The First Working Cabinet (Indonesian: Kabinet Kerja I) was an Indonesian cabinet that served from 10 July 1959 until 18 February 1960, when President Sukarno reshuffled it.
Johannes Leimena was appointed Deputy First Minister on 27 July 1959. He retained his job as Distribution Minister
On 30 July 1959, the Social-Cultural Section was abolished. The Junior Minister of Education & Culture was moved to the First Ministerial Section. Muhammad Yamin was appointed Chairman of the National Planning Agency and became an ex officio minister.
on 15 August, Sultan Hamengkubuwana IX was appointed Minister/Chairman of the State Apparatus Oversight Agency and Roeslan Abdulgani became acting Chairman of the Supreme Advisory council and ex officio minister.
On 22 September 1956, Attorney General ad-interim Gatot Tarunamihardja was replaced by Zainal Abidin.
On 15 December 1959, Junior Minister of Police Said Sukanto Tjokroatmodjo was replaced by Chief Commissioner Soekarno Djojonegoro.
Lev, Daniel S (2009) [1966], The Transition to Guided Democracy: Indonesian Politics 1957-1959, Equinox Publishing (Asia) Pte Ltd, pp. 298–300, ISBN978-602-8397-40-7
Simanjuntak, P. N. H. (2003), Kabinet-Kabinet Republik Indonesia: Dari Awal Kemerdekaan Sampai Reformasi (in Indonesian), Jakarta: Djambatan, pp. 199–207, ISBN979-428-499-8