Galaxy filament in the constellations Pavo, Indus and Telescopium
The Telescopium−Grus Cloud is a galaxy filament in the constellations of Pavo , Indus , and Telescopium . It was first defined by astronomer Brent Tully in his book The Nearby Galaxies Atlas and its companion book The Nearby Galaxies Catalog. [ 1] [ 2]
In 2014, it was announced that the Southern Supercluster Strand is a lobe in a greater supercluster, Laniakea , that is centered on the Great Attractor .[ 3] This would mean that the Southern Supercluster Strand 's components, the Telescopium−Grus Cloud and the Southern Supercluster [ 4] would be part of this new supercluster. The Virgo Supercluster would also be part of this greater supercluster, thus becoming the local supercluster.[ 3]
Physical characteristics
The Telescopium−Grus Cloud is a collection of at least 24 galaxy groups .[ 1] [ 2] It is low density galaxy filament , with no central concentration of galaxies. The filament along with the Pavo-Indus Supercluster form parts of a wall bounding the Local Void . Likewise, both structures also form a wall bounding the Sculptor Void .
The Telescopium−Grus Cloud is a branch of a larger filament extending from the Centaurus Cluster that is known as the Southern Supercluster Strand which also encompasses the Fornax -Eridanus -Dorado complex which is also known as the Southern Supercluster . The Southern Supercluster Srand extends all the way to the Perseus–Pisces Supercluster .[ 5] [ 6] The Telescopium−Grus Cloud which is part of the Southern Supercluster Strand, along with the Centaurus–Puppis–PP filament , which contains the Antila Wall and both extend to the Perseus–Pisces Supercluster , form a wall bounding the Sculptor Void .[ 6]
Observational history
Even before the Telescopium−Grus Cloud was identified, major concentrations in the filament were identified: group G27 which would later be known as the Grus Group , group G39 which would later be known as the NGC 134 Group , group G45 (Pavo-Indus) which would later be known as the NGC 7079 , NGC 7144 , NGC 7196 and NGC 7213 groups, and group G52 which would later be known as the Telescopium Cluster . These concentrations were first identified by astronomer Gérard de Vaucouleurs in 1975.[ 7] [ 8]
In 1987, astronomer Brent Tully with colleague Richard Fisher first identified and described the Telescopium−Grus Cloud in his book The Nearby Galaxies Atlas and its companion book The Nearby Galaxies Catalog. [ 2] [ 9] Later in 1992, Fouque et al. grouped the Telescopium−Grus Cloud, also known as cloud 61 in the book The Nearby Galaxies Atlas along with the Pavo-Indus Spur (cloud 62), the Pisces Austrinus Spur (cloud 63), the Pegasus Cloud and Pegasus Spur (clouds 64 and 65) with the Pavo-Indus Supercluster which at the time was known as the Indus Supercluster.[ 8] However in a paper published in 1993 titled, Dynamics of the Pavo-Indus and Grus clouds of galaxies., Fouque et al. instead classified the Telescopium−Grus Cloud as a connection between the Pavo–Indus Supercluster and the Local Supercluster .[ 10]
In 2001, Pebeles identified another galaxy filament that originates at the Virgo Cluster , passes through a knot of galaxies containing the Sombrero Galaxy , then passes at its closest point to the Milky Way at the Centaurus/M83 group , and then passes from the perspective from the Milky Way though the galactic plane near the Circinus galaxy to meet up with the Telescopium−Grus Cloud.[ 11] In 2013, Courtois et al. identified a filament extending from the Centaurus Cluster that is associated with a structure intentfied in 1956 by Gérard de Vaucouleurs : The Southern Supercluster .[ 5] The Southern Supercluster contains 3 major concentrations of galaxies: The Fornax Cluster , The Dorado Group and Eridanus cluster, along with many other groups of galaxies.[ 12] [ 9] [ 2] [ 8] The Telescopium−Grus Cloud would now be considered a branch of this larger filament along with the Southern Supercluster which is also known as the Fornax –Eridanus –Dorado complex. The Telescopium−Grus Cloud would be designated as branch SSCb of this filament, and the Southern Supercluster would be designated as branch SSCa.[ 5] In 2017, Pomarède et al. revealed that this filament, now known as the Southern Supercluster strand along with another filament known as the Antila Strand , extend all the way to the Perseus–Pisces Supercluster .[ 6]
List of groups
Below is a list of groups in the Telescopium–Grus Cloud according to astronomer Brent Tully .[ 1] [ 2]
Column 1: The name of the group in Tully's NBGG[ 1] [ 2]
Column 2: The right ascension for epoch 2000.
