Impuros is a Brazilian crime drama television series produced by The Walt Disney Company Latin America in association with Barry Company and directed by Tomás Portella and René Sampaio. The first season was released on October 19, 2018 on Fox Premium.[1] The second season was released on November 8, 2019. The third season was released on August 31, 2021 on Star+. The fifth season was released on July 24, 2024 on Disney+. A movie was released in 2019.[2]
Based on real events and set in the 1990s, Impuros follows the story of Evandro do Dendê, leader of one of the largest criminal factions in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro, and police Morello, a self-destructive veteran, who will seek vengeance at all costs. Two violent men, strategists, cold, respected by their followers and sharing the love for war.[3]