.73578,5396.39050,0666.26611New
Liberal and Centre Union66,0785.34594,5857.70056,5717.0738–10
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania59,2374.79058,8834.79129,7443.7223+1
Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union46,1623.73064,3285.24036,6584.5833–7
New Union (Social Liberals)45,0613.64054,5024.4406,5850.8211–10
Front Party40,0163.24038,1923.1100New
Young Lithuania21,5891.7507,0800.5803,3660.42000
Civic Democratic Party13,7751.1108,5680.7005,2640.6600New
Lithuanian Russian Union11,3570.9203,6540.30000
Lithuanian Social Democratic Union10,6420.86010,3960.85000
Lithuanian Centre Party8,6690.7001,7760.14000
Lithuanian Liberty Union1,5470.13000
Lithuanian People's Union For a Fair Lithuania9930.08000
Valid votes1,236,71694.411,228,19993.77800,04795.74
Invalid/blank votes73,2395.5981,5816.2335,5934.26
Total votes1,309,955100.001,309,780100.00835,640100.00
Registered voters/turnout2,696,09048.592,696,07548.582,581,30532.37
Source: VRK, CLEA


Speaker of the Seimas
Arūnas Valinskas
Arūnas Valinskas (National Resurrection Party)
17 November 2008 – 15 September 2009
Irena Degutienė
Irena Degutienė (Homeland Union)
17 September 2009 – 14 September 2012

Homeland Union was the largest party in the Tenth Seimas and formed a coalition government with the populist National Resurrection Party, Liberal Movement and Liberal and Centre Union. TV producer and showman Arūnas Valinskas of the National Resurrection Party was elected the Speaker of the Seimas. Ten months later, on 15 September 2009, he was removed from office in a secret ballot and two days later was replaced by Irena Degutienė of the Homeland Union,[1] who became the first female Speaker of the Seimas.[2]

The Seimas approved the leader of the Homeland Union Andrius Kubilius as the Prime Minister. Kubilius led the Government throughout the term.

The term of the Tenth Seimas was plagued by the Great Recession and the busting of the housing bubble. The Seimas and the Government responded with a wide-ranging tax reform, changing over 60 laws in the final days of 2008, including increasing the VAT rate and eliminating exceptions for certain products and services, increasing the corporate income tax rate, excise taxes of fuel, cigarettes and alcohol, and lowering the personal income tax rate. Due to its rushed nature the reform was much-criticized by experts and tax payers and many of the laws were later adjusted.[3]

The reforms, together with the economic crisis and severe austerity measures, including cuts to public-sector salaries and pensions, brought about widespread dissatisfaction and protests. On 16 January 2009, more than 7,000 people gathered in front of the Seimas Palace in a protest that soon turned violent.[3][4]

In the energy sector, the Seimas dissolved the energy holding company LEO LT that was expected to build the new Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant. However, the parliament approved a different project to build the power plant, with the Japanese company Hitachi as a strategic investor.[3] The proposal failed to win an approval from Lithuanian voters in a referendum in 2012.[5]

Several members of the Tenth Seimas were indicted for various offences, but only one was impeached and removed from office. Linas Karalius lost his mandate after taking a vacation while the Seimas was in session and having another member of the parliament, Aleksandras Sacharukas, vote in his name. Sacharucas was also indicted but narrowly won the impeachment vote.[3]


Parliamentary groups

After the elections, the parliamentary groups were formed in the Seimas, largely on the party lines: Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (LSDPF), Labour Party (DPF), Liberal and Centre Union (LCSF), Liberal Movement (LSF), Order and Justice (FTT, also included members of the Electoral Action of the Poles in Lithuania), Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TSLKDF), National Resurrection Party (TPPF) and the Mixed Group of Members of the Seimas (MSNG).[2]

In Summer 2009, the National Resurrection Party parliamentary group, which had been part of the ruling coalition, split into "One Lithuania" (FVL, Lithuanian: Frakcija Viena Lietuva) and Oak (ĄF, Lithuanian: Ąžuolo Frakcija) parliamentary groups. The former eventually former Christian Party (KPF) parliamentary group, while the latter joined with the Liberal and Centre Union.[2]

By the end of the term of the Seimas, the following parliamentary groups were active.[6]

Composition of the Seimas at the end of 2008-2012 term.
Name Abbr. Members
Labor Party DPF 10
Order and Justice FTT 17
Liberal and Centre Union LCSF 12
Christian Party KPF 8
Liberal Movement LSF 12
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDPF 23
Homeland Union TSF 43
Others MSNG 13
Vacant seats 2


A total of 154 members served on the Tenth Seimas.[7]