Column 3: The declination for epoch 2000.
Column 4: Number of members of the group.
Column 5: Brightest member of the group
Column 6: Redshift of the group.
Column 7: Distance of the group (Millions of light-years).
Column 8: Cross-Identifications with other catalogs.
(Sources for data columns:[ 1] [ 2] [ 8] [ 13] [ 10] [ 14] )
Groups within the Telescopium-Grus Cloud
Name of group
R.A. (J2000 )
Dec. (J2000 )
Number of members
Brightest member
Distance (Mly )
NBGC 61-1
20h 09m 39.6s[ 15]
-48d 19m 39s[ 15]
11 (Garcia)
6/7/10 (Giuricin)
NGC 6868 [ 16]
0.008573[ 15]
91[ 16]
NGC 6868 Group , Telescopium Cluster , Telescopium Group ,[ 15] Abell S0851,[ 16] LGG 430,[ 15] MCXC J2009.9-4823,[ 16] NOGG H 932, NOGG P1 949, NOGG P2 962,[ 15] RXC J2009.9-4823,[ 17] SSRS GROUP 28, Sersic 135/05, [HG82] 09, [MdL89] 28, [TSK2008] 1049,[ 18] G52[ 8]
NBGC 61-2
20h 24m 14s[ 13]
-43d 44m 24s[ 13]
NGC 6902 [ 14]
0.009603[ 19]
121[ 19]
NGC 6902 Group , LGG 434,[ 13] NOGG H 947, NOGG P1 962, NOGG P2 975[ 14] SSRS GROUP 37, [MdL89] 37, [TSK2008] 1050[ 20]
NBGC 61-3
20h 44m 40.2s[ 21]
-45d 58m 43s[ 21]
ESO 285-48 [ 2]
0.009073[ 22]
113[ 1]
NBGC 61-4
18h 56m 10.0s[ 23]
-54d 07m 17s[ 23]
11 (Garcia)
30/26/27 (Giuricin)
IC 4797 , IC 4837A [ 14]
0.009086[ 23]
119[ 23]
NGC 6753 Cluster ,[ 8] IC 4797 Group , LGG 425, LGG 426,[ 13] IC 4837A Group , NOGG H 910, NOGG P1 916, NOGG P1 925, NOGG P2 933, NOGG P2 940,[ 14] NGC 6753 GROUP NED01, AM 1852-542, HDCE 1051, Sersic 130/03,[ 24] NGC 6753 GROUP NED02, [HG82] 05,[ 25] [HG82] 04[ 13]
NBGC 61-5
19h 48m 56.3s[ 14]
-58d 04m 38s[ 14]
NGC 6810 [ 14]
0.006422[ 14]
82[ 1]
NGC 6810 Group , NOGG H 922[ 14]
NBGC 61-6
21h 33m 33.3s[ 14]
-44d 00m 04s[ 14]
7 (Garcia)
9 (Fourque 1993)
2/6 (Giuricin)
NGC 7079 [ 14]
0.008186[ 26]
100[ 26]
NGC 7079 Group [ 8] LGG 446[ 13] NOGG H 987, NOGG P1 1003, NOGG P2 1016[ 14] [HG82] 11, SSRS GROUP 34, [MdL89] 34[ 27] G45[ 8]
NBGC 61-7
22h 06m 31.9s[ 14]
-50d 03m 27s[ 14]
2 (Tully)
3 (Fourque 1993)
2 (Giuricin)
NGC 7196 [ 14]
0.009467[ 14]
121[ 1]
NGC 7196 Group [ 10] NOGG H 1012, NOGG P1 1025, NOGG P2 1038[ 14]
NBGC 61-8
22h 10m 56.7s[ 28]
-46d 04m 53s[ 28]
IC 5171 [ 2]
0.009497[ 28]
120[ 28]
NBGC 61-9
22h 00m 05.8s[ 14]
