The Second Working Cabinet (Indonesian: Kabinet Kerja II) was an Indonesian cabinet that served from 18 February 1960 until 6 March 1962, when President Sukarno reshuffled it.
From 1 July 1960, Djuanda was no longer Finance Minister.
On 20 December 1960, Subandrio was appointed Secondy Deputy First Minister. He retained his position as Foreign Minister.
On 3 March 1962, the position of Minister of Education & Culture was renamed Minister of Education, Knowledge & Culture. A new section, Education, Knowledge & Culture, was formed comprising the Ministry of Basic Education and Culture, led by Minister Prijono and the Ministry of Higher Education and Knowledge, led by Iwa Kusumasumantri.
On 19 January 1962, Minister/Air Force Chief of Staff Air Marshal S. Surjadarma was replaced by Air Vice Marshal Omar Dani.
On 28 February 1962, Minister of Religious Affairs Wahib Wahab was replaced by Sjaifuddin Zuchris
Simanjuntak, P. N. H. (2003), Kabinet-Kabinet Republik Indonesia: Dari Awal Kemerdekaan Sampai Reformasi (in Indonesian), Jakarta: Djambatan, pp. 207–218, ISBN979-428-499-8