Name, Surname Constituency Electoral list Parliamentary group Notes
Remigijus Ačas Nationwide TT FTT Until 9 April 2011
Mantas Adomėnas Senamiesčio TS TSLKDF
Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė Žirmūnų TS TSLKDF
Raimundas Alekna Nationwide TS Until 17 November 2008
Vytenis Andriukaitis Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Arvydas Anušauskas Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Petras Auštrevičius Nationwide LRLS LSF
Audronius Ažubalis Šeškinės TS TSLKDF
Vincas Babilius Nationwide TPP TPPF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 September 2009)
LCSF (from 21 September 2010)
Vaidotas Bacevičius Kretingos TS TSLKDF
Zigmantas Balčytis Šilalės-Šilutės LSDP LSDPF Until 28 June 2009
Virginija Baltraitienė Kėdainių DP DPF
Dailis Alfonsas Barakauskas Nationwide TT FTT From 18 November 2008
Mindaugas Bastys Šakių LSDP LSDPF
Rima Baškienė Šiaulių kaimiškoji LVLS MSNG
Asta Baukutė Nationwide TPP TPPF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 September 2009)
MSNG (from 21 September 2010)
Antanas Baura Anykščių-Kupiškio LVLS MSNG
Danutė Bekintienė Karoliniškių TS TSLKDF
Agnė Bilotaitė Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Vilija Blinkevičiūtė Nationwide LSDP LSDPF Until 28 June 2009
Vytautas Bogušis Nationwide LCS LCSF
Bronius Bradauskas Kaišiadorių-Elektrėnų LSDP LSDPF
Saulius Bucevičius Akmenės-Joniškio DP DPF
Dainius Budrys Nationwide TPP TPPF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 September 2009)
LCSF (from 21 September 2010)
LSDPF (from 12 April 2012)
Valentinas Bukauskas Nationwide DP DPF
Andrius Burba Nationwide TPP LCSF From 18 November 2010
Algirdas Butkevičius Vilkaviškio LSDP LSDPF
Algis Čaplikas Nationwide LCS LCSF
Vida Marija Čigriejienė Panemunės TS TSLKDF
Rimantas Dagys Šilainių TS TSLKDF
Kęstutis Daukšys Nationwide DP DPF
Julius Dautartas Nevėžio TS TSLKDF
Irena Degutienė Naujamiesčio TS TSLKDF
Laimontas Dinius Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
LSF (from 12 November 2010)
Algimantas Dumbrava Zarasų-Visagino TT FTT
Arimantas Dumčius Kalniečių TS TSLKDF
Audrius Endzinas Šilutės-Pagėgių LRLS LSF
Vytautas Galvonas Nationwide TT FTT
Vytautas Gapšys Nationwide DP DPF
Vydas Gedvilas Nationwide DP DPF
Stanislovas Giedraitis Mažeikių Independent LSDPF
Kęstutis Glaveckas Dainavos LRLS LSF
Loreta Graužinienė Nationwide DP DPF
Petras Gražulis Gargždų TT FTT
Vytautas Grubliauskas Danės LRLS LSF Until 11 April 2011
Juozas Imbrasas Nationwide TT Until 17 November 2008
Jonas Jagminas Plungės-Rietavo LSDP LSDPF
MSNG (from 17 March 2011)
Donatas Jankauskas Kauno kaimiškoji TS TSLKDF
Edmundas Jonyla Raseinių LSDP LSDPF
Rasa Juknevičienė Žaliakalnio TS TSLKDF
Jonas Juozapaitis Pakruojo-Joniškio LSDP LSDPF
Evaldas Jurkevičius Baltijos TS TSLKDF
Česlovas Juršėnas Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Linas Karalius Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
Until 11 November 2010
Justinas Karosas Lazdijų-Druskininkų LSDP LSPDF Until 6 June 2012
Algis Kašėta Varėnos-Eišiškių LRLS LSF
Algis Kazulėnas Rokiškio TS TSLKDF
Ligitas Kernagis Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
Gediminas Kirkilas Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Egidijus Klumbys Nationwide TT FTT
Kęstas Komskis Nationwide TT FTT
Jonas Kondrotas Nationwide DP MSNG
DPF (from 19 April 2011)
From 12 April 2011
Andrius Kubilius Antakalnio TS TSLKDF
Dalia Kuodytė Nationwide LRLS LSF
Rytas Kupčinskas Aleksoto-Vilijampolės TS TSLKDF
Vytautas Kurpuvesas Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
MSNG (from 21 June 2012)
Kazimieras Kuzminskas Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Evaldas Lementauskas Nationwide TT MSNG
Arminas Lydeka Nationwide LCS LCSF
MSNG (from 21 September 2010)
LSF (from 23 September 2010)
Jonas Liesys Trakų-Elektrėnų LCS LCSF
Petras Luomanas Aukštaitijos TS TSLKDF
Michal Mackevič Širvintų-Vilniaus LLRA MSNG
FTT (from 21 November 2008)
Vincė Vaidevutė Margevičienė Centro TS TSLKDF
Eligijus Masiulis Marių LRLS LSF
Kęstutis Masiulis Kelmės TS TSLKDF
Antanas Matulas Pasvalio-Panevėžio TS TSLKDF
Vitas Matuzas Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Andrius Mazuronis Nationwide TT FTT
Valentinas Mazuronis Nationwide TT FTT
Donalda Meiželytė Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
Artūras Melianas Naujosios Vilnios LCS LCSF
Dangutė Mikutienė Nationwide DP DPF
Albinas Mitrulevičius Marijampolės LSDP LSDPF From 27 February 2011
Jaroslav Narkevič Vilniaus-Trakų LLRA MSNG
FTT (from 21 November 2008)
Gediminas Navaitis Nationwide LRLS LSF
MSNG (from 21 June 2012)
Antanas Nedzinskas Dzūkijos TPP TPPF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 September 2009)