-43d 20m 50s[ 14]
4 (Garcia)
4 (Fourque 1993)
4 (Giuricin)
ESO 288-025 [ 14]
0.007739[ 29]
94[ 1]
NGC 7166 Group [ 8] NGC 7162 Group , LGG 449,[ 13] NOGG H 1003, NOGG H 1004, NOGG P1 1018, NOGG P2 1031,[ 14] SSRS GROUP 38; [MdL89] 38, [TSK2008] 1071,[ 30] G45[ 8]
NBGC 61-10
21h 18m 37.9s[ 14]
-48d 33m 03s[ 14]
2 (Tully)
6 (Garcia)
3 (Fourque 1993)
2/3 (Giuricin)
NGC 7049 [ 14]
0.007145[ 14]
84[ 1]
NGC 7049 Group , LGG 444[ 13] NOGG H 978, NOGG P1 994, NOGG P2 1007,[ 14] SSRS GROUP 27; [MdL89] 27[ 31]
NBGC 61-11
22h 11m 35.5s[ 13]
-46d 10m 02s[ 13]
4 (Garcia)
9 (Fourque 1993)
4/8 (Giuricin)
IC 5181 , NGC 7213 [ 14]
0.006618[ 32]
79[ 32]
IC 5181 Group [ 8] NGC 7232 Group , LGG 455,[ 13] NGC 7213 Group [ 10] NOGG H 1017, NOGG P1 1032, NOGG P2 1044,[ 14] SSRS GROUP 32, [MdL89] 32[ 33] G45[ 34]
NBGC 61-12
21h 53m 03.7s[ 13]
-48d 27m 21s[ 13]
5 (Garcia)
4 (Fourque 1993)
2/3 (Giuricin)
NGC 7144 [ 14]
0.006481[ 35]
78[ 1]
NGC 7144 Group , LGG 448,[ 13] NOGG H 999, NOGG P1 1013, NOGG P2 1026,[ 14] SSRS GROUP 24, [HG82] 07, [MdL89] 24 GGroup, [TSK2008] 1075,[ 36] G45[ 8]
NBGC 61-13
22h 08m 34.3s[ 37]
-57d 26m 33s[ 37]
NGC 7205 [ 2]
0.005623[ 37]
68[ 37]
NBGC 61-14
22h 45m 19.7s[ 13]
-39d 32m 20s[ 13]
2 (Tully)
3 (Fourque)
3 (Garcia)
3 (Fourque 1993)
2 (Giuricin)
NGC 7368 [ 14]
0.07859[ 38]
94[ 38]
NGC 7368 Group [ 10] LGG 461,[ 13] NOGG H 1039, NOGG P1 1055, NOGG P2 1068,[ 14] [MdL89] 40 NED01; [TSK2008] 1084,[ 39] G27[ 8]
NBGC 61-15
22h 57m 13.1s[ 13]
36h 21m 48s[ 13]
2 (Tully)
4 (Fourque)
3 (Garcia)
3 (Fourque 1993)
3 (Giuricin)
IC 5270 [ 14]
0.006565[ 40]
76[ 40]
NGC 7421 Group ,[ 8] IC 5264 Group , LGG 465[ 13] NOGG H 1045[ 14] [MdL89] 40 NED02; [TSK2008] 1085[ 41] G27[ 8]
NBGC 61-16
23h 16m 10.9s[ 42]
-42h 35m 01s[ 42]
12 (Tully)
13/19 (Fourque)
13 (Garcia)
11 (Fourque 1993)
13/14 (Giuricin)
NGC 7582 [ 14]
0.005661[ 43]
65[ 43]
Grus Cloud , Grus Group ,[ 44] Grus Quartet ,[ 45] NGC 7582 Group [ 8] IC 5267 Group , LGG 464, LGG 472,[ 13] NOGG H 1060, NOGG P1 1060, NOGG P1 1079, NOGG P2 1073, NOGG P2 1095[ 14] HDCE 1220; SSRS GROUP 39; [MdL89] 39,[ 46] G27[ 8]
NBGC 61-17
22h 57m 16.0s[ 13]
-36h 25m 24s[ 13]
4 (Tully)
8 (Fourque)
5 (Garcia)
11 (Fourque 1993)
