Rio Heroes
Rio Heroes is a Brazilian drama television series created by Fabio Danesi, Camila Raffanti and Alexandre Soares Silva, and produced by Mixer Films, NBCUniversal and Fox Networks Group: the 1st season premiered on Fox Premium on February 24, 2018, and the 2nd season premiered on May 10, 2019. The series is based on a wrestling championship that actually existed between the years 2007 and 2009 and which became known for its extremely crude and violent nature.[1] Starring Murilo Rosa in the lead role, Rio Heroes follows the story of Jorge Pereira, a jiu-jitsu athlete who did not conform to the increasing limitations imposed by wrestling federations that prevented the execution of certain blows and forced the use of gloves.[2] PremiseThe series is based on the real story of the Brazilian wrestler Jorge Pereira, who decided to create a Vale tudo championship. Cast
External links
Portal di Ensiklopedia Dunia