LCSF (from 21 September 2010)
Juozas Olekas Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Juozas Palionis Prienų LSDP LSDPF Until 17 October 2011
Bronius Pauža Jurbarko LSDP LSDPF
Marija Aušrinė Pavilionienė Nationwide LSDP LSDPF From 7 July 2009
Saulius Pečeliūnas Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Almantas Petkus Telšių TT FTT
Milda Petrauskienė Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Jonas Pinskus Nationwide DP DPF Until 12 April 2011
Edmundas Pupinis Utenos TS TSLKDF
Naglis Puteikis Danės TS MSNG
TSLKDF (from 13 September 2011)
From 26 July 2011
Auksutė Ramanauskaitė-Skokauskienė Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Konstantas Ramelis Ignalinos-Švenčionių LVLS MSNG From 20 July 2011
Jonas Ramonas Nationwide TT FTT
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
Jurgis Razma Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Algis Rimas Marijampolės LSDP LSDPF Until 9 August 2010
Rimas Antanas Ručys Nationwide TT FTT
Rūta Rutkelytė Nationwide TS TSLKDF From 18 November 2008
Julius Sabatauskas Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Liudvikas Sabutis Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Aleksandr Sacharuk Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
From 18 November 2008
Algimantas Salamakinas Radviliškio LSDP LSDPF
Paulius Saudargas Justiniškių TS TSLKDF
Valerijus Simulik Dainų NS MSNG
TPPF (from 5 May 2009)
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
MSNG (from 22 September 2009)
LSDPF (from 30 November 2010)
Rimantas Sinkevičius Jonavos LSDP LSDPF
Algirdas Sysas Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Rimantas Smetona Nationwide TT FTT
Gintaras Songaila Nationwide TS TSLKDF
MSNG (from 10 September 2011)
Aurelija Stancikienė Nationwide TS TSLKDF
MSNG (from 7 June 2012)
Jonas Stanevičius Skuodo-Mažeikių Independent TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
Česlovas Vytautas Stankevičius Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Kazys Starkevičius Pramonės TS TSLKDF
Gintaras Steponavičius Lazdynų LRLS LSF
Arūnė Stirblytė Vakarinė TPP TPPF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 September 2009)
LCSF (from 21 September 2010)
Saulius Stoma Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
TSLKDF (from 24 September 2009)
MSNG (from 26 June 2012)
Valentinas Stundys Molėtų-Švenčionių TS TSLKDF
Stasys Šedbaras Tauragės TS TSLKDF
Andrius Šedžius Saulės LSDP LSDPF
MSNG (from 15 September 2010)
Irena Šiaulienė Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Žilvinas Šilgalis Nationwide LCS LCSF
MSNG (from 2 July 2010)
Jonas Šimėnas Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Raimondas Šukys Fabijoniškių LCS LCSF
Leonard Talmont Vilniaus-Šalčininkų LLRA FTT From 24 November 2009
Erikas Tamašauskas Nationwide LRLS LSF
Daiva Tamošiūnaitė Nationwide TPP Until 17 November 2008
Dalia Teišerskytė Nationwide LRLS LSF
Valdemar Tomaševski Vilniaus-Šalčininkų LLRA MSNG
FTT (from 21 November 2008)
Until 21 June 2009
Kazimieras Uoka Nationwide TS TSLKDF
MSNG (from 10 September 2011)
Justinas Urbanavičius [lt] Kauno-Kėdainių TS TSLKDF
Viktor Uspaskich Nationwide DP DPF Until 15 June 2009
Zita Užlytė Alytaus TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
Arūnas Valinskas Nationwide TPP TPPF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 September 2009)
LCSF (from 21 September 2010)
Ingrida Valinskienė Nationwide TPP TPPF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 September 2009)
LCSF (from 21 September 2010)
Ona Valiukevičiūtė Nationwide TT FTT
Valdemaras Valkiūnas Biržų-Kupiškio Independent LCSF
ĄF (from 16 July 2009)
TPPF (from 17 July 2009)
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
MSNG (from 30 March 2010)
LCSF (from 2 July 2010)
MSNG (from 30 June 2012)
Mantas Varaška Suvalkijos Independent TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
TSLKDF (from 10 March 2011)
MSNG (from 19 April 2012)
Egidijus Vareikis Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Julius Veselka Ukmergės TT FTT
Birutė Vėsaitė Nationwide LSDP LSDPF
Arvydas Vidžiūnas Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Mečislovas Zasčiurinskas Nationwide DP DPF
Emanuelis Zingeris Nationwide TS TSLKDF
Artūras Zuokas Nationwide LCS LCSF Until 30 November 2009
Agnė Zuokienė Nationwide LCS MSNG From 8 December 2009
Edvardas Žakaris Aušros LSDP LSDPF
Pranas Žeimys Pajūrio TS TSLKDF
Remigijus Žemaitaitis Šilalės-Šilutės TT FTT From 8 December 2009
Vidmantas Žiemelis Nationwide TS TSLKDF
KPF (from 16 March 2010)
Rokas Žilinskas Nationwide TPP TPPF
FVL (from 10 September 2009)
KPF (from 11 February 2010)
MSNG (from 19 April 2011)
TSLKDF (from 23 June 2011)