5/10 (Giuricin)
IC 1459 [ 14]
0.005700[ 47]
64[ 47]
IC 1459 Group ,[ 8] LGG 466,[ 13] LGG 465, NOGG H 1042, NOGG P1 1061, NOGG P2 1074,[ 14] [HG82] 15, [MdL89] 40 NED03[ 48] G27[ 8]
NBGC 61-18
00h 30m 50.0s[ 13]
-32h 56m 41s[ 13]
3 (Tully)
5/9 (Fourque)
7 (Garcia)
5 (Giuricin)
NGC 134 [ 14]
0.005217[ 14]
55[ 49]
NGC 134 Group ,[ 8] LGG 7,[ 13] NOGG H 21, NOGG P1 18, NOGG P2 19,[ 14] SSRS GROUP 60; [MdL89] 60,[ 50] G39[ 8]
NBGC 61-19
00h 50m 04.9s[ 14]
-31h 18m 47s[ 14]
NGC 289 [ 14]
0.005477[ 14]
59[ 1]
NGC 289 Group , NOGG H 43, NOGG P1 37, NOGG P2 38[ 14]
NBGC 61-20
00h 34m 15.5s[ 51]
-27h 48m 13s[ 51]
NGC 150 [ 2]
0.005294[ 51]
61[ 1]
NBGC 61-21
00h 47m 47.3s[ 52]
-11h 28m 07s[ 52]
NGC 255 [ 2]
0.005287[ 52]
61[ 1]
NBGC 61-22
00h 39m
51.6s[ 14]
-14h 01m 24s[ 14]
NGC 210 [ 14]
0.005811[ 14]
63[ 1]
NGC 210 Group , NOGG H 36, NOGG P1 29, NOGG P2 30[ 14]
NBGC 61-23
00h 55m
41.0s[ 13]
-07h 20m 18s[ 13]
3 (Tully)
4 (Garcia)
4 (Giuricin)
NGC 337 [ 14]
0.005624[ 53]
61[ 53]
NGC 337 Group , LGG 15,[ 13] NOGG H 45, NOGG P1 40, NOGG P2 42[ 14]
NBGC 61-24
00h 51m
59.6s[ 54]
-00h 29m 12s[ 54]
ARAK 18 [ 2]
0.005427[ 54]
64[ 1]
See also
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Tully, R. Brent (October 1987). "Nearby groups of galaxies. II - an all-sky survey within 3000 kilometers per second" . The Astrophysical Journal . 321 : 280. Bibcode :1987ApJ...321..280T . doi :10.1086/165629 . ISSN 0004-637X .
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Tully, R. Brent (1988). Nearby galaxies catalog . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-35299-1 . OCLC 16524318 .
^ a b Tully, R. Brent; Courtois, Hélène; Hoffman, Yehuda; Pomarède, Daniel (2014-09-01). "The Laniakea supercluster of galaxies" . Nature . 513 (7516): 71– 73. arXiv :1409.0880 . Bibcode :2014Natur.513...71T . doi :10.1038/nature13674 . ISSN 0028-0836 . PMID 25186900 . S2CID 205240232 .
^ Courtois, Hélène M.; Pomarède, Daniel; Tully, R. Brent; Hoffman, Yehuda; Courtois, Denis (2013-08-14). "Cosmography of the Local Universe" . The Astronomical Journal . 146 (3): 69. arXiv :1306.0091 . Bibcode :2013AJ....146...69C . doi :10.1088/0004-6256/146/3/69 . ISSN 0004-6256 . S2CID 118625532 .
^ a b c Courtois, Hélène M.; Pomarède, Daniel; Tully, R. Brent; Hoffman, Yehuda; Courtois, Denis (2013-08-14). "Cosmography of the Local Universe" . The Astronomical Journal . 146 (3): 69. arXiv :1306.0091 . Bibcode :2013AJ....146...69C . doi :10.1088/0004-6256/146/3/69 . ISSN 0004-6256 . S2CID 118625532 .
^ a b c Pomarède, Daniel; Hoffman, Yehuda; Courtois, Hélène M.; Tully, R. Brent (2017-08-10). "The Cosmic V-Web" . The Astrophysical Journal . 845 (1): 55. arXiv :1706.03413 . Bibcode :2017ApJ...845...55P . doi :10.3847/1538-4357/aa7f78 . ISSN 1538-4357 . S2CID 53064781 .
^ "Nearby Groups of Galaxies" . . Retrieved 2022-02-18 .
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Fouque, P.; Gourgoulhon, E.; Chamaraux, P.; Paturel, G. (1992-05-01). "Groups of galaxies within 80 Mpc. II. The catalogue of groups and group members" . Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series . 93 : 211– 233. Bibcode :1992A&AS...93..211F . ISSN 0365-0138 .
^ a b Tully, R. Brent; Fisher, J. Richard (1987-01-01). Atlas of Nearby Galaxies . Bibcode .
^ a b c d e Fouque, P.; Proust, D.; Quintana, H.; Ramirez, A. (1993-09-01). "Dynamics of the Pavo-Indus and Grus clouds of galaxies" . Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series . 100 : 493– 500. Bibcode :1993A&AS..100..493F . ISSN 0365-0138 .
^ Peebles, P. J. E.; Phelps, S. D.; Shaya, Edward. J.; Tully, R. Brent (2001-06-01). "Radial and Transverse Velocities of Nearby Galaxies" . The Astrophysical Journal . 554 (1): 104– 113. arXiv :astro-ph/0010480 . Bibcode :2001ApJ...554..104P . doi :10.1086/321326 . ISSN 0004-637X . S2CID 18442076 .
^ Mitra, Shyamal (October 1989). "The Southern Supercluster" . The Astronomical Journal . 98 : 1175. Bibcode :1989AJ.....98.1175M . doi :10.1086/115205 .
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae Garcia, A. M. (1993-07-01). "General study of group membership. II. Determination of nearby groups" . Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series . 100 : 47– 90. Bibcode :1993A&AS..100...47G . ISSN 0365-0138 .
^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc Giuricin, Giuliano; Marinoni, Christian; Ceriani, Lorenzo; Pisani, Armando (2000-11-01). "Nearby Optical Galaxies: Selection of the Sample and Identification of Groups" . The Astrophysical Journal . 543 (1): 178– 194. arXiv :astro-ph/0001140 . Bibcode :2000ApJ...543..178G . doi :10.1086/317070 . ISSN 0004-637X . S2CID 9618325 .
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^ a b c d Machacek, M. E.; O'Sullivan, E.; Randall, S. W.; Jones, C.; Forman, W. R. (February 2010). "The Mysterious Merger of NGC 6868 and NGC 6861 in the Telescopium Group" . The Astrophysical Journal . 711 (2): 1316– 1332. arXiv :1001.2567 . Bibcode :2010ApJ...711.1316M . doi :10.1088/0004-637X/711/2/1316 . ISSN 0004-637X . S2CID 119114153 .
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^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-01-21 .
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^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-18 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-18 .
^ a b "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2022-01-24 .
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^ "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ a b "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ "Nearby Groups of Galaxies" . . Retrieved 2022-02-18 .
^ "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ a b c d "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ a b "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ a b "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ a b "NBGG 61-16" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ a b "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "grus" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ Dahlem, M. (January 2005). "Intergalactic neutral hydrogen gas in the Grus quartet of galaxies" . Astronomy & Astrophysics . 429 (1): L5 – L8 . Bibcode :2005A&A...429L...5D . doi :10.1051/0004-6361:200400108 . ISSN 0004-6361 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-17 .
^ a b "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-18 .
^ "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ "By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database" . . Retrieved 2022-02-18 .
^ a b c "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ a b c "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ a b "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .
^ a b c "Your NED Search Results" . . Retrieved 2024-06-10 .