  1. ^ Samoškaitė, Eglė (September 17, 2009). "I.Degutienė išrinkta Seimo pirmininke" [I. Degutienė elected the Speaker of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Delfi.lt. Retrieved November 30, 2015.
  2. ^ a b c "X Seimas (2008–2012)" [10th Seimas (2008-2012)] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved November 30, 2015.
  3. ^ a b c d Dirgytė, Eglė (July 12, 2012). "2008-2012 metų Seimas: reformos ir chuliganai" [2008-2012 Seimas: reforms and hooligans] (in Lithuanian). 15min.lt. Retrieved November 30, 2015.
  4. ^ Barry, Ellen (16 January 2009). "Baltic Riots Spread to Lithuania in the Face of Deteriorating Economic Conditions". The New York Times. Retrieved 15 January 2016.
  5. ^ "Lithuanias Election. Half-time". The Economist. 16 October 2012. Retrieved 15 January 2016.
  6. ^ "Frakcijos" (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 15 January 2016.
  7. ^ "Seimo narių sąrašas" [List of members of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 13 January 2016.

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معركة القاعية جزء من تمرد الإخوان (1929-1930) معلومات عامة التاريخ 2 أغسطس 1929 الموقع آبار القاعية، شرق الأرطاوية النتيجة إنتصار الإخوان المتحاربون الإخوان قبيلة مطير مملكة الحجاز ونجد وملحقاتها قبيلة سبيع قبيلة السهول القوات المسلحة القادة عبد العزيز بن فيصل الدويش ضرمان أبوثن…

يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (ديسمبر 2018) بطولة العالم للدراجات على المضمار 1934 التفاصيل التاريخ 1934 الموقع  ألمانيا (لايبزيغ) نوع السباق سباق الدر…

Cet article est une ébauche concernant la Hongrie. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Université hongroise des sciences de l'agriculture et de la vieHistoireFondation 2000Dates-clés 2021 : adoption du nom actuel de l'universitéStatutType Université publiqueNom officiel Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi EgyetemRégime linguistique HongroisRecteur Csaba Gyuricza (d) (depuis 2020)Site web www.sz…

曼迪·米內娜全名Mandy Minella國家/地區 盧森堡居住地盧森堡阿尔泽特河畔埃施出生 (1985-11-22) 1985年11月22日(38歲)盧森堡阿尔泽特河畔埃施身高180體重65轉職業年2002年持拍右手持拍(雙手反拍)職業獎金$1,732,528美元單打成績職業戰績460–376(55.02%)冠軍頭銜(WTA)0(ITF)15最高排名66(2012年9月17日)現今排名100(2019年5月27日)大滿貫單打成績澳網第二輪(2014,2017)法網第…

Movement of charge carriers with negligible scattering In mesoscopic physics, ballistic conduction (ballistic transport) is the unimpeded flow (or transport) of charge carriers (usually electrons), or energy-carrying particles, over relatively long distances in a material. In general, the resistivity of a material exists because an electron, while moving inside a medium, is scattered by impurities, defects, thermal fluctuations of ions in a crystalline solid, or, generally, by any freely-moving …